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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Kingdra -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Kingdra (Aqua.)
I like this Kingdra. Water Cyclone is similar to Base/LC
Venusaur's Energy Trans. A cool trick you can pull off with this
Power is with Scoop Up/Pokemon Center/Pokemon Nurse. Simply
Cyclone all those Water Energies to a healthy Pokemon and use
either one of the 3 cards to remove a lot of damage counters. With
mutiple Kingdras out, it can be an endless cycle. 120HP really
helps the playability of the card but the high retreat cost kinda
sucks. Rapids is a pretty good attack with an ER-effect.
In Unlimited, I can only see it work in a Raindance Deck.
Otherwise it's a bit too slow. Running multiple Stage 2s is kinda
bad though. Rating: 2.3/5
In Modified, this is where it shines. Vary the Kingdras with the
Neo Revelation one as it is a lot faster and reliable. Both can
abuse Pokemon Center/Pokemon Nurse, which is nice. Rating: 3.7/5
In Draft, high HP is really nice. However, it's kinda hard to get
this Stage 2 up and running. Rating: 2.6/5 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110
This Kingdra, while not as good as Revelation,
is still very solid. It has 120 HP, a similar attack to twister
(but better IMHO) and a weird power. But we all know that Kingdra
is played MAINLY for genetic memory. So unfortunatly, this one
will not be played as much. But it is still very solid. No one
should laugh at a person who plays this.
Unlimited: In all honesty, he can’t compete
here. 1.5/5
MMF: He could be very strong here,
especially if LC2 doesn’t reprint Rev. Kingdra. 3.5/5
Limited: Hard to get, but if you can manage
to get him out, you pretty much have the tournament won. 3/5
The Bottom Line: 2.5/5 |
X- Act |
Aquapolis Kingdra is...
underrated, in my opinion. Its 120HP promises good things,
and could well deliver them. Its attack is slightly
overpriced, seeing that Dark Feraligatr has the exact same
attack for [WWW], but it's alright. Its power is really
cool, and can be comboed. See below. :)
Unlimited: It's a Stage 2.
It's weak to Lightning. It has a hefty Energy cost for its
only attack, making it highly vulnerable to SER. Water
Cyclone works for Water Energy cards (for what else?)
only, which is "=/" in this format (no, it doesn't work
for Rainbow Energy. Water Cyclone says "Water Energy
CARDS"). Sure it's 120HP, but Rocket's Zapdos doesn't
really care about that. ;x
Modified: Here it can be more
useful. Its Poke-Power is really cool. It could either
work with a free retreater, or just with a nice Aquapolis
Kingdra swarm. One of the free-retreating Pokemon that
could be aided by this Kingdra is Aquapolis Espeon. You
swarm with Aquapolis Espeon and have an Aquapolis Kingdra
on your Bench. Espeon's energy requirement is [2P], so you
attach 2 Water Energies and a Psychic Energy to it. When
it's about to die, Water Cyclone the two Water Energies to
another Espeon on your Bench (or to Kingdra himself),
Energy Return its lone Psychic Energy to your hand, and
Pokemon Center or Pokemon Nurse it. A pretty slick combo,
but one which takes quite long to set up. The other use of
this card is to swarm with Kingdras, and when it is about
to die, Water Cyclone its Energies to another Kingdra (or
an Aquapolis Seadra, which is ownage :D), use Pokemon
Center or Pokemon Nurse, then Switch or Warp Energy to the
now powered-up Seadra or Kingdra. With 120HP, it should
take pretty long to die. The problem with this strategy is
that you severely limit the use of Double Gust, since
Kingdra has a hefty retreat cost of 3. You know, I'm
actually going to try out the Aquapolis Kingdra/Aquapolis
Espeon idea. :o
Draft: If I see this card, I
might draft it. I have already mentioned, in another COTD,
that Aquapolis Seadra is amazing in Draft. I daresay that
it could do okay even in Modified or in Unlimited in a fun
deck (the 70HP is the letdown though.) If I'm drafting
Horseas and Seadras already, then having one of these
Kingdras would help me a lot. Water Cyclone might power up
another Seadra (or another Water Pokemon) _really_ quickly
and deal good damage. I like those odds. But again, the
fact that it's a Rare, as usual, makes it quite hard to
get, especially for this "50+ Rares" set.
dontknow09 |
Aquapolis Kingdra
This is the other kingdra from this set. Of course, its better
than the
crystal version. 120HP is nice stat. Itll last long. Weakness to
lightning is common on water pokemon now, and so is the no
resistance(FIRE I say, why not put fire!). And then, theres an
ugly 3 retreat =/. Its poke-power seems so.. bad. It could help
speed up the deck a little. Rapids is very expensive. I can see
why though. It does enough damage to cut through water resistance
and can possibly remove an energy card.
