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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Bounce Energy
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
pERfeCt 0nE |
Bounce Energy
I like this card. At first thought, Politoed would be a good
candidate for this. I think this card has lots of
possibilities. If u use Beedrill, you might want a grass energy
first turn to use its attack and then you can use bounce energy,
leaving the grass for another Kakuna or whatever...I dunno. I
think its best with Toed.
Unlimited- Useless. It only works with basic energy which will
never be seen here. Forget it altogether here. rating--- 1.25
Modified- If you use this with Politoed- it leaves the water
energy behind for another Toeds Sudden Growth. Since Politoed
only needs WCC for frog hop and WWCCC for energy splash he's
fine. His retreat cost is CC as well. Its a nice fit for the
froggy. There is, of course, other decent candidates as well:
Beedrill, Crobat, Machamp, Dewgong, and other pokemon with CC
attacks or decks that have low energy.
rating--- 3.875 (between 3.75 and 4)
Draft- Not very good here. You usually have enough energy
too. It has its situations and such but I wouldn't pick it
within my first handful of picks =/.
rating--- 2.125 (between 2 and 2.25)
X- Act |
Bounce Energy
"Bounce, bounce, bounce!" No, this
isn't one of the latest R. Kelly songs (which is a really bad
song, no matter what jermy101 says). It's just Bounce Energy.
And, as you will see soon, this Energy card is as bad as R.
Kelly's song, if not worse. =\
So we finally get an Energy card for
Modified that provides more than 1 Energy at once and that
actually stays in play (unlike Boost Energy). Well, not without
a cost though. Actually, not one cost. It has two: (1) you need
to have a Basic Energy card attached to that Pokemon; (2) you
need to return a Basic Energy card attached to that Pokemon to
your hand. When things seemed to be getting interesting, we are
bitterly disappointed once again. Consider you have a Water
Energy card on one of your Water Pokemon in play. Now consider
two different scenarios: in the first one, you attach Bounce
Energy to it and return the Water Energy to your hand, and in
the second, you attach a Water Energy to the same Pokemon. Which
is the best end result? Well, I prefer the latter, for obvious
reasons. You just might want to use Bounce Energy if you
desperately want fewer energies on your Pokemon, so that your
opponent's Espeon has a harder time to kill it. But that is
ridiculously situational. The number of times you actually need
Bounce Energy in your deck is asymptotically (and exponentially)
convergent to zero.
Unlimited: You must be joking right?
Double Colorless Energy is simply superior to it in every
imaginable way. Scratch one.
Modified: Again, there's not much
point of using this Energy card here, too. Water + Water is at
worst, the same as Water + Bounce - Water (= Bounce), and
certainly less confusing. Scratch two.
Draft: It isn't even good in this
format too, seeing that you're provided with as many Basic
Energies as you want. Leave the Bounce Energy for the unlucky
person who is forced to pick it up as the last card in the
booster. So, you guessed it... Scratch three.

The Poke`mon Master 1110 |
Bounce Energy:
This card, well, it looks good on the
surface, but after playing it, it really isn't that great. It
could be used for energy conservation, but that's about all. Its
uses are few and far between, so you should prolly think twice
before putting it in a deck.
Unlimited: Boy, this card is a
JOKE here! .25/5
MMF: 2.5/5
Limited: 2.75/5
The Bottom Line: 1.75/5 |
Thundachu |
Bounce Energy
Overlook: I really see no point in this card. It is like a
double colorless but your taking 1 basic energy off. You could
always add it back next turn, but still, a waste of energy.
Unlimited: If you want 2 energy, stick to DCE because you dont
have to take energy off to use it. =\ 1.5/5
Modified: Since DCE is banned, if it is an evolution you need
rge energy for, than use Boost Energy. If it is a basic, I guess
this could be ok. I mean, you can just add the energy back next
turn if you really need it and your getting 2 for the price of
1. 3/5
Draft: No. Just, no. 1/5
Meganium45 |
At first
when I saw this card I thought "cool, a new double colorless
energy". Upon reading the card further my impression went from
yeah, to oh, to bleh.
