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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Fast Ball
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Fast Ball
If someone makes a competition for
the biggest misnomer in the world of Pokemon, this Trainer
card will surely not win it. It can really speed up an
appropriate deck. And what better card is there to do that
that one that has the word 'fast' in it?
You get the very first evolution
card from your deck, at the insignificant price of letting
your opponent see part of your deck. This card is superb in
decks where you have only one Evolution card. Entei/Magcargo
comes to mind in Modified. In Unlimited, there are
Slowking/(Sneasel)/Murkrow, Rocket's Zapdos/Muk, etc. It's
simply amazing in these type of decks.
Unlimited: I'd play a few to get
out that Slowking even faster, although Computer Search
usually does the job. Nothing wrong in getting out your
evolution quicker though, right? You get the Slowpoke via
Pokemon Fan Club, and the Slowking via Fast Ball. Or the
Grimer and the Muk. Or whatever you have. Impressive stuff.
Modified: It's simply too good in
Entei/Magcargo. Magcargo does need to get out really quickly,
and Fast Ball allows it to do just that. The problem is that
it's just not very good in other decks. Most of the other
decks play more than one evolution line and/or play a Stage 2
line. In that case, Fast Ball won't allow you to get what you
Draft: Any search card in Draft is
good. Although you might not get the evolution card that you
wanted, you still get something. So why complain?
pERfeCt 0nE |
Not too shabby. I would recommend using pokemon trader over
this but if it didn't exist, then many of us may be using either
fast ball or master ball. If you only use one evolution line
its good. For example: I have one Poliwag and one Poliwhirl, I
use fast ball, whichever I get- I CAN use and it doesn't require
the shuffling of a pokemon in my hand away. fairly nice.
Unlimited- Nope. What evolution would you even use? that's
what CPU would be for then!!!
rating--- 1
Modified- Good. I've seen a n00bish ND Politoed deck using 4
pokemon traders, 4 Pokemon Fan Clubs, 4 fast ball, and 4 master
ball- it really was quite fast but he didn't have room for DG or
GB/FB with all the pokemon advantage- LOL. well its decent- as
I said- its a "possible" again, "possible" replacement for
pokemon trader in specific decks
rating--- 3
draft- Very cool here. Normally you only use 2 or 3
evolutions, and i think that its worth its risk. Definitely a
high draft choice.
rating--- 3.25
dontknow09 |
Fast Ball
The last Pokeball we had was Masterball (I'm not counting Dual
Ball). It's nice to see something like this come back. This card
is really good for decks that run only one line of evolution. The
downsides, if you use it too early, your opponent can plan ahead
when they see you have in your deck. Could it replace other
searching cards? Possibly. For me, I'd rather leave my deck
unrevealed and stick with a trader or something.
Unlimited- There are plenty of other search cards. Most deck's
don't run evolutions or run more than one line. Even then, I still
wouldn't want to reveal my deck. 2/5
Modified- Same situation out there, but revealing your deck just
wouldn't hurt as much. 2.5/5
Draft- I really don't think it matters if your deck is revealed or
not. As long as you can get that evolution out, you're set. But
it'll be a problem if you have "extra" evolutions that you don't
need. 2.5/5
-dontknow09 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Fast Ball:
In all honesty, they have yet to make
a truly good ball. Master Ball was ok, and Lure Ball works ok
with retro energy, but nothing truly great. This card... is no
exception. I'll make this short and sweet; don't play it.
Unlimited: Crap. There is NO
reason to play this here: 1/5
Modified: Not even good here.
Don't bother: 2/5
Limited: Could be alright, but
isn't there a better car? Raticate? Growlithe? No? Well, if
you have to...: 2.5/5
The Bottom Line: 1.75/5 |
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