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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Slowbro -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Slowbro (Aqua.)
Dense Body is a pretty decent power in Unlimited but not in
Modified where Evolution rules. Energy Cannon doesn't do too much
damage. Overall stats is just average... =/
In Unlimited, the power can be useful as most people simply play
basics. Doesn't protect itself against Sneasel or Chansey though.
There are better Water Pokemon than this one... Rating: 2/5
In Modified, the power is next to useless. Usually it's a battle
of Evolution and the power doesn't do much. Not really a heavy
hitter as well. Play some other cards instead. Rating: 2/5
In Draft, it could really shine here. The power is amazing. It
forces your opponent to get an Evo out (which can be hard in
Draft) otherwise it's like having 2 free Metal Energies on it. The
attack is quite decent here. At worst, you can use it to stall if
your opponent has only a bunch of basics... Rating: 4/5 |

The Poke`mon Master 1110
It is pretty decent, but not too great, I’ll
say that. At first I didn’t see the part about Baby or Basic, and
I got real happy. But it was all to come crashing down. Mabey with
Unlimited: He’ll get eaten. Don’t try it.
MMF: Not even great here. Really, he doesn’t
have much going for him. 2/5
Limited: Geeze, he isn’t even good here.
What’s up with Slowbro anyhow? 1.5/5
The Bottom Line: 1.5/5 |
X- Act |
I have to say,
the cards chosen for this week's COTD have been superb.
Not because the cards themselves are good, but because
they allow me to discuss them in certain detail. And, from
my COTDs, you know that I like to do that. :)
We have a new
Slowbro. Basic Pokemon (except Baby Pokemon) do 20 less
damage to this card. Then it has an attack that does 30
for 2 Energies, 40 for 3 Energies, or 50 for 4 Energies.
It's an 80HP Stage 1 with Lightning weakness and a retreat
cost of 2.
Now here comes the
controversy. Does Dense Body apply before weakness and
resistance, or after? I'll assume that it applies AFTER
weakness and resistance, simply because similar
Poke-Bodies like Expedition Golem's Rock Body and
Expedition Metapod's Exoskeleton apply after weakness and
resistance are applied... but I'm not 100% sure. When I
checked, there was no ruling about it either. So, below,
I'll assume that its Poke-Body applies after applying
weakness and resistance.
Dense Body is actually more interesting here than in
Modified, since, in general, non-Baby Basic Pokemon are
more frequent in Unlimited. Scyther only does 10 to this,
and Sneasel needs to be a little bit more lucky to OHKO
it. But that's the only benefit. Rocket's Zapdos still
amply OHKOs this thing, and anyway, they could kill the
stupid Slowpoke before it is evolved. Which they might
well want to do, especially since they would think that
it's becoming a Slowking, not a Slowbro. ;x Its attack
isn't too horrible. With a DCE and a Water Energy, it does
40 turn 2. Add another Energy next turn (ANY Energy, which
is nice) and you're doing 50. Actually, with a Water and a
Boost Energy, you can do 50 turn 2. :o But SER owns it,
and... being a Slowbro, you can't play Slowking with it.
Modified: In
Modified it's even worse, since Basic Pokemon don't
usually feature as attackers in this format. Its attack
does too little damage to be good here too. So basically,
this thing just dies. Although, Aquapolis Slowpoke has a
pretty interesting attack which lets you, among other
things, get back a dead Slowbro from your discard. Thus,
if your Slowbro got KOed, you could get it back the turn
after you place a Slowpoke in play. Your opponent,
however, would just grin and say, "Thank you for allowing
me to KO this thing again for another Prize." :(
Draft: In
Draft it's actually pretty good. There are NO Common
Evolutions in Aquapolis. There are only 12 Uncommon
Evolutions in Aquapolis, and a whopping 40 Rare Evolutions
(of which, incidentally, Slowbro is one). Thus, you have a
good chance that your opponent (and you, too) won't have
many Evolutions in play, which makes Dense Body pretty
good. Add to that an attack which is quite splashable and
that can do up to 50 for [3W], and you have a solid
Pokemon. Again, the downfall is that if you get _one_
Slowbro, you should consider yourself incredibly lucky.
dontknow09 |
Aquapolis Slowbro
Heres another slowbro. Its 80HP beats out all other slowbros.
Lightning weaknes(you should b able to see the pattern now) and no
resistance is ok stats. 2 retreat is exactly the best, but as
always beats 3. Dense body is a very interesting poke-body. All
damage done by basic is -20. Very co0l. Too bad it doesnt work
with babies... Energy cannon is very flexible. 2 energies for 30
is pretty good too. Although it doesnt do +20 like dark blastoise,
it will be strong enough to get through resistance.
Unlimited- Lots of people play basics, but many of those basics
are pretty darn strong. The -20 will help, but not as much. Energy
cannon is a good first strike, and can increase damage.(I forgot
to mention that it doesnt have to be W energy, so go0 DCE!) 2/5
Modified- Real fast. 30 by turn 2. Or if you added boost, 50 by
turn 2.
Thats pretty cool. And in early game, the poke-body will really
come in handy. 3.5/5
Draft- PICK IT! The body is freakin awesome. There wont be many
evolutions in draft, and all the basics are usually puny ones.
Energy cannon is real strong/fast. 4/5
-dontknow09 |

