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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Buried Fossil
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
Buried Fossil
This is a very interesting
card. With this card, we now have three methods of getting out
Stage 1 Fossil Pokemon: Mysterious Fossil, Fossil Egg and
Buried Fossil. All of these three have advantages and
disadvantages. Mysterious Fossil has the advantage of not
giving your opponent a prize if it is KOed. Fossil Egg has the
advantage of being the fastest of the three if you flip right
What are the advantages of
Buried Fossil? Reconstruction is a very impressive Poke-Power.
You can search your deck for a Pokemon that evolves from
Mysterious Fossil that is of the same type of the energy card
you reveal to your opponent (either Water Energy or Fighting
Energy if you really want this to work). Of course, this means
you're guaranteed you get an Omanyte, Kabuto or Aerodactyl
turn 2. Make them two Stage 1's in the second turn if you also
have another Buried Fossil/Mysterious Fossil in play in the
first turn.
The disadvantage: it is a
"Pokemon" with 30HP, making it weak to an OHKO to Tyrogue,
giving your opponent a prize in the process. Thus, I'll advise
you not to play 4 Buried Fossil in your deck if you're playing
a Fossil deck. Two Mysterious Fossil and two Buried Fossil
seem to do the trick. Or more than that if you play more than
one Fossil line (for example, playing Omastar with
Unlimited: Of course it's not
bad, but don't play 4 of it. You'll risk a Tyrogue Smash
Punch. Obviously, it's bad if you don't have any fossil
Pokemon in your deck. :P
Modified: The exact same thing
holds here.
Draft: In Draft, if you're
playing Fossil Pokemon, it's probably the only thing available
in your Draft that can let you evolve the Pokemon (it's
strange to draft Skyridge with Neo Discovery, although
Skyridge with Legendary Collection _might_ be viable). Since
it's so fast, and OHKOing it in Draft is practically
impossible, you should go for it. Again, this holds only if
you drafted Omanytes, Kabutos or Aerodactyls, which isn't
often, because it's quite risky. It's not nice to draft an
Omanyte and Omastar, and there is no Buried Fossil in sight.
So although OHKOing the Buried Fossil is very improbable,
getting a nice line of Fossils is too.
pERfeCt 0nE |
A non-pokemon that's a pokemon...o well
Unlimited- Unless you wanna lose a prize, use M.fossil
rating--- 0.25
Modified- Better, but Mysterious fossil is still legal!!! so
is fossil egg if necessary!!! Even Underground Lake is here!!!
Wanna be rouged or get DG'ed for a prize? if so, use this piece
of nothing!
rating--- 0.75
Draft- Well he is kinda safe from DG and rogue, but its
difficult to draft it and any of its evos, which arent
game-winners themselves. Don't draft it unless you got a
Kabutops already of something.
rating--- 1
dontknow09 |
Buried Fossil
Another trainer to support the hard to get out Fossil Pokemon.
This is like
a mysterious fossil, just with more HP, and the "no prize" rule is
apply. It's also faster since you could search for evolutions. But
I still
prefer mysterious fossil.
Unlimited- Gust bait. 1/5
Modified- Double Gust bait. 1.5/5
Draft- Actually pretty good. Reconstruction makes pulling out
fossil's much
easier. Pull out an Omanyte, use the attack to pull out Omastar.
Or with
Kabutops. Don't matter. 3/5 <-- If you're basing your deck on
-dontknow09 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Buried Fossil:
Very nice. None of the fossil evolving pokemon
are especially great, perhaps with the exception of Discovery
Kabutops. But if your gonna play a fossil evo, use this. Fossil
Egg is alright, but it's a flip. There is mysterious fossil, but
this has 30 hp AND a power to get out your fossil evos quickly.
Again, if your playing any fossil evos, play this.
Unlimited: Since all the fossil guys are horrid here, there is
no reason to use it. Steer clear. 1/5
Modified: Discovery Kabutops and Skyridge Omastar can be very
effective in this format, so you may wanna use this. 3/5
Limited: If you get him, you may be able to run a
Kabutops/Omastar line, which would be nice. Depends on previous
picks. 2.5/5
The Bottom Line: 2/5 |
Thundachu |
Buried Fossil:
Overview: Nice. It is a good card to have in your deck if your
playing the Omastar (reviewed earlier). Trade 1 basic energy for 1
Omanyte or Kabuto. And it is better than Mysterious Fossil because
it has 30HP instead of 10 ;x. No weakness and no resistance is
nice for a trainer (like most trainers have a weakness and
resistance ;/). It cant be affected by special conditions. All in
all, a pretty good card for Kabutops/Omastar players. Better than
the Mysterious Fossil as well IMO. It is great in Draft as well
because draw power is very limited. Only problem is, it has a
retreat cost. 0_o. I suggest keeping it on the bench ¬_ ¬'
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Draft: 5/5(Being common it should be easy to get) |
TR Shadow |
Buried Fossil
In my opinion, it should have been a baby Pokemon. Sadly, it
doesn't have
the baby power. At least it has a decent Pokemon power that won't
allow it
to be at this stage very long. Being able to trade an energy for
Aerodactyl is good in almost any circumstance. There will be
times when you
need the energy, though and you won't be able to trade. I
honestly think
that not a lot needs to be said about this card. It essential to
have to
evolve unless you're using Fossil egg. I would use this for the
reason that it doesn't require a flip.
Unlimited 4/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 4/5
~Tr Shadow~ |
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