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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
- Promo
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X-Act |
This isn't a bad
card. It was played in Old Modified, especially in Giovanni's
Machamp decks. Since Old Modified used to have powerhouses
that dealt monstrous amount of damage, Crosscounter was pretty
useful, but you had to flip heads. Still, for one Fighting
Energy only, Crosscounter is pretty good even in today's
Modified, where massive damage is still pretty much prevalent
in the form of Magcargo, Feraligatr and possibly Scizor. The
second attack does 50 for [1FF]; pretty decent too. The 60HP
is what hurts this card most, I daresay.
Unlimited: It's
not too bad in Unlimited, but again, if you flip tails for
Crosscounter, it is easily OHKOed. Magnum Punch is nice
though. I'll give it halfway the rating, because in 50% of the
cases it's great, and in the other 50% it's average.
Modified: The
exact same argument as for Unlimited holds here
Draft: You can't
draft Promos, of course, so I'm assuming you're drafting this
card from Gym Heroes. If you're playing Fighting (usually from
Brock), it's obviously a superb pick. If not, it won't serve
you for much, as both attacks are not splashable. So again, it
takes halfway the rating, but for different reasons.
pERfeCt 0nE |
I never liked this card too much. With such low HP, its an easy
target, and if it uses Crosscounter, its still only a flip and
most likely it will be DG'ed away.
Unlimited- 60 HP makes him useless, his energy cost is too weak
as well.
rating--- 1.5
Modified- I guess they were trying to bring back Haymakers or
something- it didn't work. His HP is far to low and he can
still be DG'ed away
rating--- 2.5
Draft- N/A

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Rocket's Hitmonchan:
Fighting continues to get power
boosts. Rocket's Hitmonchan, released in the Gym Heroes set, was
every bit as good as Base Hitmonchan, and maybe better. He did
have 10 less HP, but his attacks are great. Crosscounter is
awesome. It's what I like to call a "sweat" attack. If your
opponent risks an attack following a Crosscounter, the results can
be disastrous for them. I'll put it this way: Crosscounter is
awesome, Magnum Punch is good for the cost, and you get 10 extra
damage for no additional cost versus Base Chan. And this guy only
has a single retreat, versus Base Chan's double retreat. Only
drawback? 60 HP. That means one with no energy is still gust
bait for Espeon.
Unlimited: Honestly, none of the
Hitmonchans are great here. But with Crosscounter he could be
good versus Sneasel's 80 per turn. If your flips are good, play
him. 2/5
Modified: If your playing
Fighting, I would almost certainly play him. If you have no
Cleffa 1st turn, he is not a bad starter, and 50 straight damage
is nothing to sneeze at. 3.75/5
Limited: GEEZE!! He is BROKEN
here!!! Play him if you see him. Oh, wait, he is a promo. Well,
if your drafting Gym Heroes, do 2 things. 1st, slap whoever
decided to draft that set, and then take him! But since this is
the promo...: N/A
The Bottom Line: 2.75/5 |
Thundachu |
Rocket's Hitmonchan
Overview: 60HP is good for a basic pokemon. Weakness to psychic
makes it a target for Espeon. Crosscounter is an awesome attack.
For 1 fighting energy you have a chance of doing double damage
that the defending pokemon did to you. 0wnage. For 2 Fighting and
1 colorless does 50 solid damage. Retreat of only 1 energy is
Unlimited: I still prefer the regular Hitmonchan. More HP and just
plain better =\. 3/5
Modified: eh... It is ok. Again, the regular Hitmonchan is better.
Draft: It is a rare holo so drafting it may be hard. But if you
do, it is great to have for the double damage chance. 4.5/5 |
BondiBorg |
Rocket's Hitmonchan
This is, by far, one of my favorite cards from the Gym sets. It
balances a strong enough defense to possibly stall the opponent's
attempt to attack, and a nice, solid offense.
For Unlimited, I think this is a player's best bet when you need a
quick Basic in a Fighting deck. If you need something early game
discourage FTK decks, Cross Counter and a Focus Band is something
that few opponents will challenge. Late game, after your first
heavy hitter falls, Rocket's Hitmonchan does an extra 10 damage
for the same Energy cost as its' Base cousin. Also, the retreat
cost is one less than the Base Hitmonchan...if you already run
Focus Band in your deck, go with this one.
For Modified, this is a really tough call. On one hand, big damage
rules the scene, but on the other, building up a heavy hitter
first is
key to winning. Early damage (such as to take out a 40 HP Sentret
first turn, exploiting Weakness) has got to be taken into
consideration. There's not much Resistance to Fighting running
around, and since you need to use Cross Counter every time you
want the protection, you're not going to be doing anything with it
but stalling. I'd recommend the Base version. (The Promo version
with the same attacks has 10 less HP; last I heard, the ruling on
it is to play the card as it appears. Buy a Base one for a couple
of bucks.)
For Limited, I doubt you'll pull this card unless you're drafting
Heroes. =P
Unlimited - 3.7
Modified - 2.5
Limited - n/a
~{BondiBorg}~ |
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