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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
 Rand0m |
Wednesday - Kabutops (SKY)
By the way, to start this off, I'm just going to say:
Although I'm
reviewing cards for three formats, I'm basically talking about
Modified. Modified is the "supreme" format right now, and that's
where a lot of these cards take effect.
There's been a lot of talk about this card, and I'm about
to (try to)
dispel all of that right now. Let's take a look at it. 90 HP,
fighting. Not
bad, except that there are a LOT of cards that resist fighting,
which makes it difficult to play. Bottom stats: 2 Retreat, which
is nothing out of the ordinary, weakness to grass (Someone
scream FLAW FLAW FLAW!!!) and resistance to NOTHING. The
weakness to grass is going to hurt. With Beedrill in the format,
3 heads out of 4 will kill off Kabutops, and that's not
something you want, because that isn't that rare to see Beedrill
They're quite common, actually.
The Pokemon Power has been the subject of ideas, because
essentially Aerodactyl. Here are the obvious flaws: First, it
has to be
active for it to work. "OOPS, I just double gusted it for
Cleffa, I guess I CAN'T evolve now... OOOOOOOH" Also, it's easy
to kill. That doesn't really help matters much. AND it's a Stage
2, which means usually it'll take a few turns to get it out. The
Pokemon Power is good on paper, but not really in the game
It's attack is actually pretty good. Averaging 50 for FCC
is not bad, considering sometimes you'll get 100 (and sometimes
you'll get 0 ;x). Overall, this isn't something I'd base a deck
around. It's power is
really easy to shut off, and that's not something you want when
your entire
deck is based around it.
Unlimited: 1.5/5 (Fighting is good, but Aerodactyl is a much
better pokemon)
Modified: 2/5 (The ability to get rid of it is so great that it
just cannot
be played consistently)
Limited/Draft: 3/5 (Although evolutions aren't used as much, the
ability to
get rid of it isn't as great and the attack is VERY good.)
~ RaNd0m
X- Act |
Skyridge Kabutops
The primitive Pokemon returns,
bringing with him some of its primal aura. If it is Active, no
player can evolve any of his or her Benched Pokemon. And Mirage
Stadium can maybe be used so that your opponent cannot retreat
to evolve in the Active spot. So Kabutops seems like an
interesting Pokemon.
In reality, its power is not as
useful as you might think, because (1) your opponent can still
evolve his Active Pokemon, which allows Skyridge Beedrill to
obliterate this Kabutops (by switching off its power, and
attacking Kabutops with twice the oomph, due to Kabutops' Grass
weakness) and (2) your opponent can just Double Gust or Cyclone
Energy your Kabutops away from the Active spot to evolve
normally. Kabutops seemed to be a viable Pokemon, at first
sight, but it seems now to be on the receiving end of the
metagame, since Beedrill, like, _totally_ owns it. Umm, speaking
of being owned, Promo Scyther owns it too, because it is not
only a Grass Pokemon, but it is also resistant to Kabutops
itself, AND it is a Basic Pokemon. That's cruel.
Kabutops' attack isn't bad, it
averages 50 damage for [FCC], which is quite decent, especially
against Lightning decks (it practically OHKOes any Ampharos).
This card can, of course, beat Lightning. But not much else, it
Unlimited: Umm, if you really want
your opponent not to evolve, play the Fossil Aerodactyl (and
your opponent would grin, gust it and Slash it for a Prize).
Hmm, speaking of Scyther, it owns this Kabutops bad too. So,
don't risk playing against a Scizor deck (which _hopefully_
plays Scyther) with Kabutops. It's like David versus Goliath,
except that David gets slaughtered by Goliath. Umm, that wasn't
a very good metaphor, right? Lol.
Modified: It can fare better here,
but Beedrill is too much for him, as I already explained. Not
only Beedrill, actually. The major archetypes all have a 75%
chance (at least) of beating this guy. Even Ampharos/Ho-oh could
beat this. That's what you get for being a Fighting Pokemon: you
beat Lightning decks, and... that's pretty much it. Especially a
Grass-weak Fighting Pokemon.
