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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Politoed -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
espy87 |
Politoed - Skyridge
Resistance: None
Weakness: Lightning
Retreat: 2
[1] Sudden Growth () Attach any
number of Basic Energy cards from your hand to Politoed.
[2W] Frog Hop (30+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20
more damage.
[3WW] Energy Splash (70) If you have any Benched Pokémon, take 2
[W] Energy cards attached to Politoed (or 1 if it has only 1)
and attach them to your Benched Pokémon in any way you like.
Modified: This is where this card
can do best. It is splashable and works really well with
breeder. Lets look at its attacks: Sudden Growth is a very
nice attack which lets you to attach ANY basic energy cards from
your hand to Politoed, so it doesn't just have to be water. Frog
Hop is an alright attack for its cost, It can easily knock out a
baby and most basic pokemon on a heads. Energy Splash is a Nice
attack if you get this thing running. Do 70 charge your bench,
then start using Frog Hop next turn while charging. Now lets
look at its HP: 110. w0w. that is good for a stage 2. There are
not that many pokemon with higher HP than this in modified. I
think that a deck with this in has more potential than the EX
Feraligatr (Holo). And finally for its weakness: Lightning.
Now if you were playing me, you
would be dead. Since I'm hardcore Ampharos and all, but lightning
is easy to beat. Just throw in 2 Tyrogue and your set unless
someone pulls out a Zapdos which OHKOs this. BTW. You can just
play rainbow energy and charge up doing 70 every turn. I have
done it. It works. Anyways here is the rating.
Rating: 3.9
Unlimited: This card is not that
good in this format. There are faster things that can set up to
do 70+ damage without really worrying about ER/SER. I recommend
playing other decks than this here.
Rating: 2.0
Limited: Unless you have good luck
like I did at Origins Professor Draft last year. I don't think you
should go for a Stage 2. Both Poliwag and Poliwhirl are common
and have _good_ attacks but I think their is still better things
to go for here.
Rating: 1.5
X- Act |
Skyridge Politoed
This is undoubtedly one of the best cards in
Skyridge. Of course, what makes it better than average is its
first attack, Sudden Growth. You attach as many Basic Energies
from your hand to Politoed as you like. That makes it
theoretically possible for Politoed to use its third attack
(which requires a massive WWCCC) in the third turn by Breedering
Politoed and use Sudden Growth turn 2, without resorting to
Boost Energy. Its second attack averages 40 damage for WCC;
pretty average. Its third attack does a sure 70 damage and
forces you to detach 2 Water Energies from Politoed and attach
them to your Benched Pokemon in any way you deem fit. (Note:
even if you attach Rainbow energies to cater for the Water
energy requirement, you must still move them. Refer to May 8,
2003 WotC Chat, Q1512. [Does it show that I'm writing a thesis?
;x]) A sure 70 damage is quite good, and you are also
automatically powering up your bench. Plus, you can resort to
the second attack for one turn, which will probably KO the
Defending Pokemon (receiving 70+30 damage in two turns isn't
easy to withstand, unless it had a Gold Berry or Focus Band
attached). I daresay this card has a good chance to beat even
Unlimited: Well, in Unlimited it actually does
pretty well. You can Breeder turn 2 and use Sudden Growth. You
also play Chaos Gym to fend off Energy Removals, and if you do
get SERed, you Sudden Growth again (using Fisherman if you want
:o). This thing does 70, which with a Pluspower, KOs almost
anything (Rocket's Zapdos, Scyther, Slowking, Muk, Sneasel,
Wigglytuff et al.) Just watch out for an Electroburn or a
Steelix. If it is quick enough, this can even beat Scizor.
Modified: Here it's also good. Pokemon Breeder is
thankfully still available, and thus you can power this thing up
by turn 3. This will probably be an archetype here.
Draft: Well, if you get this in Draft, together
with a plethora of Poliwags and Poliwhirls, grin to yourself. It
might be difficult to get it out, but when you do, you basically
win. Unless your opponent has drafted a Raichu (which is a force
to be reckoned with in Draft) or some other good Lightning
Pokemon from Skyridge, I can't see you lose. But the fact that
it's a Stage 2 and a Rare ensures that its rating is not higher
than 3.
