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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
I guess this is
the first card we're reviewing whose rating depends on the
ruling: whether the rules are those of WotC or those of
If it is Active,
this Poliwrath can auto-confuse the Defending Pokemon, at
the cost of discarding a basic Energy card from it. As you
might know, Nintendo have changed the Confusion rule. It now
says that a Confused Pokemon can retreat without flipping
(like all the other Special Conditions), and if a Confused
Pokemon tries to attack and flips tails, 3 damage counters
must be placed on it. This new ruling, in my opinion, makes
Confusion less harsh than it was before. In fact, most of
the Nintendo cards don't flip for confusion now, unlike most
of the cards in the pre-Nintendo sets. In fact, the only
auto-confusion cards I know of that are from a pre-Nintendo
set are Psychic Cube, and... this Poliwrath.
The problem is
that I personally hate the attack. An attack for a Stage 2
that, for [1FF], does 40 50% of the time, simply doesn't cut
it. It does have plenty of HP, but its attack plainly
Unlimited: No,
don't play this card here. If you want a Fighting Pokemon
for this format, use Tyrogue.
Modified: I
think this card is a little bit underrated in this format.
It's true that Special Conditions are, in general, easily
counterable, but a sure Special Condition per turn certainly
isn't. Another thing that people overlook about Poliwrath's
power is that it switches off the Defending Pokemon's
Poke-Power or Pokemon Power (if it has one). The new rules
will make Poliwrath less playable, true, but I'd still
consider it. The bad thing about Poliwrath, as I already
mentioned, is its below-par attack. If it had an attack that
at least did 50+, it would have been a much bigger force.
Draft: If you
draft this, be careful. Poliwrath's pre-evos aren't Fighting
Pokemon, although, admittedly, both the Poliwag and the
Poliwhirl have colorless attacks in both Skyridge and
Expedition, so it actually isn't much of an issue. This is
deadly in Draft if you manage to get it out. Special
Conditions in Draft can win you the game, and Poliwrath's
massive 110HP will let it live for very long. The drawback
is that Poliwrath itself isn't splashable. If you're playing
other Fighting Pokemon, try this out, since Poliwag and
Poliwhirl can still attack with the Fighting energies.
pERfeCt 0nE |
I like this card. When I first saw it, I opened up apprentice
and went crazy.
Unlimited- Each review, i will say something is usually too
weak to ER, SER, Sneasel, wiggly, and maybe fable or zappy- this
is not an exception =/.
rating--- 1
Modified- Kewl. I like using this with Murkrow or possibly
Starmie- to counter Scizor. If you use Mirage Stadium and his
confusion, you can totally mess them up, AND they wont want to
use DG to escape it with Mirage Stadium right there. If they
do, you can Murkrow lock them, via Warp Energy after their DG!
He's very combolicious ^_^.
rating--- 3.675
Draft- Once again...If you can draft his family and get him
up- you WIN!!! ...most likely...lol
rating--- 3.75
dontknow09 |
Skyridge Poliwrath
Poliwrath seems to be a very unpopular pokemon to me for some
reason. I see plenty of Poliwhirl toys/plushes/etc. but I don' see
many Poliwraths. Could this new Poliwrath hype up the Pokemon
world? Well, this Poliwrath has the most HP out of any Poliwrath,
a hefty 110HP. The 3rd Pokemon to have 110HP I think. Poliwrath
goes to fighting type like the Discovery version, which I don't
like because of the complex color change. Good thing the new
Poliwags and Poliwhirls have colorless attacks. Watch out for
Espeon's, which could do some major damage to Poliwrath because of
its weakness to psychic. 2 retreat is the best retreat cost out of
any Poliwrath, but I'd rather use a switch or something. On to the
arsenal. What an amazing Poke-Power. Auto-confusion can really
hurt the defending Pokemon. Although it comes at a cost of one
energy, a recycle energy could solve that problem. If only you
could use this while on the bench... Spiral Punch does a strong 40
and the extra effect is pretty cool. It's flippy though, but even
without the flips, Spiral Punch does enough damage.
Unlimited- Weak to SER. Strange Spiral could help, but most people
would just free retreat anyways. 1/5
Modified- It's a good fighting, but like AQ Nidoking don't be
fooled by how it looks. Strange Spiral is still great, but it's
Spiral Punch that I'm
worried about. Maybe if the base damage was up a notch, it
wouldn't be as mediocre. 2.5/5
Draft- Pretty good if you could get it out. Flipping wouldn't
matter since you have a confusion to protect you plus a hefty
110HP. 3.25/5
-dontknow09 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
I love this guy. I have him and the
Piloswine in a deck, and it really does work well. With Gold
Berries and his high 110 hp, he can last a long time. The power
is, simply put, too good. Yes they may retreat, yes they may
switch or double gust, but guess what? They just had to throw
away a trainer or a few energy, AND had to risk a flip. And if
they attack? They may hit themselves. At what cost to you? One
basic energy card. His attack is brutal. One heads does 60 for
pete's sake. Flip a little lucky, and your looking at doing 80 or
110 a turn. Awesome, simply awesome.
Unlimited: He could cause some
problems, but not too much. I wouldn't play him myself here: 2/5
Modified: Could be very
dangerous. I wouldn't be ashamed to play him, no sir. 3.75/5
Limited: If you can back him up
with Poliwags and whirls, you've got it made. He will win you
most games, hands down. 3.5/5
The Bottom Line: 3/5 |
Thundachu |
Skyridge Poliwrath:
Overview: One of my favorite cards in Skyridge. 110Hp for a stage
3 is great. Not many people use psychic decks anymore, but with
the new sets coming out it could be bad. Espeon overkills this
guy. The pokemon power in my book is great. For the cost of 1
energy the defending pokemon is automatically confused and auto
confusion 0wnz. For 2 Fighting energy and 1 colorless you do 40
automatically and flip until you get tails, 20 for each heads.
Retreat of 2 is wonderful with a stage 2 evo. I wonder if Nintendo
will release any water Poliwraths in the future 0_o
Unlimited: 3/5(eh... it's ok)
Modified: 1.5/5(Weakness to psychic=Espeon's prey)
Draft: 2/5(Rare and stage 2.) |
TR Shadow |
The Pokemon Power can be very useful when used correctly.
Confusion is a nice effect. You could do a lot there with recycle
energy if it didn't say BASIC energy. Spiral Punch isn't very
useful. For me, it would always be forty; I hate attacks that
depend on flips. The retreat doesn't hurt it that badly, I
guess. 110 HP, I'd have to say, isn't too bad. There are some
that have 120 HP, but 110 is near perfect I would say. Three
energy is about average for a Pokemon's big attack. Having it
powered up on your third turn would work well. Or you might want
it on your bench for its Pokemon power. You'd have to keep giving
it energy, though. I personally like it.
Unlimited 3.5/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 3/5
~TR Shadow~ |
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