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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Lugia -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Crystal Lugia
In case you haven't heard, WoTC recently lost the license to the
Pokemon TCG. I hope that the game still continues... =(
Let's get back to the card review. Psychic is actually decent.
Doesn't do too much damage unless against something like a
Magcargo/Entei. Steam Blast is horrible. I rather use Flamethrower
or something... You could use Recycle Energy with it though...
In Unlimited, I think Neo Genesis Lugia is better. Too weak to
ER... =/ Rating: 1.2/5
In Modified, could be an interesting metagame choice if Entei
decks are popular. Other than that though, it's not that good.
Rating: 1.8/5
In Draft, it's a high HP Basic. At worst, you can use it as a wall
to stall while you build up your Bench... Rating: 2.5/5 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110
Crystal Lugia:
Well, he is the best Crystal out there so far,
but hopefully the upcoming Crystal Golem, Charizard, Crobat,
Kabutops, Ho-oh and Celebi will be better. But he is halfway
decent I suppose. Not for Psychic. The cost is horrid, especially
since it is TIMES instead of 10 PLUS. But I can see the second
attack. Just discard a recycle. Of course you have to like to play
these weird things to want to play him, since many other things
can do much better.
Unlimited: Nope. He will get eaten here.
He’ll be ER, SER, then Item Finder for more SER, and then he’ll
get pounded. Of course Sneasle will KO him in one shot anyway, so
ER won’t usually be necessary. 1/5
MMF: Even with no ER, he will still die to
stuff like Kingdra, since he is ER. 1.25/5
Limited: He really only is useable with
recycle, but he is a basic that can attack for only 2 energy, so
he isn’t complete garbage. 1.75/5
Artwork: 3/5
The Bottom Line: 1.25 |
X- Act |
Crystal Lugia
today. These crystal cards make me feel lethargic. At least,
this card is, in my opinion, the best of all the crystal
Psychic does too little damage in this format. Stream Blast
is "=/".
Modified: Hmm.
Stream Blast is sickeningly overpriced for what it does (yet
again). Psychic is too. Even Neo Destiny Girafarig's Psychic
does more damage for [PP]. That's as bad as you can get.
Draft: In Draft
it's not as bad as you might think, because, unlike the
other Crystal cards, this is a Basic Pokemon. A Basic
Pokemon with 80HP isn't bad in Draft. Its attacks requiring
multicolored energies won't help you much though. But you
can stall a little bit with this thing. Then afterwards,
sell it. :o
dontknow09 |
Crystal Lugia
Yay, last day of the week(i hope this is posted on friday), and
spring break is here. What a good way to celebrate this by looking
at another, probably unplayable crystal card. Well this one is a
basic, i dont know why nidokingdra wasnt. They would have goten a
one-tenth of a boost in my ratings if they were. Anyways, it can
change to P, W, or R. Lugia has the lowest, 80HP. But for a basic,
thats pretty decent. Psychihc weakness is bad, and so is not
resistance. Add in the 3 retreat cost, and lugia matches with the
rest of the crystals bottom stats(weakness, no resist, 3 retreat).
Psychic is a more expensive veresion of mew's psywave, which is
still a pretty bad attack compared to psychihc of like espeon.
Steam blast is just a
very high costed flamethrower.
Unlimited- ER, SER, GOW, whatever all can take out the lugia.
1.1/5, because its a basic.
Modified- Same as the others. Its only a basic, so boost .1!!
Draft- Keep it. I would keep any crystal i pull just for
collection sake.
But its like the rest, other than the fact that its a basic.
Team- Same old. Read the other reviews, except replace nidokingdra
with lugia. 1.1/5
-dontknow09 |

scytheazn |
Crystal Lugia
the only crystal that's a basic... too bad that means its attacks
HORRIBLY overcosted. even the nidoking is better than this =\
don't have much to say besides EXPENSIVE and MULTICOLORED attacks!
3 retreat isn't that great either; the 80 HP doesn't even make up
for that =\ to top it all off, it even has a WEAKNESS and NO
big, fat, and slow =\
won't work here either, way too expensive.
get it and SELL IT! but its waaay to slow to actually play with =\
=\ |
Chao |
Crystal Lugia
Versitality is the key again. can use some
of the cooler cubes. psychic and fire means that it can get an
auto burn or confusion in easily while you power lugia for one of
its main attacks. top to bottom its nice. 80 HP is very good for a
basic. 3 retreat is a drawback, as opposed to 2 on other lugias.
Weakness to psychic is expected, but suprisingly no resistance to
fighting. That was a shocker.
Attacks; psychic is the not as good version.
its 10x the number of energy not something plus 10x the energies.
but for 2 energies you could do something like play a water, and
KO a macargo that has 4 energies because you now are water type.
Never say no to KOing a cargo. Steam blast is sub par. 60 would
have been better and for a discard of one its worse. however use
recycle and you'll be fine. remember, 50 is alot of damage when
you can make yourself super effective against many types.
Unlimited: No way you'd be able to maintain
this monster, unless you just changed his type and used psychic.
Its a shame. 1/5
Modified: has several uses. is a nice backup
and even a wall. can essentially take out 3 big semi archetypes in
modified by changing type. Can KO Entei/Cargo by shifting to
water, Espeon by shifting to psychic (though unless someone was
dumb enoguh to play a fourht energy on espeon, you'd be using
steam blast so its situational), and Those pesky Meganium/Harvest
Bounty Venusaur/Exectutor decks by changing to fire and they most
likely have about 4 energies on them. a little less useful than
say Crystal Kingdra but is a basic so 4/5
Draft: take it. draft the 3 types, change
around your type and maul through everyone. situational but when
it is used its smashing 4/5 |
Shadow |
Crystal Lugia
This requires way too many different types of
energy. Changing types can be a good thing if the other Poke is
weak to whatever you're changing into. Psychic is overpriced. Two
different types of energy isn't worth doing an average of about 30
damage. It would be worth it if it were one of those attacks that
did 30 plus 10 for each energy attached to the defending Pokemon.
The Stream Blast gives you even less for the amount of energy you
give it. some Pokemon can do fifty for about half the energy Lugia
needs; and they don't need to discard any.
Unlimited 2/5
Standard 2/5
Modified 2/5
Limited 3.5/5
TMP 2/5
~TRS~ |
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