Bounce provides two colorless to any Pokemon, but the catch is you
have to have a basic energy already attached to the pokemon which
returns to your hand.
This means this card is only good in the instance where you have a
colored first attack, and a colorless two energy attack to go
after, so you can take your colorless energy off and power
something else. There are a few Pokemon this works for, namely
this week's Beedrill!
Overall, the uses are pretty limited, much better for the
Aquapolis and Skyridge cards, which seem to have a lot of attacks
that require one colored and two colorless energy, or pokemon such
as Arcanine or Flareon that require three colorless energy. I do
not know if this is worth wasting deck space for. Not too
impressive. Of the Skyridge energy, I would rate this one second,
behind cyclone (which is horrid) and ahead of retro (bleh).
Overall, a good waste of deck space.
Ratings -
Unlimited 1/5. NO reason to play it here, double colorless is
available, boost is available, sorry.
Modified - 2/5 Could be useful in the SK Beedrill deck, but aside
from that , not much use at all.
Limited/Draft - Could see some use here, with a number of
colorless attacks, and a great way to recycle colored energy back
into your hand. Very frustrating to power up the Arcanine with
Water Energy, and then pull the Dewgong, and need the water back!
See you next week with more fun reviews, and hopefully the debut
of Meganium's Matrix (hint)
See you on the boards, at GenCon, and at Origins!
Meganium45 |
dontknow09 |
Bounce Energy
This set has some weird energies. When I first saw bounce energy,
i thought it was going to be another double colorless. It turns
out its an exchange for 1 energy to get 2 energy, although i would
already have 2 energy anyways.
Unlimited- Just use DCE. There's no point in returning energies
back to get the same amount of energies you were going to have by
the end of the turn. 1/5
Modified- Well, unless you want to return some energy back for
some reason, I see no use. 1.25/5
Draft- You could use it to power up some pokemon, but its just
like the other formats. Same amount of energy on one pokemon in
the same amount of turns. 1.25/5
-dontknow09 |
TR Shadow |
Bounce Energy
Providing two colorless energy is definitely a plus. The cost of
bringing one back to your hand hurts it, but in the right
situation, it could help. Most of the time, bringing back an
energy will hurt you mare than it will help. Sometimes, both
effects will help when you're running tight on energy and you need
another to power up your other Pokemon for a next turn KO. It
would work very well in Limited because you have so many different
energy types and a lot of Colorless. It works well with the
Beedrill, too. Put a grass on the Kakuna to poison, then add the
Bounce energy to the Beedrill and bring back the grass to attach
to something else that needs it. Beedrills attack only costs two
colorless, so it would work real well with him.
Unlimited 3/5
Modified 4.5/5
Limited 5/5
~TR Shadow~ |
BondiBorg |
Bounce Energy
Special Energy
This card provides CC Energy. You can attach this card to your
Pokémon that has basic Energy cards attached to it. When you play
this card from your hand and attach it to 1 of your Pokémon,
return a basic Energy card attached to that Pokémon to your hand.
If given a choice, play Double Colorless Energy. Period.
For Unlimited, just use DCE. No question about it. You get the
benefit without the disadvantage.
For Modified, I really don't see too much use for this card. I
guess you could use it in a Light Dragonite deck if you already
had 4 Boost Energy in there, and wanted something that could be
attached while waiting for Light Draggy to make an appearance. It
might show use in Expedition Alakazam decks, though those are
rarely seen, to get extra Energy while keeping the number of
Energy cards on it low. Yesterday's CotD, Skyridge Beedrill, has
an attack for CC...that might have some use, if need be. If you've
already got one Basic on there, why not just play another and be
done with it?
For Limited, this card doesn't really place too high on the list
of cards I'd pick first. You probably won't get more than one or
two, and even if you did, wouldn't it be more helpful to have
Basic Energy instead, which provides for Colorless attacks anyway?
Unlimited - 0.5
Modified - 1.9
Limited 1.0
~{BondiBorg}~ |
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