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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Espeon -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Espeon (Aqua.)
Okay, I squinted for like 5 long minutes to read the text... -_-
Here's what I got:
Espeon 80HP
Stage 1
Poke-POWER: Energy Return
As often as you like during your turn (before you attack), choose
an Energy card attached to 1 of your Pokemon and return it to your
hand. This power can't be used if Espeon is affected by a Special
PCC: Damage Blast 30+
Flip a number of coins equal to the number of damage counters on
the Defending Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more
damage for each Heads.
Weakness: Psychic
Resistance: -
Retreat: -
Interesting power. Energy Return works well with Pokemon
Center/Nurse and Scoop Up. Or, you can get back the Energies from
your Pokemon that is going to get KO-ed soon and recycle those
Energies. In Unlimited, you might find when you need cards to
discard to Computer Search or Item Finder so you can simply return
the Energies to your hand to discard...
Damage Blast is decent with a DCE. Reminds me of Genesis'
Feraligatr (not the Downpour/Riptide one).
In Unlimited, not that good. The Power won't be really good since
you don't usually have too many Energies out due to ER. Plus,
there are a LOT of Pokemon with Resistance to Psychic in this
format... Rating: 2/5
In Modified, it's more playable here. Already mentioned some
possible combos at the top. Get 2 Espeons out and swarm your
opponent. Heal with Pokemon Nurse and attack with the 2nd one
while you rebuild the 1st one. Might even work with Base/LC
Alakazam... Rating: 3.6/5
In Draft, the power can be really useful. It probably depends on
your style of playing in Draft. I like to draft hard hitting BBPs
and retreat them to avoid giving my opponent prizes. With the
power, you can get back those Energies to power up your new and
healthy Pokemon. Free Retreat and high HP is also really good.
Attack is decent enough and quite splashable. Rating: 3.3/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
This is pretty cool. I’ll say this, I like the
attack. Thirty first time to a clean poke, then another thirty and
the possibility of up to thirty more. Ninty in two turns. Oh yeah
baby! Of course it will only average 70 to 80. Wait a minute,
AVERAGE 70-80? IN MMF!? WHOOO HOOOO! The power is decent enough,
saving all those energies you pilled on to your big hitter that is
about to take the old dirt nap. Nice.
Unlimited: Not bad, but not great eather.he
can’t touch sneasle, which means he is basically toast. 2.5/5
MMF: Pretty good. I can see some people
using him, just not many. The Holo Discovery one will always be a
little better. 3.25/5
Limited: Get it out and it will basically
rip through your opponet. Sweet here. 3.75/5 |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Espeon
This card will surely see play, in my opinion. It has exactly the
same HP and the same retreat cost as its Holo Neo Discovery
cousin, for one thing. It's great. :)
Unlimited: Well, as soon as I saw this card, I thought of
Raindance. Raindance, Energy Return, Pokemon Center. I may be
mistaken, but I think there's also a new Stadium Card in Aquapolis
that lets you remove a damage counter from a Pokemon whenever you
attach an Energy to it. I hope it survives translation. ;x That
Stadium would add to the broken combo. Sure, lightning weakness is
a problem, and Muk is too, but I think it's worth a try. And yes,
Lass first turn is a weakness too (it will always be a weakness
for Raindance decks). I don't think this card can be played as an
attacker in this format. Unfortunately, Psychic resistance is
everywhere (Wigglytuff, Clefable, Chansey, Sneasel, Murkrow...),
and SER is a problem, especially if you attach a Psychic
Energy and a DCE to fulfil the energy requirements. 3/5
Modified: Here, besides having a useful Poke-Power, it can also
attack. Damage Blast is nice. It first does 30 damage, which can't
be healed by Gold Berry unless your opponent attaches a Rainbow
energy to his or her Active Pokemon. Then it does 40 or 50, which
can be enough to KO the opposing Pokemon. However, I think that
this Pokemon is better used for its Poke-Power. Its Poke-Power
allowed you to return ANY Energy to your hand. It can be a great
combo with Darkness Pokemon such as Umbreon, especially the new
Aquapolis Umbreon which, I think, abuses Darkness Energy attached
to it in order to make your opponent shuffle a number
of cards from his or her hand into his or her deck. It's also nice
detach the energy cards of your Active Pokemon if it is going to
knocked out before it dies, so that, at least, you could use them
some other Pokemon. Quite nice overall.
Draft: This is quite a nice Pokemon in Draft too, in my opinion,
even though it's a Rare. If you happen to get one, it's great,
even if you didn't draft any other Psychic Pokemon. You can use
the great
Poke-Power to stall, and an 80HP Pokemon with no retreat is too
good a card to miss. Its attack is quite splashable too, which is
an added bonus. If it weren't a rare, and if this set had less
rares, I'd give it a higher rating (although maybe Aquapolis
boosters will have more than one rare? :O).
2.5/5 |
TR Shadow |
This is kinda weird. 30 and a flip for each damage counter on the
defending pokemon. The flips make it a little risky to play, but
the sure 30 damage is good. It would be better if it only cost 2
energy. The poke power helps a lot if your in an energy drought or
something. But otherwise, its pretty pointless unless you want to
get a dark off something. This could combo pretty well in TMP.
Player A does heavy damage with a Buzz (or any poke that can do a
lot of damage) while player B then finishes them off with Espy.
Just an idea.
Unlimited 3/5
Standard 3/5
Modified 3.5/5
Limited 2/5
TMP 4/5 |
Thundachu |
Pokepower: Good. Attack: Good. Card: Good.
HP is 80 witch is very good for a stage 1. The Poke Power is great
if your going through an energy crisis. I think we can see this
being used alot in the future. For 1 Psychic energy and 2
colorless does 30 automaticly and than flip a coin for each damage
counter on defending pokemon and fo 10 extra for each heads.
Kewlies. Weakness to psychic makes it a little weak towards the
other Espeon. Retreat is free. Even though this card is very good,
I would still use the Neo 4 one.
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 2.4/5
Draft: 4.9/5 |
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