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Wizards of the Coast |
Nidoking -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nidoking (Aqua.)
It's been quite some time since we have a playable Nidoking...
Base version was pretty good (not in Unlimited though).
110HP is the 2nd highest, which is really good. Earth Rage is an
awesome Power. It's a bench destruction that's NOT an attack.
So, you get to use the power and attack at the same turn. There
IS a way to abuse the Power like mad but it probably won't
happen too often. If you read carefully, Nidoking has to be
active in order to use the Power. If you can somehow get a
couple of Nidokings out and 3 Jungle/LC Dodrios out, you can
simply retreat them for free and use the power for each
Nidokings you have out. Again, it's an unlikely situation...
Giant Horn is really solid. FFCC for an average of 65 damage a
turn is pretty darn good. Of course, it's even better with DCE.
In Unlimited, it's simply too weak
to ER. Being a Fighting Type is good against Chansey and
Wigglytuff, but it's bad against Jungle Scyther. Resistance to
Lightning is good against Electabuzz and Rocket's Zapdos. But the
fact that it's extremely weak to ER makes it quite unplayable...
Rating: 2/5
In Modified, the power and attack are good. However, it goes off
on the 4th turn, which is kinda slow as your opponent can go off
on 2nd-3rd turn. If the metagame is HEAVY Lightning though, expect
this card to be played more. I doubt that's going to happen though
unless we get a really good Lightning Pokemon other than Base
Electabuzz... Rating: 3/5
In Draft, not that good. If you can get it out, you want it two
ways. Either you want it out as your active to act as a Wall and
deal damage to your opponent's bench OR you would want to build
this guy up on your bench and unleash it once it's ready. It's
just a lot harder to do in Draft. I wouldn't really pick it
here... Rating: 2.3/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Yes. Yes yes yes! This guy really is
the king. And you thought the base one was bad? Holy moly, this
guy rules! The power is broken, flat-out too good. Have
multiples of him, and you can use switches to flip several times.
A few of these can destroy benched babys with ease. And the
attack? Wow. Fity is nothing to scof at, and the possibillity
for 80? Too good. 110 hp. Evolutions don't get much better than
this, folks. Play him, buy him, trade for him, love him!
Unlimited: Worth playing. DCE
makes him a force. He can easly take down this format's strongest
cards with a single attack, and 110 hp keeps him around. I like.
MMF: Man, it he doesn't revive
fighting, what will? Sheesh man. A strength charm, and Kingdra
is gone. One hit Entie/Cargo pokes, and the power is unheard of.
Play him with confidence. 4.25/5
Limited: Get him out, and you
win. Period. End of discusion. 5/5
The Bottom Line: 4/5 |
dontknow09 |
Aquapolis Nidoking
My favorite poke gets a color change. Instead of grass, its now
fighting(well, its supposed to be poison to ground). It has a
incredible 110 HP, high hit points to live a long time. Bottom
stats got swapped. Its now weak to what it used to be =/ . But on
the other hand, it has lightning resistance. And the same bad 3
retreat is still there. Overall, stats got much better. Now on to
its poke stuff. Earth rage is such a co0l power. There have been
powers that do damage, but not to all the bench. This makes
nidoking able to still have offensive cabalities even with no
energies. Its attack is mucho strong. Nidoking is like a stonger
steelix. Instead of 30+20, it does 50+30. The down side, it needs
4 energies...
Unlimited- With all the colorless out there, king will be
literally king.
But with scyther, itll be down in the dumps. Energy removal is
still very bad for nidoking, but not as bad because of the power.
And if my memory serves me correctly(i love this line from iron
chef), theres a fighting cube in this set, so nidoking can defend.
With that in mind nidoking should do somewhat average, but not
quite average. 2.5/5
Modified- As with most cards, its stronger here. ALOT more babies,
making the power+another bench killer a good combo to take them
out. 80 damage is very high, although its slow to build up. There
shouldnt be much grass problems because of fear of entei/cargo,
but who isnt scared of it? King has less to fear of though, with
less pokemon having fighting resistance.
Draft- As much as i hate to do this, nidoking is not as good in
draft. Stage 2's are most of the time hard to pull off. If you do,
rage that earth as much as you can. And if you reluctantly
survive, then go with the 80 damage attack. Still, 4 energies is
hard to pull off too. 2/5
Team- Im going to start doing team now since i saw something with
this nidoking that made it unique. Well, the way its worded, i
*think* it should do 10 damage to both opponents bench. So if your
opponents each have 3 babies on the bench, you could possibly win
in 3 turns, more or less. More turns if you get tails or KO, and
less if your teamate also has bench damager. 4/5
-dontknow09 |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Nidoking
This card is not bad. I like the Poke-Power of this Pokemon.
Putting a damage counter on each of your opponent's Benched
Pokemon (note: it doesn't say "do 10 damage" so that damage
counter will be placed no matter what) is very nice. But it's a
flip. And Nidoking has to be Active. So on average it will take
you 6 turns to place 3 damage counters on each of your opponent's
Benched Pokemon (enough to KO the Benched babies). That's too
Unlimited: Well this is a Stage 2 Pokemon with an expensive attack
(which is just a better version of Giovanni's Nidoking's second
attack). Maybe you can Breeder turn 2 and start Earth Raging, but
remember that Nidoking must be Active. That means that it will
start to pile up damage counters (especially from Scyther -_-). Of
course you can attack turn 3 via a DCE, but SER will remove those
energies sooner rather than later. Not a pretty sight. 1.5/5
Modified: In Modified it can fare better, but it still won't be
good. It takes 4 turns to power up the attack; that's again too
Weakness to grass isn't too bad in this format, although you still
see Expedition NonHolo Meganium or Crobat occasionally. And Promo
Scyther Slashing Striking for 80 damage -_-. I think 'slow' is the
correct word to describe this card. It's not bad, but it's too
Draft: Well you need the Nidorans and Nidorinos. I don't think
Energy requirements are fighting energies, although I might be
wrong. Besides (I've been repeating this over and over again) this
is a Rare from a set containing countless rares. I think you
wouldn't be surprised if I don't pick this one up.
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