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Wizards of the Coast |
Ampharos -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Ampharos (Aqua.)
100HP! I think that's the highest
any Ampharoses ever got. Thundershock is a great attack. Cheap and
effective and can go off on the 2nd turn with Pokemon Breeder.
Reflect Energy is also decent costed and the effect is really
good. Usually, once you are done building your active, you would
build your bench. With this attack, most of the time you would
only lose 2 Energy cards when Ampharos is KO-ed.
In Unlimited, it's really strong against ER because of the 1st
attack. Paralyzing your opponent for one turn can win you the game
in the right situation. 100HP is really high as well. It doesn't
rely on Mareeps too much unlike the Neo Genesis version. Watch out
for Gligar and the occasional Hitmonchan. However, we still have
Rocket's Zapdos... Rating: 3.5/5
In Modified, if you are lucky with flipping coins, the first
attack can win you the game. Base Electabuzz is also a great
supporter for this card. You might have to splash some other
colors as you might lose to something with Resistance to
Electric... Rating: 3.5/5
In Draft, a bit hard to get out. Attacks are really good though.
If you find you can draft a couple of Mareeps and the Stage 1 Evo,
you might want to consider playing it. Rating: 2.5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
If you ask me, there are too many Ampharos =/ Only
the revelation and Dark Ampharos's are worth playing. This one is
ok. Twenty and possible paralazation for one energy is broken,
one of the best single energy attacks in the game. But he should
not be played for that. The second attack is sub-par. Fifty for
tweo colored energy and a colorless is good, but the effect,
what's the point? It only makes him hard to keep powered up. Of
course then you can uuse the awesomely cheap costing Thundershock
while you get him powered up again. I can see it working mabey.
Unlimited: The cheap Thundershock is noce, but he dosen't fair
too well here. Don't use him here. 2.25/5
MMF: Maby. I wouldn't use him. I just don't get the second
attack, but then I alwasy did like cards that were just raw power
or mind-numbing status inflicters. He falls into neither catagory.
Limited: I would take him. Thundershock is great here, and a
big fifty is good while powering up someone else. Go ahead and
take him. 3.5/5
The Bottom Line: 3/5 |
dontknow09 |
Aquapolis Ampharos
There sure have been plenty of Ampharos around. Since it has been
introduced to the card game world, it has been in every set other
than Neo Discovery. A good ol 100 HP is cool. Fighting weakness is
bad nowadays. Fighting has making a great comeback. The 2 retreat
isnt appealing either. The first attack, cheap, fast, and great.
Not even buzz can compete with this. 1 for
20 and possible paralyze. The second attack...*thinks for a while*
well i can't come up with anything good with it. I guess you can
power up a poke faster since you attack for 50, next turn retreat
for the poke you just powered...
Unlimited- Tyrouge pluspower is very strong here. No mareep is
gonna survive. But anyways, this ampharos jus doesn't compete as
well as the others. One thing it has over the others is that it
has thundershock... wait, never mind, attract current is much
better than that. I don't see much offensive or defensive
capabilities with this card. 1.5/5
Modified- Well like i said before, fighting is still very strong.
Especially that nidoking. But then again, a lot of water pokemon
have given up their grass weakness and moved on with lightning.
Still, amphy isn't fast enough.
Draft- I don't know how many fighting basics there are, so im not
sure about this. Good points- 1 energy attack, can do 50 and power
up other pokes. Bad points- rare, *holo*, stage 2, hav no idea
about mareeps. 1/5
Team- Hey look, you can help your opponent by attaching energies
on them! Yea, right.... Rules are rules and as much as i wish for
that to happen, it just won't. Not worth the space. Unless...?¿?¿?
dontknow about you guys, but ima buy some boxes of aquapolis, if
it comes out this weekend down in me and pokemaster's area.
-dontknow09 |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Ampharos
This card is not too good. 100HP is sure nice, and Thundershock is
decent, but I'm afraid this card won't cut it.
Unlimited: It's not too SER-weak, since the first attack can be
almost at will. The second attack is actually not too bad... if
manage to power it up. Weakness to Fighting makes it a target to
Tyrogue. Being a Stage 2 makes it slightly hard to get it out, but
Pokemon Breeder may help. I think this isn't the best Lightning
Pokemon there is, or indeed, the best Ampharos.
Modified: I think here it's not as bad as you might think. You
might be able to build a semi-decent deck with this thing. The
idea is to use Reflect Energy with 2 Lightning Energies and a
Recycle Energy, powering up one of your guys (maybe another
Ampharos) in the process. When Ampharos is going to die, retreat
it, heal it with Pokemon Center or Pokemon Nurse, then attack with
the guy you were powering up (if it was an Ampharos, powering up
your previous Ampharos). Unfortunately this idea is foiled by
Tyrogue again. Tyrogue kills the Mareeps in one hit and does 60 to
Flaaffy and Ampharos. OK, Tyrogue may flip tails, but still, this
idea is too slow, in my opinion. This card is not as horrible as
you think though.
Draft: Being a Stage 2 is always bad in Draft, especially when the
rares are even rarer than usual (I repeat, 48 rares >_<). I
take it unless I had taken a good amount of Mareeps and Flaaffys.
Which isn't too probable anyway.
1.5/5 |
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