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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Uncommon Starmie
This is a pretty
nice card, albeit with a lowly 70HP. Its first attack can do
10 with one Water Energy, 30 with two, or 50 with three; not
bad. The second attack is exactly the same as Light Golduck's
Core Blast; indeed it also has the same attack name. The only
difference is that whereas the cost for Light Golduck was a
Psychic and two colorless, this Starmie's cost is three
colorless. Because of this completely splashable attack, it
makes it an interesting Pokemon to counter Scizor in Modified.
Very nice. Light Golduck has more HP though, so if you're
playing Psychic Energies, it's better to stick to the purple
Unlimited: I think
this could be nice in this format. Special Energies are played
a lot here. Sneasel, Murkrow, Scizor and Steelix require them,
while most other Unlimited decks use Special Energy cards such
as Double Colorless Energy, Rainbow Energy, Warp Energy and
Recycle Energy. Weakness to Lightning isn't good though,
especially for a Pokemon with only 70HP. Still, it could do
pretty well in this format.
Modified: Here it
can be played to counter Scizor. However, I personally prefer
to play something like Skyridge Flareon to counter the Scizor,
because Starmie will still find it pretty hard to OHKO the
Scizor, while for Flareon it will be much easier. Admittedly,
Starmie has the advantage of being a Water-type card as
opposed to a Fire-type one (which can be countered by the
still-popular Water). Being totally splashable is also nice.
This card's usability purely depends on the metagame, however.
Draft: I like
Starmie in Draft. There are two Staryu's in Skyridge, and this
Starmie is Uncommon, so you could find it much easier in your
packs. It has a totally splashable attack (which,
unfortunately, does only 30 most of the time in this format),
and its first attack ensures that you do damage immediately
and progressively, although it isn't splashable at all. It may
lack the punch that other cards may have, but for an Uncommon,
this cards is pretty nice.
pERfeCt 0nE |
Light Golducks reincarnation ^_^. I love it. It can hit fire
for 100, a MMMM Scizor for 70, and if you are being creamed- it
can use boost energy!!!
Unlimited- I don't like saying cards are bad HERE, but once
again- it is. Its a Sneasel murderer but is eaten by Clefable
and zappy =/.
rating--- 2.25
Modified- Fun!!! We have a versatile counter vs. Fire/Scizor!
If cargo is your problem, use him, followed by a Zzzap!!!
Scizor? add a strength charm, a boost energy, and its gone!!!
Quite a nice splashable card. I love how it can take out these
2 giants!!! ^_^
rating--- 3.75 or 4
draft- Good. Its only an uncommon, can hit for 50!!! for 3
water energy, or can attack with CCC if u don't have the energy
for water gun. Its only an Uncommon, has a retreat cost of C,
and has a fair 70HP!!! solid ;)
rating--- 3.5
dontknow09 |
Skyridge Starmie
This is one of the Starmie's found in this set. Well, this
Starmie, like any other Starmie, isn't revolutionary. It's HP is
at a low 70. Lightning
weakness makes it vernaible to lightning pokemon (duh). 1 retreat
is good though. The attacks seem to be a repetitions of older
pokemon. Water gun... it's just a stronger version of water guns
from the past. It's average though, 3 for 50. Core Blast can be
very strong, but is too iffy. One could easily switch out to block
that attack.
Unlimited- Core Blast would be very good, if it were cheaper. 70HP
is too low. SER kills it too, just not that bad. 1.25/5
Modified- Same as Unlimited, without abuse from BBPs. No SER
either, but 70HP needs a lot of work. A focus band gives some
protection, but not enough. 1.75/5
Draft- Since Starmie's water gun is no regular water gun, its
really good. Although the initial damage is pretty low, with more
water damage is pretty good. 2.75/5
-dontknow09 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Starmie (Water):
Interesting. Personally, I wouldn't
play it. But you know, with Scizor running a Muk (ok, that was
really lame, I know =/), this guy could be alright. Core Blast
would seem to be pretty nice verses the Scizor with four metals.
Assuming all the metals are real, that's 70 if is has 4, 60 if
it's 3, 50 if it's 2 or 40 if it's one. Not bad. You might try
him out.
Unlimited: Well, a one hit KO on
Sneasel is nice, but still not worth it. I'd pass. 2.25/5
Modified: Like I said, it could
work on the most played deck out there, Scizor. But it prolly
won't be too popular. 3/5
Limited: Nice here. Water Gun is
good in this format, plus you do see the occasional Bounce
Energy. I'd take it if I can support it with Staryu. Not bad at
all. 3.5/5
The Bottom Line: 3/5 |
TR Shadow |
The HP is decent for a Starmie. You can do up to fifty damage
with Water Gun, but that would cost three water energy, and three
energy to do fifty damage with no extra effects may not exactly be
worth it. Core Blast makes him really splashable. It only costs
colorless energy, so it could go in about any deck as a backup
hitter. It provides decent protection against both fire and
special energy. It would probably do sixty to a fire Pokemon
unless they had a special energy on them. For three colorless
energy, that's not bad at all. Having it as a backup hitter for
any deck weak to
fire wouldn't hurt you at all. I'm not saying that there aren't
things to use, but it wouldn't be bad.
Unlimited 3/5
Modified 3.5/5
Limited 3/5 |
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