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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Steelix SK COTD
In the space of two consecutive
sets, we got two Steelix. The latest one is the least
promising of the three, in my opinion.
Its Poke-Body is reminiscent of
a Expedition Tyranitar, but for Metal Energy: all basic Energy
cards attached to Steelix provide Metal Energy instead of
their usual types. The problem is, both its attacks are hugely
overcosted, and therefore, unimpressive. For three Energies,
of which one can be colorless (we might just as well say that)
Steelix does... 20, or 30 and paralysis. For four Energies,
one of which may be colorless, it does either a sure 40, or if
you want to risk, it does either 80 or 0. A Lugia in Neo3 had
this same attack for 4 Colorless Energies, and it's a Basic
Pokemon. It is "only" 100 HP, and its hefty 4 retreat cost
stick to it.
In my opinion, in spite of its
nice Poke-Body, this Steelix is not worth playing in any
format... well, maybe except Draft.
Unlimited: Besides the fact
that Steelix loses out to Scizor in this format (and in
Modified), if you really want Steelix in your deck, at least
don't use THIS one. In this format, this Steelix has the added
disadvantage of being much weaker to SER than its Neo Genesis
counterpart. (Remember, DCE doesn't provide two Metal Energies
on Steelix, because of that nice "basic" word in its Poke-body
description.) So, no.
Modified: In Modified it is
slightly more viable, but not by much. Again, Scizor is a much
better proposition here than any Steelix, and to add insult to
injury, this Steelix is the worst Steelix of the lot. So this
ridiculously long metallic snake is seen here to be almost
Draft: In Draft it's decent. A
100HP Stage 1 is quite difficult to counter in this format,
and its attacks, thanks to its Poke-body, are obviously
splashable. It is even better if you managed to draft a Metal
Energy or two. Grass resistance is pretty useful too in this
format. Just be careful of Fire Draft decks, and you should do
pretty decently. Umm, of course, this is true as long as
you're drafting Skyridge with at least Aquapolis, since
Skyridge, oddly enough, doesn't have an Onix! So be careful of
this little fact.
pERfeCt 0nE |
I really don't see how this is very good at all. Its another
version of the Neo Revelations Lugia =P. Its HP is expected to
be as it is, the fire weakness is a big minus in my book, with
Cargos and Typhlosions all around us. The power only makes him
Zzzzap-able. If you choose to put basic energy on him, he's
Zzzzap-able, if not, its a waste of a power= lol. I see this
making way into Draft decks though.
Unlimited- No thank you! Please come again...
rating--- 0.75
Modified- Far to weak to (how shall i say this) cards. He dies
to cargo, g8r, g8r/sect, Scizor, Typhlosion, Toed, everything,
and stuff.
rating--- 1.25
Draft- The meaning of its existence. 100HP, 40 a turn, uses
ANY energy type, and only stage 1...not bad...decent at that...A
first pick, if you see him, pick him =/.
rating--- 3.5
dontknow09 |
Skyridge Steelix
Neo Genesis Steelix was one of the best defensive pokemon cards
ever made. It resisted grass, carried 110 HP for being a stage 1,
and could use metal energy without the side effects. This new
Steelix doesn't seem as defensive as its NG cousin. I'd say it was
built for more of an offensive tacit. It loses 10 HP, but 100 is
still good considering its a stage 1. Just got to watch out for 50
fire damage. Bottom stats remain exactly the same, and lets hope
that stays unlike Scizor which lost resistance to grass in
Rare Metal is similar to the Expedition Tyrannitar's Dark Aura,
except using metal. That's a good thing because of its heavy
priced attacks. Personally, I don't like those kinds of
Poke-Bodies since its sort of indirectly tells a player to attach
any basic energy to Steelix instead of abusing Metal Energies
effect like you are supposed to do. Skyridge Steelix's attacks
are not economical. Squeeze is so expensive to do a possible 30
and paralysis. Half the time, its like doing 20 regular damage for
3 energies. Metal Tail is so horrible. 4 energies to do 40. Or one
could risk doing 80, but "Tails Fails". This Steelix sure is
offensive, buts it no point if 1) You don't do enough damage or 2)
You don't do any damage.
