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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
 Rand0m |
Wednesday - Arcanine (SKY)
Similar to Beedrill from SKY, this dog has a lot to offer.
It's power
is excellent with decent flips. Figure this: You attach fire to
turn 1, meanwhile using Juggler to get 2 fire in the discard.
Next turn, you play Arcanine, you get 2 heads. Instant 70, turn
Now also similar to Beedrill are the combos behind this.
Using cards such as Lure Ball, Retro Energy, Undersea Ruins, and
Hyper Devolution Spray, Arcanine can continue to produce 70 EACH
turn by continuously activating it's power. Very good card.
The bad parts are obvious: Weakness to water, "ONLY" 80 HP,
and 2 retreat. However, if you get going fast enough, it can rip
through anything.
Unlimited - 2/5 (Could be a threat, or not...)
Modified - 4/5 (Very good)
Draft - 4.5/5 (Worth it)
X-Act |
Skyridge Arcanine
This isn't a bad
Pokemon, but let me say it immediately: we were getting
accustomed to Arcanines with 90+ HP. Seeing a new Arcanine
with 80HP isn't very exciting.
Anyway. As soon as you evolve your
Active Growlithe, you may flip up to three coins, and for each
heads, you attach a Basic Energy cards from your discard pile
to Arcanine. Very nice, but note that you need to evolve your
Active Pokemon for this to work, exactly like Beedrill. It
then has two attacks. For a Colorless, you do 10 and force
your opponent to switch. For a Colorless and 2 Fire energies,
you do 70 and discard all Fire Energies from Arcanine. Using
Fire Recharge Typhlosion, you can do 70 almost every turn if
you're reasonably lucky. Note that Hyper Devolution Spray or
Retro Energy/Undersea Ruins + Lure Ball are not good combos
with Arcanine, since you cannot evolve the same turn you
devolved, and hence you are skipping a turn if you devolve. So
you're actually better off not devolving anyway and attach a
Fire Energy, then next turn attach another one and do 70. Or
use the Typhlosion.
A Retreat Cost of 2 hurts this
card. Overall, however, in spite of its comparatively low
80HP, Arcanine can be pretty nasty, especially in a Modified
environment where two of the top decks are weak to it. After
all, Magcargo also has 80HP, and you can't say that it's bad.
Unlimited: If you really want to
play an Arcanine in this format, this isn't the one you should
Modified: Typhlosion/Arcanine
might work here. Doing 70 damage per turn is not to be
overlooked, especially since Scizor and Beedrill are so
popular. However, Water Pokemon will easily kill this card...
just 40 damage will do the trick, like for Magcargo. If you
find a way to counter Water, this could be a pretty viable
Draft: Overall, this card isn't
that good to draft. Despite the fact that if you're drafting
Aquapolis with Skyridge, you have access to 3 different
Growlithes and 2 different Arcanines, this Arcanine's attack
is not very compatible with Draft play. It's not splashable,
AND you need to discard the Fire Energies every time you
attack. However, you can use it late game as a cleaner,
especially if you had also drafted the other Arcanine from
Aquapolis. Depending on how you play it, it might do well or
it might do badly. But isn't that the case with every other
pERfeCt 0nE |
I've tried to combo this a few times with Typhlosion, but I
never thought it was very good. For now, Hyper Devolution Spray
is still usable with it, as well as Juggler to drop the fire
energy for its effect. I doubt anyone will use SHAKE though.
If the opponent has only one pokemon, then it would really
help. This may seem a little "out there" but i think using it
with scoop up to get back a bare Growlithe, sending up another
Growlithe, using Lureball and evolving- in hopes of using WHITE
FLAMES every turn, will be a possibility. The "comes into play"
poke-powers are very interesting now.
Unlimited- Not worthy of much. It will be hard for it to
attack to begin with. Wigglytuff and Clefable will survive and
kill it as easy as pie(...=/...).
rating--- 1
Modified- ...Potentially deck-worthy...=/... With enough
testing and effort, this can be used quite effectively. Use it
with Jugglers, scoop ups (maybe), Typhlosions, Hyper devolution
spray, and possibly Undersea ruins with Lureball. He takes out
Scizor nicely, does his share of damage against cargo, but loses
badly to Politoed and G8rs.
rating--- 2.75
Draft- Very nice. SHAKE can be used more efficiently here- as
WHITE FLAMES will be VERY hard to use every turn. Its HP is
nice, its only stage 1, and 70 damage can rule the game in a
draft match!
rating--- 3.25
dontknow09 |
Skyridge Arcanine
There have been plenty of Arcanines around. The best probably
being base set one or Blaine's version. Could this card live up to
its early legends? Comparing its stats, this new one doesn't shine
too bright. 80HP is the lowest an Arcanine has ever had. That's
not good... especially when it carries that water weakness. 2
retreat is just there. Of course, if were like the Aquapolis
version, it could have 0. At least this Arcanine has the biggest
arsenal. A Poke-Power and 2 attacks. The Poke-Power is a good one
to get an empty Arcanine charged up. But like a lot Pokemon
lately, its activated only when its active and when you evolve it.
Shake disrupts nicely, unless they have a baby. White Flames is an
overly priced attack. Discard 2 fires to do 70. Then you're
basically open for attacks for 2 turns, which by that time
Arcanine would have been KO'd already.
Unlimited- I don't think this will do too nicely. A lot of pokemon
basics and almost have the same amount of HP. It's just too low.
attack's won't get you anywhere. Maybe one prize, but that's about
it. 1.5/5
Modified- If I recall correctly, the base Arcanine was reprinted.
Even if it wasn't reprinted, there are many fire pokemon that
could do better than this. This Arcanine is too slow compared to
other pokemon. 2/5
Draft- Shake is real good. It might force someone to put some
pokemon up that they don't want to put up. That gives time to
build up for White Flames. 3/5
-dontknow09 |
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