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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
 Rand0m |
Thursday - Magneton (SKY, lightning)
Uhhh... the blow-yourself-up Pokemon. Let's take a look. 80
Lightning, which is decent. Bottom stats: 1 Retreat (nice),
resistance to nothing, weakness to FIGHTING. UH-OH! There's the
problem. Sadly in this format, it's VERY difficult to play
lightning because of one little 30 hp bugger everyone plays.
Tyrogue. Don't wanna start off with a Magnemite vs. Tyrogue. Not
a good idea.
The Pokemon Power is decent, if you can get an energy out
on the field every turn. The problem with it is, the energy ends
up being wasted. I could see this being used in combination with
Rocket's Zapdos (in unlimited) or something so you could get it
The attack is what the Power is for, and truthfully, it's
not that
good. LCC for 40, which is nice, and you can discard ALL of the
lightning attached to do (lightning energy discarded x 10)
damage to a selected benched pokemon, but the fact that you have
to discard ALL the lightning attached kind of ruins it. If it
was selective, it'd be great, but it's not, so it's definitely
There are better lightning pokemon to play, and this is not
one I
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2/5
~ RaNd0m
X- Act |
Skyridge Magneton
I'm realizing that
Lightning Pokemon all seem to be very creative and interesting
cards, but only a few of them really make the cut to be really
competitive. This Magneton is a case in point.
Its power is very
interesting. Whenever you evolve your Magnemite to this
Magneton, you can detach any basic energy cards attached to any
of your in-play Pokemon and attach them to Magneton. Now this
power reminds me of another Magneton: the Neo Revelations one.
And that Magneton has a Plasma attack which lets you attach
Lightning Energies from your discard pile to Magneton. Now read
Skyridge Magneton's attack. You _may_ discard all Lightning
energies attached to Magneton, and for each Lightning Energy you
discard, you do 10 damage to any one of your opponent's Benched
Pokemon. That means that discarding three Lightning Energies
will permit you to KO a baby. Then, you Plasma them back from
the discard pile using the Neo Revelations Magneton, move them
to Skyridge Magneton, and restart. Pretty interesting. ;x Using
Neo Revelations Magneton's Power, you can also abuse Pokemon
Center. :o
Unlimited: Well, I
really would be surprised if this thing fares well in Unlimited.
VERY surprised.
Modified: Umm, I
like the combo above, to be honest. I don't believe that it's
competitive in today's metagame though, seeing that Magneton
doesn't do a lot of damage, but it does do nice Bench damage.
Try it out as a rogue deck, but sadly, it won't do very well in
a more competitive world, I'm afraid.
Draft: Well, it's
not too unsplashable, but honestly, it won't do too much in this
format either. Doing 40 for 3 Energies is pretty average, and
you'll take too much time to kill a 40HP Pokemon on your
opponent's Bench (well, you need 4 turns =\), let alone a
stronger Pokemon. Plus, there aren't that many cards that are
weak to Lightning in Skyridge anyway, and it's a Rare. In short,
I wouldn't draft it.

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Magneton (Electric type):
This IS a really fun card! I was
thinking of running 2 of these Magnetons with 2 of the steel type
ones from revelation, along with a line of revelation Ampharos to
get things started. It looks good on paper, but we'll see how it
actually performs. But in all seriousness, this card can be
brutal played correctly. It may cost alot of energies, but then
the other Magneton can Plasma them back and move them to this guy
for another big attack. A few attacks from this thing could mean
total destruction. Try it out. (I feel a rouge deck coming on =D)
Unlimited: Basically, it wouldn't
work here because it would have a hard time even getting one
attack in. ER, SER and gust of wind would put him out of
commission pretty fast. 1.75/5
Modified: This is where it could
REALLY do some damage. I could defiantly see one of these decks
doing pretty well for itself. Try it out. 3.25/5
Limited: Could be alright here.
It says you MAY discard all energies on him, which means he can
just do some normal attacking for a while. Power him up and BANG,
take out those weird little multi-colored benched pokemon (DIE YOU
The Bottom Line: 2.75/5 |
Thundachu |
Magneton Skyridge:
Overlook: The power can actually come quite in handy. You could
get Magneton powered up by 2nd or 3rd turn. The attack for 1
Lightning and 2 colorless is good. 40 direct damage (I sound like
I am reviewing a Yu-Gi-Oh card ;/) and you can discard any amount
of energy to deal that much damage for every benched pokemon. This
could be kind of bad with baby pokemon with the 30HP. Weakness to
Fighting makes it weak towards Tyrogue. ph33r the rouge mwahahaha.
80HP is average for a stage 1 evolution. All in all, a good
Magneton. In Unlimited I would stick to the Electabuzz though, but
in Modified it could be pretty good indeed. And it is a stage 1
evolution, so you do have a good chance of drafting it, but it
does take up a lot of the energy in Draft...
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 2.5/5 |
TR Shadow |
It has a nice amount of hp. The
retreat it low for an electric Pokemon too. Attract Energy
makes a good combo with Electric Blast. Use the Attract Energy
to get Energy on him then discard it with Electric Blast. It
combos up well with Electrode. His Pokemon Power allows you to
take Energy from your discard and attach them to any of your
Pokemon with a flip. It has to be active when the Power is used
so adding Dodrios wouldn't hurt it. The Magneton is good for
killing babies or anything else with relatively low hp in one or
two turns. Being able to attack things on the bench is nice
with a forty damage to the active. You can distribute them
equally, so you'd be able to kill a baby and do a little more to
another if you wish. I can't rate this too low.
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 3.5/5
Limited 3/5
~TR Shadow~
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