Unlimited- It is way too slow. SER leaves the iron snake without
any iron. Basically a big target to pick off of. Sometimes, that
extra 10 HP really helps. 1/5
Modified- Even in modified, it is still way too slow. Although the
Poke-Body helps with the overpriced energy costs, the -10 bonus of
real metal won't occur. Go ahead and use it, still won't beat NG
Steelix, nor AQ Steelix. 2/5
Draft- Getting evolutions out is hard enough. Even if you do get
it, what could you possibly do? Charge up for 3 turns to do 20/30?
Or charge up for 4 turns to do 40/80/0? A basic pokemon that does
10 for a colorless could do the same damage it takes for a Steelix
to charge up. Not worth it. Probably the worst steelix ever.
-dontknow09 |
 Meganium45 |
OK, This
is by far the third Best Steelix, behind Aquapolis, and Genesis.
Heck, even Shining Steelix gives this one a run for its money
100 HP, not good for a Steelix
Weakness to fire, resistance to Grass, pretty normal for a Steelix
4 Retreat cost - not good, but it's what we're used to. that is
why they invented switch and warp energy.
Poke-Body - geesh, if this was a Poke Power (more than just this
Pokemon) then it might be good, but this Steelix's attacks just
don't cut it. It does turn every type of energy into metal,
alleviating the need for metal in a deck, but, heh,
First attack, Metal, Metal, Colorless for 20, flip for 30 and
paralyzed! For three energy, too much cost, too little benefit.
Second attack, Three Metal and a colorless for 40, or the option
to flip a coin, if heads 80, if tails, 0. Too high of a
risk/reward here. Reminds me of a Certain Psychic Lugia (which is
a better card, but not by much)
Uses, well, um, could be grass protection in a Kabutops deck where
you don't want to have to use Metal Energy, but, in the end, this
is a waste of cardboard.
Ratings -
Unlimited - 1/5 No use for a 3/4 energy attack pokemon that does
not do, like, 100 damage in this envio.
Modified - May be some use, but it finishes third behind its
Aquapolis and Neo Genesis brethren. 1.6/5
Draft - OK, the power is good here, and you can get away with
taking a while to load up, and there are not many good switching
cards in Skyridge, so you have a chance to hold them a turn. 3/5 -
I would still look to draft a Pikachu before I drafted this card.

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
I want to like this guy, really I do.
But somehow I can't. He could be useful, but he has lower HP and
higher costing attacks that Genesis Steelix. And to top it all
off, the attacks aren't even all that great. Still a nice card,
and if you draft with another set that has Onix, he is AWESOME in
Unlimited: Not a chance. Don't
play him. Genesis Steelix actually does ok in Unlimited, but this
one will get eaten. 1/5
Modified: Again, Genesis version
will do the trick for you. No real reason to play him. If you
wanna play steel type, go with Genesis Steelix of Aquapolis Scizor
(Just watch out for my Jumpluffs and Ledians!! =D) 2.75/5
Limited: Like I said, if you can
draft Onix from a different set, then Steelix can win you entire
games. But the absence of an Onix in Skyridge REALLY hurts him
bad. 2.5/5
The Bottom Line: 2/5 |
Thundachu |
Steelix Skyridge:
Overview: Steeeeeelix. I have to say I like the Neo Genesis one
better. 100HP makes 10 less than Neo 1. The Poke-Body comes in
handy, but they only provide Metal Energy. You need "real" metal
energy attached to it to reduce the damage. Squeeze is ok I guess
=\ For 2 metal and 1 colorless it does 20 damage automatically
than 10 extra if you flip a heads. Metal Tail can be good. For 3
metal and 1 colorless does 40 and if you want you can flip a coin
if heads does 80. Remind you of any other
card(coughNeo3Lugiacough). 4 retreat is bad. Balloon Berry can
definitely be nice here. Weakness to fire makes it target for
Typhlosion and Magcargo and Entei and. Resistance to Grass. Aint
no Crobat here I reckon.
Unlimited: 2/5(ewww)
Modified: 3.5/5
Draft: 4/5(Only a stage 2 and with adding energies in draft that's
nice. All u need is an Onix.) |
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