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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Nidoking -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Crystal Nidoking
The new Crystal Pokemon reminds me a lot of Shining Pokemon but
they seem to be more playable. The ability to change Types is
really good as you can try and abuse the Weakness/Resistance
Factor of the game. I think there was a misprint on this Nidoking
though. The F and R symbol should be switched or something.
Poison Horn is a decent attack if you are playing Grass. Doesn't
do too much damage though. Rolling Thunder is a massive attack.
The problem is, it requires 2 of each Grass and Fighting Energies
to attack. Powering it up could be a bit hard.
In Unlimited, I don't think this is playable at all. ER kills it
so bad. Rating: 1.8/5
In Modified, it could work, but don't expect it to be really
competitive. Rating: 2.6/5
In Draft, it has high HP and both attacks are good if you can
somehow power them up. Getting this out in the first place would
be hard as well. Rating: 2.5/5 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110
Crystal Nidoking:
At the very least the artwork is really cool. I
love it so much. But in all honesty the card itself is not too
great for playing. We all know Insane Choa likes these kinds of
weird cards, but for the rest of us, I’d say to stay away. The
crystal body is OK because that means he could become super
effective against 3 different types of Pokemon. The first attack
is nice, but Toxic on base Nidoking is better, at the sacrifice of
only 10 HP. The other attack is horrid. It is just a more
expensive Blizzard. Blizzard was OK on Articuno, but four energy
of two different types? No. Keep him in the binder (or have him
airbrushed on a shirt, like my Mewtwo, Scyther and Charizard =D)
but keep him out of your deck.
Unlimited: Are there worse cards in
unlimited? Sure, but I’d still rather have a Clefairy Doll in my
deck than Nidoking. 1/5
MMF: Not much better here. Slow, attacks
aren’t good enough, and Kingdra, the most popular Pokemon right
now, kills him with Twister. 1.25/5
Limited: Extremely rare, hard to power up,
Stage two with weak stage one and basic? Only take him if your
rare drafting or need him for a set or something. .75/5
The Bottom Line: 1/5
Artwork: 3.75/5 |
X- Act |
Hmm. This seems
like it's gonna be a Crystal Pokemon week. Umm... :/
Unlimited: Use
it only if you want to get owned really badly by ER, SER,
Scyther, etc.
Modified: Hmm.
Poison Horn is a REALLY overpriced attack. Even some Basic
Pokemon have better attacks than that, let alone a Stage 2.
Rolling Thunder reminds me of a typical Blizzard attack, but
this time it requires multicolored energies. I really don't
know why you should use this. My goodness... you shouldn't
even use it in CASUAL play. :/
Draft: I don't
know the likelihood of getting a Crystal Pokemon in an
Aquapolis booster pack. If it's Rare and it's worth money,
then "=/". Yeah, OK, you usually play multiple types in
Draft. At least, the Aquapolis Nidoran Male and Nidorino
both have colorless attacks. I don't know if I'd still put
it in my Draft deck even if I drafted them though. Sure,
100HP is solid, but... I don't like multi-color Energy
requirements, even though you may just stick with Poison
Horn. Which, as you saw before, I'm not exactly excited
about. =\
This must have
been my most terse COTD I've ever done. ;x
dontknow09 |
Crystal Nidoking
*dontknow's note: my bad on the pokemon park review last week. It
seems that there was a last minute rule change which i have not
been properly informed of. So, you cant do the raindance/harvest
thing i said. Now back to the daily reviews*
This week, we're lookin at the crystal pokemon. The first up is
nidoking. A cool 100HP, but the rest of the card is very akward.
Grass weakness, no resistance, and a heavy 3 retreat. The pokebody
is cool though. Change types when you put a specific type of
energy on it. Too bad its only G, R (its supposed to be fighting,
but many are misprints. Play as it is. *i hope they dont change
the rules on this one too =/*) , or L. It can pose many
advantages, but not much. Attacks pretty much are bad. One is a
high priced poison sting. The other is a very highly priced
Unlimited- Dont make me laugh... please. No good. High priced.
HUGE er bait. No good. 1/5
Modified- Same in unlimited. You would easily be taken out by some
other cards. Although a Insane Chao found a very good use for
them, im not him. He has the funk to these kinds of things. Not
me. 1/5
Draft- I would keep it jus for its rarity. But for playing... Its
akward. I would think some basics would accumulate more damage
than nidoking by the time he's powered up. 1/5
Team- Rolling thunder could hit both your opponents. But then it
could hit both of your teams pokemon. Posion is always good in
team, but not with this. 1/5
-dontknow09 |

scytheazn |
Crystal Nidoking
ewwww... crystals =\ these are even worse than shinings; at least
shinings were basics =\ Crystal Type is the stupidest power i've
seen; very rarely will you be able to use it to your advantage.
you DON'T need to attach THAT much energy to it =\ i'm just gonna
make this short and simple. why would you evolve your NIDORINO
into CRYSTAL NIDOKING anyways?! even nidorino is better =\
of course not, ER bait =\ running multi colored decks with HUGE
energy costs simply doesn't work.
a bit easier here, but still won't work. [LLFF] for a chance to
yourself? uhhh.... ok =\ even the first attack takes waaay too
much energy for what it does.
yes, it sucks in draft. but get it anyway and sell it!!! =D
=\ |
Chao |
Crystal Nidoking
I thikn theres a misprint onthe one I have and the scan. it says
when you attach a Grass, Lightning or Fire energy. it should say
fighting as it uses fighting and the japanese version said
fighting I believe. The Key to the crystal pokemon is their
versitality. They can shift types to be the weakness of the
defending pokemon, they can also use 3 types of cubes (also found
in aquapolis). Use it with seer to get the energy, and powerplant
to trade for energy, or whatever works but if you look closely
almost the entire set Aquapolis is set up to support crystal
From the top to the bottom of the card lets look at basic stats:
Stage 2 is not allways friendly but its got a good average 100 Hp
tagged on it to make it worth your while. 3 retreat, not friendly,
but you wont be reteating this guy after going through the trouble
to get him out. hes weak to grass so if your confused dont risk
shifting him to grass and dealing yourself fourty, thats just
painful to imagine.
Attacks are probably the best of the crystals, though I cant say
that says alot. you could put him in an all grass deck and still
get results wiht the first attack. 20 and auto poison isnt much
for 3 energies, however if you play him with meganium, attaching a
grass makes him change to grass this turn then hte grass counts
double, potential. Rolling thunder is interesting. 50 is just
below average for 4 energies, though its in no way bad. then the
effect is risky; heads it can devistate the opponent's benchm or
it could devistate your bench. use with caution.
Unlimited: almost no point. what do I mean? picture nidoking here
VS a scyther. get the picture? 1/5
Modified: will see some use (at least with me he and the rest of
the crystals already have). Use the ever nearly-broken grass cube
on turn one, then after you've dealt soem damage use lightning
cube for the final blow, in between keep him alive however you
can. he can take out most water with his shifting to lightning,
shifting to fire is useless, you wont even use that. shifting to
grass is cool as it takes out the other nidoking and a bunch of
other friendly pokemon like gligar. Versitality and intricate
moves that are carefully executed make him useful. 4/5
Draft: its unlikely to get the energy and then you have to get
nidorans and nidorinos. If you can do it great, but take it for
the rarity. 1/5
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