scytheazn |
Aquapolis Slowbro
this card concludes my... uhhh... AQ WATER WEEK =P
80 HP, great for stage 1. 2 retreat isn't great, and heres the
weakness to lightning we've seen on every card this week =\
the power makes it REALLY worth using. this can stop haymakers
PERIOD in unlimited. in modified, it's not as great due to the
lack of basics. the only basics are babies. the rest will be
evolved by the 2nd or 3rd turn =\
the attack is also VERY cheap for what it does. 2 for 30? that's
already good enough. you can add 10 more for each extra energy,
maxing at 4 for 50. new raindance pokemon? ;) also, the added
energy DOESN'T have to be water, making it require only ONE water
can definitely pose a threat to the haymakers out there. throw
this in a raindance and it'll last quite awhile ;)
i actually rated this LOWER in modified... O_O the attack can't
reach its max potential as fast as in unlimited. the power is also
less effective because attacking basics aren't usually present in
DRAFT - 4.5
great here! CHEAP attack, and only requires ONE water energy to
start it off. 80 HP stage 1 will last quite awhile.
=\k |
Chao |
we havent had one of these in a
while with slowking stealing the spotlight. stage 1 with 80 HP
is good, 2 retreat is average, weakness is a possible problem.
power is amazingly useful. basically shutting down alot of
your first hits off a basic. even the mighty buzz must take a
raincheck on the damage for his first attack. its a good plus
to have, stop tyrogues usefulness. Energy cannon is good at
all levels. 30 for 2 is more than we should ask for, 40 for 3
is good and 50 for 4 is average. good package here.
unlimited: play DCE on him and
make it 50 for 3. 3/5
modified: good damage here and
with the re-emergence of buzz as well as the presence of other
lightning basics like zapdos, and raikou helps his weakness
not impact him as much. 4/5
draft: theres the slowking too, so
that mkaes odds of running a good slowpoke line easier. good
draft pick since many people will draft chansey and kangaskan
and the like. 4/5

GymLeader Phil
Aquapolis Slowbro
Finishing up Aquapolis Water Week is today's Card of the Day:
Slowbro. All of these cards should be thankful that Neo Genesis
Pichu's attack does not apply weakness, because all of these Water
Pokemon have Pokemon Powers. Slowbro's Pokemon Power is called
Dense Body, but the armor does not go too deep. It blocks twenty
damage from attacks from Basic Pokemon. Maybe a combination with
Metal Energy until something evolves? It is a decent Power.
Two for Thirty? Three for Forty?
Four for Fifty? Energy Cannon should really be renamed Water Gun.
I cannot count how many times this mechanic has been used with
Water Pokemon. Really, its not even a good mechanic either. Leaves
a sour taste in my mouth... did I floss today? 80 Hit Points is
good for a Stage One Pokemon. Retreat Cost is decent.
Unlimited - You would think
that in a format swarming with Big Basic Pokemon that Slowbro
would actually be seen in a sleeve versus a trading binder.
Problem is, the Big Basic Pokemon of this format do much more than
twenty measly damage. Energy Removals will put a end to additional
damage for Energy Cannon. Rocket Zapdos kills Slowbro's Weakness
along with other Lighting Pokemon. Besides, I rather use my
Slowpokes for Genesis Slowking. 1/5
Modified - This format is
all about Evolutions. Slowbro's Pokemon Power is all about Basic
Pokemon. Pichu swarms and Elekid will kill Slowbro. The attack
might do damage. Pokemon with Resistance to Water make this card
unplayable. 1/5
Limited - Despite the fact
that most players will pull more Basics in a limited event does
not make Slowbro any better. This is one of those cards you don't
even draft if your just trying to pull the rares. Folks it's worth
is measured in Promotional Mews. High Hit Points won't save
Slowpoke. Better than some stuff you could pull though... 3/5 |
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