TR Shadow |
110hp is nice for a stage 2 Pokemon. There a few with more, but I
must admit, it's good. Sudden Growth is also good for late in the
game if you don't have the energy to attack with him. Frog Hop
isn't much god. It's probably not worth the costs. Energy Splash
is ok. It does a nice amount of damage, but has a pretty bad
effect. I really don't think 70 damage is worth five energy.
It needs a resistance. A resistance to steel would really help
against Scizor and Steelix. The weakness shouldn't hurt it too
much. It has a bit of a high retreat cost too.
Unlimited 3.5/5
Modified 3.5/5
Limites 3/5
~TR Shadow~ |
Thundachu |
Skyridge Politoed:
Overlook: Ohhh I love reviewing pokemon with 3 attacks. 110HP for
a stage 3 is 0wnage. Weakness for Lightning is normal for most
water pokemon. 2 retreat is ok. I love the 1st attack. For 1
colorless attach any number of basic energy cards from your hand
to Politoed. This attack is 1337 because it can power up Politoed
in 2 turns if you only have 1 energy on him. 1 Water and 2
colorless can get you 50 if you flip a heads. 30 if tails. Kind of
a powered up quick attack I guess. Final attack is my favorite.
Does 70 for 2 water and 3 colorless and you move 2 water energy
from Politoed to any of your benched pokemon. Get them powered up
while attacking. IMO, this card is broken.
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 4.9/5
Draft: 3/5(Not to good in here) |
Meganium45 |
Got to see
this guy in action on Saturday at the SBZ. It did pretty well,
for a toed.
Good job Stephen!
On with the review!
HP - 110 Great number for a stage 2! Only Amphy decks and
Electrocube decs will really threaten to OHKO this Pokemon.
Weakness - Lightning, nothing a little Tyrogue cannot protect you
from! Just glad it isn't Grass in this envio!
Retreat 2 - not bad for this pokemon, and given the number of
colorless attacks, warp is truly and option!
Now for the attacks (the real reason we are here)
Sudden growth. One colorless to dump all of the energy out of
your hand onto Politoed. Must be basic energy, so no cute Warp
energy combos here, but a great way to power up on turn 2 if the
breeder trick works. Seems like a new age Raindance (Base
Blastoise). Problem is it is an attack. It leaves you sitting
there for a turn, not damaging your opponent.
Frog Hop - Water and two colorless for 30 and flip for 50! not
bad. Good value, and this is the attack that could really go off
on turn 3.
Energy Splash - ah, the rotating Politoeds. Late game, object is
to have a Politoed on the bench with three energy (or no energy on
it) Use this atttack and do 70, then switch for the other Toed,
add a boost, and do 70 right away again. Not much in this game
can stand up to 140 over two turns, metal or not! If you have no
bench (may be a late game strategy against non-electric decks)
then you keep all the energy on Politoed. My problem is yes, it
is 70 damage, but unless you get that first attack to really help
you, it takes far too long to power up.
The fact that it is a water type could hurt it in this game, given
the amount of Jumpluffs, Chikoritas and Bayleafs which I saw on
Saturday which were resistant to Water. We even had an electric
deck make top 8, so another strike against this card!
Definitely worth experimenting with!
Ratings - Unlimited 1/5 Base Blastoise is here and a power is
always better than an attack. Stoise can use the power on turn 2
and be attacking for 60 on the same turn
Modified - 3/5 Definitely worth experimenting with here. I think
he falls short of the other big water pokemon of the day (Gatr,
Kabutops, Kingdra), but heh, we may see a "Toed Center" Deck where
you center the damage off of your active Toed, dump the water in
the discard, play a recycle on Toed, use Fisherman to get 4 enery
to your hand, and Sudden Growth, fully pumping him up! HMMM -
there's an idea for you Toed Deck builders.
Limited 3/5 - I might draft him just to take him out of the game.
The Skyridge Wgs and Whirls are pretty weak, so you just might get
to put a line together. Beingg a stage 2, could be a risk, so
definitely have a backup plan.
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