Draft: Here it could do well. With
lack of Gust cards in Skyridge (except Cyclone Energy), it will
be hard to fend off the Kabutops so that you're be able to
evolve from the Bench. So you end up evolving from the Active
Spot, which is dangerous as you're probably being dealt 50 a
turn. In addition to that, if the Kabutops player happened to
draft Mirage Stadium, it becomes all the more difficult. And
evolving Buried Fossil takes only one turn, usually. The trouble
is, Kabuto isn't Common in Skyridge. However, if you happen to
get a few Kabutos and Buried Fossils, by no means draft the
Kabutops, because it's quite good here. Just watch out for Grass
Pokemon. And, something tells me that Grass isn't something
nobody Drafts, nor is it rare in Skyridge. I suppose the
powers-that-be really did anything they could to ensure that
this card isn't broken in any format.
Inspired by Meganium45's COTDs, I
end this COTD in a similar fashion. See you in #pojo! ;)

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
A fun card, to be sure. I personally
think that the Kabutops/Omastar lines are much more playable now
that Buried Fossil is here. It just makes it much easier to play
them. And the Kabutops can certainly be a thorn in your
opponent's side. 90 hp is just a tad low for a stage 2, but it
really isn't that big a deal, is it? The power, when played
right, can shut down your opponent pretty well. And the attack,
while only 2 coins, can be devastating. Averages 50, and a lucky
flip will send 100 damage their way! Not bad, eh?
Unlimited: Still a little to
slow. There are MUCH better flipping attackers here >_<: 1.5/5
Modified: Better here. I could
see it being used, but Jumpluff kills this thing so bad it isn't
funny. Also Scizor is the most common Modified deck right now.
Scizor evolves from Scyther. Scyther is grass. Kabutops is weak
to grass. Not cool =( : 3/5
Limited: Well, it will keep your
opponent from evolving, which the prolly wont be doing much of
anyway. The attack is real nice if you get it powered up. But it
would be next to imposable to get enough Buried fossils AND
Kabutops to make him workable, so I'd pass it up, unless your rare
drafting. 2.25/5
The Bottom Line: 2.25/5 |
 Meganium45 |
Kabutops -
eh - Skyridge, not Discovery, Interesting
This is the fossil evolution stage 2 that just got a lot easier to
get out, thanks to Skyridge's buried fossil. Discovery Kabuto is
still the card of choice.
90 HP, pretty average for a stage 2. Not bad, but not great.
Grass weakness, that hurts in this envio containing Beedrill,
Jumpluff and others!
No resistance, could have at least thrown us a lightning bone, but
2 retreat is average
Pokemon Power, neither of you can evolve your benched Pokemon
while Tops is active! Nice. This keeps creatures like Muk from
hitting the board, or swarms of creatures appearing, like
Kabutops! This power hurts this card as much as it helps it. If
you are ahead, this is fine. If you are behind, ouch.
Fighting type. Boy, this was not a nice touch. Dodrio is
resistant, Crobat is resistant, Gengar is resistant, a lot of
things are resistant! The attack does big damage, but, heh, not
that big!
Attack, 2 fighting and a colorless for flip 2 coins, does 50 times
the number of heads. Great if it goes off, and on average, 50 for
3 is fine, but when 0 go off, this hurts. At least Crobat gives
you the booby prize of status effects.
Let's compare this to its Discovery Brother, both weak to Grass,
Discovery is a water type, Discovery has no pokemon power (no
Pichu bait), discovery for 3 energy (only one having to be
fighting) flips 3 coins, 40 times the heads. Discovery wins.
Ratings -
Unlimited - a 3 energy attack, not many evos in this envio that
are not stage 1, fighting helps against Chansey, Wigglytuff and
Clefable, but, still does not cut it - 1.5/5.
Modified - a good choice, but in my mind, inferior to the Neo
discovery Kabutops. Can combine him with Crobat or Noctowl to
make people miserable, but, not the best choice here. His attack
is large enough not to have him ignored. 3/5
Limited (Draft) - This card is too good if you can get it out.
Unfortunately, Skyridge has some great grass pokes that can take
this down. If you have the chance to draft it early, get it, and
if you can get it late, you may want to take this card out of your
pod! Stage 2s are hard to get out in draft, especially a SK
draft! 3.5/5 |
dontknow09 |
Skyridge Kabutops
Hasn't been a good Kabutops since Neo Discovery. But can this new
one change that? Well to start off, this Kabutops reverts back
to... erm... Brown type. Like the Neo Discovery version, it has 90
HP, grass weakness and 2 retreat costs. It's stats are exact, with
the exception of the type. What's different is its Poke-Body,
Primal Aura. This Poke-Body is very good. Stopping evolution can
basically determine the outcome of a match. Downsides- only works
when Kabutops is active and the Poke-Body applies to you also.
