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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Boost Energy -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Boost Energy
Triple Colorless Energy... o_O
This Energy card has some really good possibilities. I can't
really think of much now though.
In Unlimited, it works best with Wigglytuff (unless there's
another Evolution that can use 3 Colorless Energy effectively). If
your opponent ER every single Energy cards on Wiggly, you can just
drop a Boost Energy for one last final attack. There might be
better Evos that can use that 3 Energies as well... Rating: 4/5
In Modified, I can't really think of anything right now. I'm
assuming there's at least one or two Evolution here that can use
Boost Energy... Rating: 3.5/5
In Draft, I won't really pick it that high. You won't get a lot of
Stage 1s and 2s out so Boost Energy might be a dead card. Rating:
2.9/5 |
dontknow09 |
Boost Energy
Well, lets look at the 3 new energies this week. To start off,
here's boost energy. When i saw this card in Japanese, i was like
whoa. But then i finally discovered what it did. It has good
sides, it has bad sides. First of all, providing 3 energies at one
time is one HUGE advantage. That saves you 3 turns. Thats all of
the advantages i can think off =/. Disadvantages- only provides 3
colorless, discards at the end, and can only be attached to
Unlimited- Well, it can't be removed. lol. Thats good. But the
only good use i see in unlimited is with wiggly, as a last bang
before it goes down. But still good for alota colorless out there.
Modified- Some use here. The best thing i could think of is light
dragonite/boost energy. So you could have a powered up light
dragon by turn 2 w/o the discarded effect. Other than that, you
probably won't see it much, although energy removal is getting
revived slightly. 2.25/5
Draft- Hmm.. I don't see how it will help much. Unless you could
pull something that has a good 3 colorless attack thats an
evolution, skip it.
1/5(Hey look, i didnt go below one!
Team- Well, unless you are your team plays light dragonite, then
its kinda pointless. My philosophy is that in team, play as a
team. Boost energy really only helps you, and not the team. 1/5
-dontknow09 |
X- Act |
Boost Energy
Thankfully I found a scan of this card so that I could write this
COTD. I'd better type it here before starting:
Boost Energy - Special Energy Card
Boost Energy can be attached only to an Evolved Pokemon. Discard
Boost Energy at the end of the turn it was attached.
Boost Energy provides 3 Colorless Energy. The Pokemon Boost Energy
is attached to can't retreat. When the Pokemon Boost Energy is
attached to is no longer an Evolved Pokemon, discard Boost Energy.
Kind of an interesting card. It gives you a boost, literally, for
turn, then it's discarded. The 'can't retreat' sentence basically
means "you can't use this card to pay your retreat cost". It can
only be attached to Evolved Pokemon... but there are only very few
Basic Pokemon having an attack that requires 3 Colorless Energy
I've heard about the Light Dragonite/Boost Energy 'combo'.
Supposedly, Light Dragonite's Miraculous Wind Pokemon Power lets
you attach Boost Energy to it without discarding it that turn
while still providing 3 Colorless Energy. I still don't know what
the ruling for this 'combo' is, though. In the last WotC chat, the
message about it was something like: "wait until Master Trainer
Mike returns, then we can talk about it", but so far they said it
could be done. Let's see what the future brings. Personally, I'm a
little sceptical about it. Consequently, the ratings below assume
that this combo does not work, or at least, that Boost Energy is
discarded when Light Dragonite's Power is somehow shut
off (they actually said it ISN'T discarded :o).
Unlimited: Hmm. It helps Wigglytuff. That's the main archetype
gets a boost. (You say Chansey? I didn't know it was an Evolved
Pokemon =\) Having Boost Energy in addition to Double Colorless
Energy with Wigglytuff would surely give you a better chance of
doing the wave in turn two. Although, I doubt if it's really
necessary to play Boost Energy. It gets discarded, which isn't
what you want. And it doesn't help heavy retreaters to retreat.
Bad news for Slowking. :/
Modified: Maybe this card would help Modified, in the absence of
Double Colorless Energy? I doubt it. The fact alone that it gets
discarded after boosting the Pokemon is already bad enough.
However, it _might_ be good with Kingdra to power up Twister
faster, since discarding Boost Energy after attacking doesn't
affect Kingdra too much. That's the only semi-decent combo I can
think of right now with Boost Energy anyway. :/
Most of the time, for the other Pokemon, discarding the Boost
Energy after the attack leaves your Active Pokemon in a dangerous
situation. I wouldn't like that. :(
Draft: This is an Uncommon card, which isn't bad. In this format
might let you swing the game to your favour by suddenly powering
up your Pokemon and picking up a prize, leaving your opponent
surprised and possibly with a mountain to climb to recover. I see
a lot of Evolution cards in Aquapolis with Energy requirements
like [CCW], [CCP], etc. I'd seriously consider picking Boost
Energy in this format.
3/5 |
Insane Chao |
COTD for this week! =^_^=
*goes off to put more crystal energy into decks*
Boost Energy:
First Glance: WOW!!! 3 COLORLESS?
Reading first line: oh, only evolved pokes? but that still good!
Reading Second Line: Oh, its like another miracle energy, what
good does that do then? maybe if you need it to do one final
attack and win the game.
Reading next line: cant retreat? -_- now this is getting sad...
thats all no good, and theres still another line left, oh no! but
hte last line doesnt really say much unless you plan on using it
in some sort of Steel Edged Blissey with Hyper De-Ev Spray, and
even then, that woulnt make sense to this.
Unlimited Modified and Draft (all in one): not weak to ER/ER2
because its going to be removed ANYWAY... >_> *evil stare at 2nd
line* still, possibilities on the whole ending the game thing.
gettiung that last KO in one turn before you deck. wont happen
often, but whatever works... IMHO the worst of the 3 new energies.
1/5 for all formats |
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