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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Crobat -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
X- Act |
Skyridge Crobat
I hope I'm reviewing the correct Crobat, seeing that Skyridge has
2 Crobats (1 of which is a Crystal Pokemon). I'm reviewing the
non-Crystal one here. This Crobat's Poke-Power (called Carry Off)
is evil, especially in the early stages of the game. Once during
your turn, you flip a coin, and if it's heads, you get the
opportunity to shuffle any Pokemon from your opponent's hand into
his or her deck. Evil as it might be, this Power can be easily
countered, in my opinion, by cards such as Pokemon Trader, Pokemon
Fan Club, or just sheer card drawing. Just as a note of interest,
multiple Crobats let you flip more than one coin per turn,
although getting them out quickly is a different matter. another
note of interest: while it retains a 90HP, a free retreat cost and
a weakness to Psychic, it loses Fighting resistance. Odd.
Unlimited: Well, shuffling any Pokemon from your opponent's hand
into his or her deck won't hurt him or her much, as was already
highlighted. Denying your opponent of Pokemon is nothing compared
to Trainer denial, and this latter strategy, therefore, should be
implemented. Crobat also has a not-so-good attack too, in my
opinion. So steer clear of this card here.
Modified: Here it's actually worse. In this format, Trainers that
search for Pokemon are commoner than in Unlimited, so Crobat's
power is nothing but a temporary annoyance. And I don't hide the
fact that I don't like its attack at all.
Draft: Here it can be reasonably good, although, frankly, I'd
stick with the Golbat for this format (it simply owns). Trainers
are already limited, so depriving your opponent of Pokemon is
pretty savage. Of course, getting the Crobat out is a different
proposition, however. If you do, and with the help of some luck (a
coinflip), your opponent gets stuck for some time with what he or
she got before you got your Crobat. Its attack, doing an average
of 40 for [GCC], isn't what you expect of a Stage 2 though,
although Poison and Confusion is pretty nice in this format.
Actually, I'd pick it for the sole reason that Skyridge Golbat's
attack is awesome for this format. :)
2.5/5 |
TR Shadow |
Nice hand disruption in the Pokemon Power. The game at this time
needs more hand disruption. The 90hp is pretty nice to have too.
The fact that you can use the power every turn (though, it IS a
flip) helps. It may have been a lot better if the Pokemon Power
let you shuffle Trainer cards in instead of Pokemon only. No
retreat is pretty handy. It allows you to use Double Gust fairly
frequently. The weakness to Psychic doesn't hurt it too badly
either. Double Cross is awesome! It's cheap and it has great
affects. It's like one of those "Flip 2 coins. This attack does
something times the number of heads" things, but with a bonus if
you get no heads. On average, you will only do 40 damage, though.
Unlimited 4/5
Modified 4.5/5
Limited 3/5
~TR Shadow~ |
Thundachu |
Skyridge Crobat:
Overlook: This is one of my favorite cards in Skyridge. Weakness
to Psychic is ok since alot of people dont use Psychic decks
anymore, no retreat is great for a stage 3. Dont see many of
those. 90HP is wonderful. For 2 Grass energy and 2 colorless lets
you flip 2 coins 40 for each heads. If both are tails the
defending is both confused and Poisoned. Either way you get lucky.
Either do 80 or get 2 of the best status effects. The pokemon
power is awesome in Unlimited. If your opponent has Sneasel or
Slowking in his/her hand that could come in handy.
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 4.5/5
Draft: 2/5(Stage 2 evo in draft =\)
Meganium45 |
This I
feel is one of the best new Skyridge cards out there. Usually
cards with a good Pokemon Power have no attacks, and cards with
Good attacks have a worthless Pokemon Power.
90 HP, that is enough for this Bat!
Weakness to Psychic - Alakazam and Espeon will own this Bat, but
that is why Wizards gave us Murkrow.
No resistance - fighting would have been nice, but outside of
Rogue, not much fighting used
No retreat - too good, and very rare these days!
Attack - Double Cross - 2 heads 80, 1 heads 40, 0 heads confused
and poisoned. Heck, better than the original crobat with a Grass
- Colorless - Colorless cost, actually makes this card splashable!
I can imagine situations where I would root for 1 head!
Pokemon Power - flip a coin, if heads look at your opponents hand
and have them shuffle a pokemon into their deck! How broken!
Especially when comboed with Desert Shaman and Noctowl. But
unlike hand disruption of old, this bat can attack! When run
properly, the deck of Crobat(Sky)/Noctowl(NG) is NO fun to play
Ratings - Unlimited 2/5 too much of an energy hog, although I
could see comboing this with Slowking to make a nasty deck.
Modified - 4.5 out of 5. There are good counter cards (Espeon,
Promo Mew) but this deck must be considered when preparing for a
Draft - 3/5 hard to get out a stage 2 line, but if you get this
one out in Skyridge, game over, there are no switching cards
outside of Cyclone Energy in this set
Props to Newman for coming up with the first of the Crobat/Noctowl/Shaman
decks. I hate to play against that thing. He had it designed
before the card was released in English. Several other people
came out with it just after it was released, but I must give the
props to a player from my gym!
See you on the boards
Meganium45 |
pERfeCt 0nE |
Well the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this card was
Neo Revelation Crobat. I dont know if I could honestly say which
one is better but the fact that this one is Zzzzap-able, I would
give it to NR crobat. But to the reviews now:
Unlimited- I doubt anyone will try to play this guy here. His
attack is too costly in Unlimited but his retreat and HP kinda
make up for it =/. Pichu is still very popular here and sneasel
will gust and kill it.
rating--- 2
Modified- this is its home. Along with Noctowls and more of its
own kind- this crobat can help throw away your opponents whole
hand!!! Use desert shaman to drop both players hands down to 4;
then go for your noctowl and crobat flips to drop their hand to
energy cards only!!! In fear of pichu, you might want to try
using Healing Field or Pokemon Centers. I like its attack alot.
Its posible to hit for 80 and its possible to cause sleep poison,
which could be devestating if they cant DoubleGust out of the way
next turn.
rating--- 4.125 LOL ( i was caught between 4 and 4.25 )
Draft- Insane here if u can draft a Zubat and Golbat. 90HP and
free retreat in draft is insanity!!! Most players will have to
hold any evolutions in there hand until they draw up all necessary
components to evolve and strike. Carry Off can prevent that stage
1 or 2 they are holding on to from ever hitting the bench. And
again, the second attack can be devestating with a few 80 damage
rating--- 4.25 |
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