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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Retro Energy
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
 Rand0m |
Friday - Retro Energy
This card is good. The card reads something close to "This
counts as C energy. When you attach this to a pokemon from your
hand, discard the top evolution card from it (if you can). Then
remove 2 damage counters from that Pokemon."
Now you're all saying "Now wait, RaNd0m, why do we want to
DISCARD an evolution?" GOOD QUESTION!!! Answer: You don't... in
some decks. You do in others. I have a riddle: What flies around
and buzzes that's grass that does tons of damage with a great
pokemon power? Give up? BEEDRILL PEOPLE.
Maybe you've seen some Beedrill lists on the boards and
stuff, and a lot of them use Hyper Devo Spray, Lure Ball,
Undersea Ruins. Retro Energy is just another addition to a great
deck. The idea is to discard evolutions every turn, and bring
them back the same turn so you can evolve again the NEXT turn.
IT's insanity people. Thats a deck you have to counter. But
otherwise, this card isn't really good with anything except
Arcanine from SKY (same concept as Beedrill), and maybe a couple
evolutions I missed.
Unlimited: 2/5 (only good with Beedrill or Arcy)
Modified: 4.5/5 (GOOD with Beedrill or Arcy or both)
Draft: 1/5 (Pointless)
~ RaNd0m
X- Act |
Retro Energy
Retro Energy is not too bad. It's
better than Bounce Energy, although that's not saying very much.
It has three effects: (1) It provides one colorless energy to
the Pokemon attached to it; (2) If it is attached to an Evolved
Pokemon, you may (note: may) remove up to two damage counters
from it; (3) If it is attached to an Evolved Pokemon, you must
(note: must) discard the highest stage of Evolution of that
Of course, you might say that
discarding the Evolution, rather than returning it to your hand
(as Hyper Devolution Spray does) is bad. Well, it is. But Lure
Ball can bring it back from your discard pile to your hand,
unless you're horribly unlucky that you don't flip at least one
heads out of three (a probability of 12.5%). And so this can be
comboed with Retro Energy. And remember that Retro Energy is
also kind enough to heal the Pokemon of 2 damage counters (you
still need to be careful that the devolution won't kill the
Pokemon though).
However, the usability of this card
is somewhat curbed by the fact that there is already a Stadium
Card that does a similar thing: Undersea Ruins from Aquapolis.
Undersea Ruins allows you to discard the top stage evolution of
an Evolved Pokemon on a heads flip. And that's _every turn_.
Retro Energy is not every turn (unless you play Aquapolis
Espeon). Then again, since you can only have a maximum of 4 Lure
Balls in a deck, you still can bring your Pokemon off your
discard pile into your hand only a certain number of times
anyway, whichever way you discarded it (not necessarily 4
actually, if you're smart and lucky).
Unlimited: Devolving a Pokemon in
Unlimited is, in most cases, pointless. So my rating for this
card in Unlimited, accordingly, is also pointless. (Remember
that I can't rate a card less than 1.)
Modified: Retro Energy can be cool
for Evolved Pokemon which have come-into-play Poke-Powers, like
many of the Rare Pokemon in this set (Gengar, Beedrill,
Arcanine, et cetera). Leave out the Gyarados from that list,
because to transform from a 90HP Pokemon to a 30HP one, you need
at most 2 damage counters, which is impractical, unless you're
suicidal. (A massive blow, because it would have certainly been
cool to invoke Gyarados' Poke-Power several times.) Also, you
heal that Pokemon 2 damage counters in the process too, and the
devolution is certain (unlike Undersea Ruins, where you need a
flip). But you can only devolve whenever you get the Retro
Energy, i.e. a maximum of four times (barring Aquapolis Espeon).
Well, it's your choice whichever you choose to devolve with.
Play whichever suits your deck best.
Draft: In Draft, it's not very good,
even if you had also drafted some Lure Balls (which are
Uncommon, like Retro Energy itself). Although being a healer is
never bad in Draft (again careful about devolving a Gyarados), I
don't believe that you will draft enough of your
come-into-play-Poke-Power Pokemon, Retro Energies, and Lure
Balls to make a really competitive draft deck. For that reason,
I regard the Drafting of Retro Energy as a mistake in most

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Retro Energy:
Not a bad card. The best use for it
is for evolutions that have come-into-play powers, such a Dark
Crobat, the new Gengar and Beedrill. Used with Lure Ball, it can
heal and reuse those awesome powers over and over again. But
really, Hyper Devolution Spray is just alot better. It's only one
card, while retro needs lure ball or a similar card to help it.
But HDS doesn't heal, so you'll have to decide which one you want
to use.
Unlimited: Stay far, far away.
There is almost no use for it here. 1/5
Modified: Could be useful, but I
still think Hyper Devolution Spray is better. 2.5/5
Limited: Not good at all, since
you would have to draft Lure Ball to counter the effect. Not
worth it. 1.25/5
The Bottom Line: 1.5/5 |
 Meganium45 |
Energy - what a waste
This wins the award for the most worthless special energy ever! I
would even play potion energy or crystal energy before I would
play this!
Now, if like hyper devolution spray, the evolution would go into
your hand, and not to your discard, this could be good. It is
not. There may be some bizarre situations (Chansey/Blissey) in
which you can devolve, not lose hit points, and still end up with
a better pokemon, but this is the exception and not the rule.
Ratings -
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 1/5
Draft 1/5 - I cannot go lower, hope you play someone foolish
enough to play this |
TR Shadow |
Retro Energy
The only reason I would see to play this is that some of the
Pokemon with Pokemon Powers in Skyridge say "When you play this
card from your hand." You'd get to play another one to use the
Pokemon Power more than once. It does provide a colorless energy,
but I don't see why you'd want to play it over a basic energy.
The fact that it removes two damage counters helps it a little,
but that is just simply not enough. If you want to heal, use Gold
Berry or Pokemon Center. They work a lot better. Devolving is
not a widely used strategy in the game and I don't see much use
for it in the current format. I guess if you were playing Eevees
or something that has more than one evolution, you might want to
use a different one than you have out. You could also use it if
you were desperate to get an attack off a basic or a stage one. I
wouldn't rate this one too high.
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 2/5
Limited 2/5
~TR Shadow~ |
Thundachu |
Retro Energy
Overlook: erm, it is pretty much a Potion Energy with a twist. If
you have to de-evolve to remove damage counters, it is not good.
=\. I would keep with Potion to remove damage counters and if you
want energy with the removal, just use Potion energy in Unlimited.
I guess it could be KIND OF good in Draft. Your getting rid of
damage counters, but your still discarding the evolution and
getting evolutions with the stage 1 or basic is hard enough.
Unlimited: Potion Energy. 1.5/5
Modified: 2/5
Draft: 2.5/5 |
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