What's great about it is you can take out weak basic pokemon with
Kabutops' attack. Dual Cutters is like a toned down version of
Hydro Cutter. 2 flips is very risky. I'd rather have 3 and do less
damage per flip. But for most basic pokemon, 1 heads is all you
Unlimited- Well, the poke-body could just be substituted with
Aerodactyl. That uses up less space and is faster to get out. Dual
Cutters is too weak to SER. That's another advantage Hydro Cutter
has over Dual Cutters. With Hydro Cutters, you still could risk 1
flip. Also, recycle energy could be used to help power Hydro
Cutter. Overall, not good here. 1.5/5
Modified- Primal Aura would rule. If quick enough, a Kabutops
could stop all evolutions early game, and thus not have to worry
about receiving heavy damage from basic pokemon. The Poke-Body
could also force an opponent to move a pokemon to the active just
to evolve it, and this is where double gust could really screw
things up. As for Dual Cutters, it should be more like Hydro
Cutter. 3.5/5Draft- If out
of some miracle, you actually drafted cards to pull out
Kabutops, which includes Kabuto, Buried Fossil, and Kabutops and
probably some card to force you to discard a Kabuto to activate
Buried Fossil, then there's probably a good chance that you could
win. Again, if pulled out, the Poke-Body will cause major
disruption. Retreat would be hard to do in draft, so that
Poke-Body will really help. But sometimes, people go for the
strong basic pokemon, and overlook those evolutions. To sum this
up, its nearly impossible to actually pull a Kabutops out. If
done, the Body can cause disruption, but is a little iffy. Dual
Cutters will be strong, if you have to power it up. 1.5/5 <--
Mainly because its so hard to pull out.
-dontknow09 |
TR Shadow |
90 hp is pretty decent for a stage 2 Pokemon. The Pokemon Power
is good. It's like one of those old Aerodactyls from fossil. The
only difference is that your opponent can evolve their active
Pokemon. If you need to evolve anything, you could just retreat
Kabutops, though he has a bit of a high retreat. If you face one
of these, Double Gusting it to the bench to evolve is probably
your best bet. Dual Cut, on average, will only do fifty damage.
That is barely worth the high costs. The Mysterious Fossil
evolutions are a lot better now that we have Buried Fossil and
Underground Lake. We still have the Fossil Egg, but a few more
ways to get Kabutops out is nice.
Unlimited 2/5 (C'mon, we have Aerodactyl)
Modified 4/5
Limited 2.5/5
~TR Shadow~ |
 BondiBorg |
90 HP
Stage 2 (Evolves from Kabuto)
Weakness - Grass
Resistance - None
Retreat - CC
Poké-Body - Primal Aura
As long as Kabutops is your Active Pokémon, neither player can
play Basic Pokémon or Evolution cards from his or her hand to
evolve Benched Pokémon.
FFC - Dual Cut - 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of
Hmm...Aerodactyl, but with a bite. If you kill babies with a
Tyrogue on a regular basis (those being the same odds as getting
100 damage with Dual Cut), then play this card by itself.
Otherwise, toss it in to spice up a Neo2 Kabutops deck.
For Unlimited, the Grass Weakness is too much of a liability.
Scyther fits into any deck, and DCE would allow the opponent to
blindside you with a harsh 60 damage upside the head. Are you
lucky enough with flips to take the risk?
For Modified, it stands a slightly better chance, though Promo
Scyther will deal a hefty 80. Scizor decks are all-too-common, and
Scyther is occasionally tossed into a deck for protection from
'Gatr, so it's still risky. However, the ability to stop evolution
is great, as long as you're quick about getting set up. Ampharos
decks wouldn't stand even the slightest chance...
For Limited, this would be a fun deck to try out. Seems like a lot
of good combos would come out of a Draft with Skyridge/Legendary.
Between the two you would have access to 2 Kabutos, another
Kabutops, Mysterious Fossil, Buried Fossil, Underground Lake...so
many possibilities. Neo2 would be good too, since you have Kabuto,
a VERY solid Kabutops, and Fossil Egg. Once you get it going,
Kabutops will be unstoppable, especially since the opponent can't
build any other Evolutions they might pull.
Unlimited - 2.5
Modified - 3.4
Limited - 4.0 (4.7 if drafted with Legendary or Neo2)
~{BondiBorg}~ |
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