Unlimited- Its power is very obsolete, compared to blastoise. I
guess it could b used to take energies away from a cornered
active, but itll get SER'd anyway. Rapids... too slow, not worth
it. 1.25/5
Modified- 4 energies is too slow. Rev kingdra is much faster, and
also more impossible to ko. Still, it does get around resistance
that a lot of grass pokemon now carry(Not much though). And
removing energies.. thats good. 2.5/5
Draft- Kingdra is more of a late game pokemon in draft. To get
powered up, you would need a pre-powered up pokemon and use the
poke-power. Still, rapids does do good damage(although not
economic) and possibly removes energies. Also that 120HP is tough
to beat. 1.25/5
-dontknow09k |

scytheazn |
Aquapolis Kingdra
oooh, nice HP =D that's the first thing that caught my eye =)
retreat cost is a bit hefty, and lightning weakness is usually
there for water pokemon. 120 hp though!!! =D
ehh... i don't see the power being used much because kingdra has a
HUGE retreat cost. no swapping THAT many energies =\ rapids is a
pretty nice attack. 4 for 50 with a 1/2 chance for ER.
toooo sloooooooooooow =\ you can get rapids by turn 3, but
electabuzz can take you out by turn 2/3 ALOT easier =\ not to
mention r's zappy can OHKO this thing =\
better here, but with a useless power and an average attack, i
don't see it being played much. it can hold its own because of
it's 120 HP THOUGH! ;)
DRAFT - 1.5
stage 2's don't work in draft. toooo slow and pulling enough of
evolution line isn't really likely.
=\ |
Chao |
Not the Kingdra/Cetner Feind but
almost as nice. stage 2 isnt that hard to attain nowadays wiht
elm's method and breeder feilds and trader and breeder and
pokemon fanclub and pokemon march and um... you get the idea.
What is practically begging you to play this card is its
beefy, juice, powerful, succulent whopping 120 HP *does the
120 HP dance* 3 retreat, weakness to lightning, not like hes
scared of lightning or like you'll need to retreat him. even
is hes gusted up with no energies, you could power him up in
time to get in one hit at least.
Power is interesting. you'd think
theres alot to it. the only thing I can see is use him in
unlimitedto raindance to and move the waters to some non-water
that needs them like Base Charizard, Shining Raichu, Shining
Kabutops, Aquapolis Psychic Eggecutor, etc. Attack is a toned
down dragon tornado. you can only discard one energy, but its
ER, take what you can get! 50 for 4 is average for any attack
without some odd cost or a discard.
Unlimited: 120 HP. Raindanceable,
so not weak to ER. Combos I lited above make his power good,
he has 120 HP, and ER and nice damage is good any day of the
week. 120 HP. 4/5
Modified: no raindance, obviously,
so combos are gone, but ER is more uncommon here. They had me
sold at 120 HP 4/5
Draft: stage 2, almost no chance
of getting all the components AND more than one. but with HP
like that, just having one is all you really need. 3/5
TR Shadow |
120 HP is good for a stage two Pokemon. It's attack is nice,
doing 50 damage, but it's a bit overpriced. Discarding an energy
is always good in Modified. But Dark Gatr can do it for three
energy. The retreat is a bit heavy for a Kingdra. The Pokemon
power doesn't seem to have any use whatsoever. The only thing it
seems to have over the Neo Rev Kingdra is the HP, which is just,
put simply, not enough. The other one didn't have a weakness like
this one does.
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 2/5
Limited 3.5/5
~TR Shadow~ |

GymLeader Phil
Aquapolis Kingdra Konnichiha!
Aquapolis' Kingdra is today's Card of the Day. Not too shabby
either. Rapids is an attack similar to Twister that Neo Revelation
Kingdra has. The difference is that you only discard one energy
off the opponent's Defending Pokemon if you get heads. Rapids
sacrifices another chance to discard an energy along with the
added risk of not doing any damage if you flip two tails.
But that does not make this Kingdra
special. Far from it! It's the Poke-Power that makes this card
interesting. The ability to move Energy from the Active to Benched
Pokemon made Base Set Venusaur competitive back in the day. So do
the same with Kingdra and combo it with Pokemon Center to get rid
of all the damage on your active without loosing energy. Which
will take a long time due to the whopping one hundred twenty Hit
Points! Three to retreat is the problem with this card if Kingdra
happens to be energy-less as a result of Water Cyclone.
Unlimited - Slowking and
Chaos Gym will disrupt the combo with Pokemon Center/Pokemon
Nurse. It takes awhile to evolve and build up Kingdra too. And in
a format with fast and cheap Big Basic Pokemon like Sneasel and
disruption cards like Energy Removal, the biggest obstacle to
overcome is getting set up before they knock you out. 2/5
Modified - Awesome card to
be played by itself or combined with Neo Revelation Kingdra. Pichu
and Electabuzz should only be a small threat to this awesome card.
Watch out for Grass Pokemon with resistance. Tech in a Magnifier
if heavy grass is played. Add a Healing Fields for Pichu. Remove
Energies. Cause Havoc. 4/5
Limited - Kingdra could
possibly be found as a rare, holofoil, or reverse holofoil.
Finding Seadra could be a problem in a Aquapolis pack. There are
two different Horsea, so you have good odds of pulling at least
one in a draft. Anyways 120 HP is something to be worried about if
your up against this thing in a Limited event. Just watch out for
Ampharos line and Zapdos from Aquapolis. 4/5 |
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