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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Hitmonchan -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

"Best" Hitmonchan
Okay, I think we are supposed to play this version according to
the Base version (70HP). So, I'm basically gonna review this based
on Base Hitmonchan...
One of the original Haymaker Pokemon. 70HP is high for a Stage 1.
Jab is amazingly cheap and undercosted. Special Punch is also
pretty good for its cost. Chan was definitely one of the most
feared Pokemon in the old days. Then Jungle Scyther was printed.
Rocket's Zapdos pretty much sealed its fate. However, with the
release of Metal Energy, Steel Chansey decks were getting really
popular. Fighting was back. By then though, we have 3 good Basic
Fighting Pokemon. Good old Base Hitmonchan. Gligar with its
Colorless attack and great Bottom stats. Finally, we also get the
2nd best Baby next to NG Cleffa, Discovery Tyrogue. A lot of
people simply went for Tyrouge because it only requires a
Colorless Energy, has Free Retreat and most important of all, it
has the Baby Rule.
Basically, if you want to Splash for Fighting, you either play
Gligar or Tyrouge. If you are playing Fighting, you play
In Unlimited, Rocket's Zapdos is not too popular now. Jungle
Scyther is still around though. It's basically a matter of
metagame here. If your area has heavy Fighting Resistance, then
Base Chan is not for you. Rating: 3.5/5
In Modified, it helps support Fighting or Discovery Kabutops. But
Tyrogue can FTK a Baby though... Argh... The choices... Rating:
In Draft, consider yourself really lucky if you drafted this. One
of the most sought after BBPs in Draft. Rating: 4.5/5 |
X- Act |
Hitmonchan is back... with an HP cut. :/
Well, Base
Hitmonchan (the 70HP version) is allowed in Modified. The
Best-of Hitmonchan (the 60HP version) is also allowed.
"Play the cards as they are written, folks!" Thanks for
confusing everyone. :\
Idiot, if you want to use Hitmonchan at ALL costs, use the
70HP version. :/
Modified: Idiot, if you want to use
Hitmonchan at ALL costs, use the 70HP version. :/
Draft: Idiot, if you want to use
Hitmonchan at ALL costs, draft Base set. :/
Hope nobody out there got insulted.
But really, just put this card in your binder. Boast
about having it, kiss it, whatever. Just don't play
it. :/
dontknow09 |
The Best of: Hitmonchan
Same hitmonchan from base. Only a 10hp difference. Play as the
card is. Still very solid. And still very fast.
Unlimited- Dont use it. Use the base one. Thats a no brainer. But
i still have to review it. Fast, solid. Very good. 3.5/5
Modified- I have no idea why they reprinted it. I guess to
strengthen all fighting decks. It'll take out 1 or 2 poke's early
game. Fast, stong, and good. 4.25/5
Draft- You wish...
**Note**- All critiques are based on the 60HP version.
-dontknow09 |

scytheazn |
"Best of" Hitmonchan Base Reprint
ahhh yes, wizards goofed up again =\ since wizards ruled to play
all hitmonchans as is, you better go pick up some base ones =\
they are in ALL ways better than this one (except they aren't
REVERSE HOLO!! >_<) what was wizards thinking, changing modified
into a haymaker environment with electabuzz and hitmonchan =\
why use this when you can get base ones easily? hitmonchan is
kinda outdated now. too much fighting resistance going around. 60
HP is also in range for
base hitmonchan!!! =\ 60 HP won't last you with all the big
hitters here. it's attacks are pretty fast though.
can't draft THIS, but you can draft the base one =\
=\ |
Chao |
Hitmonchan Promo.
what HASNT been said about this
card, eh? come now. sure it lost a measly 10 HP, but its attacks
make up for that and always will. they're both above average for
the energy requirements. two retreat is average, to be honest.
and its not too bad considering you're only gonna be retreating
him if you REALLY dont want your opponent to draw the prize and
you have some other nasty trick on your bench. most of you
probably u already play him, so theres not much to say really.
Unlimited: play the base version,
not that hes not good here, but just take hte extra 10 HP. 1/5
Modified: play it for backup, play
it as a mian, play it to be cheap, play it to be not cheap. did
I mention you should play this card? average retreat is not good
or great retreat though. 4.5/5
TR Shadow |
One thing to remember is that you can now play the base set one
instead of the new promo one and get the extra 10 HP. This card
is great. It has solid HP, a good attack for the first turn, and
another attack that you can use if you plan on getting him powered
up a little bit more. He's fairly splashable in that his attacks
require mostly colorless. You might want to have a few rainbow
energy in to us him though. His Psychic weakness isn't that bad,
as there isn't much Psychic played anymore.
Unlimited 4/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 5/5 (The one with 70 HP, of course ;) )
TMP 3.5/5 |
Master |
Hitmonchan: Well, in Unlimited, it's
not like he was banned or anything. But he is still a decent
fighter there. If you are playing a fighting deck, 99% of the
time he should be in it. That's how good he is. He is STILL good
after all this time. Speed, High HP and good attacks are still
good aspects to have on your side.
Unlimited: 2.75/5
Modified: 3.25/5
Limited: N/A
Artwork: 3/5
The Bottom Line: 3/5 |
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