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Pokemon Card of the Day
Mewtwo - Gym Heroes
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

The Poke`mon Master 1110
Rocket's Mewtwo:
Nice card. He used to be Ok, but
really he wasnt the most powerful card ever. If his first attack
did SOMETHING useful, he could be awesome. But after all, 4 for
60 may be a bit overpriced. Also, 70 HP isn't great. But
Hypnoblast can help him survive. Not a bad card, overall.
Unlimited: No way. Does Psychic
even have a single good card to play here besides Slowking? : 1/5
Modified: He is slow, has medeocre
HP and a double retreat, yet he is still pretty good. Why? I
cannot overlook 60 straight damage per turn with no drawbacks.
Also, he has got to have the COOLEST artwork of all time (Go Shin-ichi
Yoshida!!!) 3/5
Limited: Not Availabe except in
Gym Challenge, which will only earn you slaps and strong language
if drafted >_< : N/A
The Bottom Line: 2/5 |
Thundachu |
Rocket's Mewtwo
Overview: Wow. 2 Rocket cards in a row. 70HP is great for a basic
pokemon. Being psychic means it has a weakness to it's own self(I
never did get the point of psychic being weak to psychic...).
Espeon makes a problem. I love the Juxtapose attack. For 1 Psychic
energy, you can trade damage counters. Really nice if your
opponent has none and you have like 4 or more. If heads, it is
like an instant gold berry or somthing. For 2 psychic energy does
20 damage automaticly and a chance for sleep. That can be nice I
guess. The final attack IMO is bad because of the energy cost. For
3 psychic and 1 colorless does 60 solid damage. The damage amount
is nice but paying 4 energy for just 60 is too much. Retreat of 2
is a little high for a basic.
Unlimited: Ok here I guess. It can get rid of Hitmonchan. 3/5
Modified: Too much energy costs needed. Stick with Jumpluff ;x 2/5
Draft: Nice here since 1/2 your deck is probably going to be
energy anyways. A holo rare makes it hard to draft though, but if
you do draft it, go for it. 4.5/5 |
perfectone |
I never liked this guy either. His HP is fair, Juxtapose is kinda
useless since its a flip, hypno-(whatever its called) is too weak
to use, and psyburn costs too much!
Unlimited- ...Zzz...It needs too much energy to be useful.
rating--- 1.5
Modified- A little better... well it can be used in combination
with Skyridge Gengar if you use juggler to drop some Psychic
energy and discard mewtwo somehow(maybe Haunter exped.), i just
don't see this being used =/
rating--- 2.75
draft- N/A |
X-Act |
Rocket's Mewtwo
Another interesting promo. Rocket's Mewtwo gets the credit of
being the first ever card having three attacks. Sabrina's Alakazam
could use any of its three attacks, and Sabrina's ESP could give
you two chances of flipping heads for Juxtapose, which is very
In my opinion, what makes this card really interesting is its
first attack: Juxtapose. If you flip heads, you exchange the
damage counters on Rocket's Mewtwo with those on the Defending
Pokemon. It could be used with the Damage Swap Alakazam. It does
involve a risk though; if you flip tails, you're pretty much dead
next turn, unless you attach a Focus Band or Gold Berry. Of
course, you wouldn't always want to use Juxtapose, especially if
the Defending Pokemon has more damage counters than Rocket's
Mewtwo. Hypnoblast is a little bit below average: flipping to make
the Defending Pokemon Asleep is outdated now. Psyburn is okay,
albeit slightly overcosted. It also has 70HP, which is solid for a
Basic Pokemon, and a retreat cost of 2, which isn't very nice. But
you can't have everything, can you?
Unlimited: I believe Sabrina's Alakazam with Rocket's Mewtwo and a
few other Psychic Pokemon can still spring a nasty surprise in
Unlimited. Some interesting Pokemon you might want to try to use
with Sabrina's Alakazam, besides Rocket's Mewtwo, are Nintendo's
Mewtwo ex (if it is allowed in Unlimited, both its attacks are
amazing), Promo Mewtwo (again Energy Absorption on Sabrina's
Alakazam is superb), Promo Mew (Devolution Beam, although not many
Pokemon evolve in Unlimited), Jynx (Meditate after Juxtapose is
interesting), and Misdreavus (maybe using the trainer Sleep! to
help you, but remember you need to use Night Eyes in the previous
turn). It is a very fun deck to play, in my opinion. Sadly, in a
competitive setting, it gets beaten more often than not.
Modified: Maybe here you can try pairing Rocket's Mewtwo with the
Legendary Collection Alakazam, but you don't get the double flip
for Juxtapose in this format, so it's very risky. On another note,
it seems like Mewtwo likes to be paired with an Alakazam.
Draft: Again, since this is a promo, I'll assume you're drafting
it from Gym Challenge. Psychic isn't a very popular type to Draft,
but if you've drafted some Psychic Pokemon (mainly Sabrina's),
then draft Rocket's Mewtwo. If not, don't take it, since you need
the Psychic Energies to use any of its three attacks anyway.
2.5/5 |
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