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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Cyclone Energy
- Skyridge
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
espy87 |
Cyclone Energy - Skyridge
If you attach this card from
your hand to your Active Pokémon, your opponent chooses 1 of his
or her Benched Pokémon (if any) and switches it with the
defending Pokémon.
Cyclone Energy provides (C)
Energy. (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.)
Modified: OOH. Some interesting
stuff here. This can help and hurt here. You may be able to get
by babies by attaching this or if this is the only energy in
your hand and you need to attach your opponent may be able to
save their active pokemon from damage. I recommend playing this
and then double gust in that situation. Here is one of the
"combos" I use. Scizor: Sure Heavy Metals a great attack and
with a HEADS you can KO a baby. How about getting passed that
flip? Sure people know the combo with snatch (Snatch + Strength
Charm = 30 = Free Baby KO- for all of you who don't know), but
how about using Cyclone Energy and then snatching in the baby
you just might have put back for a free KO. I play one of these
in my SMF. It works alright and most of the time gets me that
free KO.
Rating: 3.4
Unlimited: Count this card out
here. In this format you may just play Gust of Wind which will
get out a Pokemon of your pick unlike Cyclone Energy. I
recommend not playing this.
Rating: 1.3
Limited: Here this card would be
nice. With little to no pokemon with retreat costs and
retreating is pricy when it comes to drafts IMO. I think that
sending in one of your opponents charging pokemon or non-charged
pokemon for quick damage or a possible KO would be great. The
only downfall is, well, I don't know how you think, but I
dislike drafting Energies. You get energies for free after the
draft so you should get all the pokemon and trainers you need
and forget about this.
Rating: 3.2
X- Act |
Cyclone Energy
We're reviewing the first of three
new Special Energy cards from Skyridge. This Energy card forces
your opponent to switch whenever you attach it to your Active
Pokemon, resembling Neo3 Raikou's Pokemon Power. This isn't as
useful as one might originally think. Most probably, your
opponent will just bring out a Baby with a Focus Band. You could
Playful Punch that Baby, but Pichu... no need to continue the
sentence. -_- And no, it doesn't combo with Forretress. -_- The
only useful thing I can see for this card is when your opponent
is playing a Pokemon whose Pokemon Power works only from the
Active spot: you turn that power off by forcing him or her to
switch. Aquapolis Octillery and Light Dragonite fall in this
category. (If you're wondering, Light Dragonite doesn't switch
off Cyclone Energy's effect, since it's a "come-into-play"
effect. Same with Warp Energy.)
Unlimited: If it had a Gust-like
effect (i.e. you choose the Pokemon that your opponent must
switch his Active with), it would have been a god-send (forcing
your opponent to get his Slowking out without ending your turn
or being denied can't be bad). Since it doesn't, this is
basically useless here.
Modified: Same here. Double Gust is
much better. Scizor players might want to TeCH one or two of
these cards, however, just in case a Light Dragonite appears.
(However, I'll be praying for you when Light Dragonite gets in
the Active spot again.)
Draft: Here it's actually great.
Most Draft decks don't have many Pokemon with a free retreat.
Forcing them to switch will annoy them. I'd scoop it up. :)
Thundachu |
Cyclone Energy:
Overlook: Ok
simply, this is just a warp energy that your opponent switches
instead of you. Which can be good and bad, but thats pretty much
it. It could make your opponent scream or cheer. On the bright
side you still get the energy I guess.
Stick to DCE. 2.5/5
Modified: Warp
Energy. I like it better. 3/5
Draft: It
actually may be good in Draft. 4/5
Review I have ever written...
Meganium45 |
Allright -
let's check out one of the three worthless energy cards from
Skyridge. Oops, was that out loud? Well so much for hiding my
feeling about this card. The Aquapolis Energy of Boost and Warp
were truly elite. This batch, well, at least the reverse holo
cyclone is pretty.
What this card does is when you play it on your pokemon your
opponent gets to switch out one of their pokemon, their choice,
not yours. The only time I can see this ever being useful is if
you have a mean looked non-holo Suicune or Entei. You cannot
switch it out, so you have to push the Murkrow out of the way.
OK, that was a stretch. It can also move a baby out of your way
if you have an opponent that only plays one baby, or has only one
pokemon on the bench. Otherwise, warp energy is superior in every
other way.
In draft, if you draft Skyridge (an iffy solo draft set), it is
the only "switching card" in the entire set. But it helps your
opponent, and not you so, bleh.
Overall, I do not like this card.
Unlimited 1/5 - many, many better colorless cards, and you do have
GOW here.
Modified 1.025/5 - Very, very rare that this will be the card you
Draft - 1.5/5 - not bad here, any card that gives you any type of
switching or gusting is not bad, OK, not real good, but this is
its best format. Kind of sad.
More great cards next week - See you on the boards - and at
Origins, and at GenCon.
Meganium45 |
dontknow09 |
Cyclone Energy
The newest edition to the special energy family. Cyclone energy
can really mess up an opponent's set up. The downsides: your
opponent chooses who to switch with. Not really anything super
about this card. Then there's the fact of only attaching to the
active, only providing 1 colorless, etc.
Unlimited- I think gust of wind will solve the switching thing.
Unless the opponent has no or 1 really weak benched pokemon, or
you really desperately need that 1 energy, a deck will go good
without it. 1/5
Modified- Double Gust is the answer in this format. Like I said,
unless you really need something like that to go with the strategy
or build up of the deck, skip this card. 1/5
Draft- Now you really can't pull out gusts and double gusts or any
things of that matter. This card might come in use if used at the
right moment. 1.25/5
Summer's Here!!
-dontknow09 |
pERfeCt 0nE |
Cyclone energy
Besides Double Colorless energy, this is my favorite energy card!
Don't you hate using Eeeeek against another baby? This will shoo
away the baby for you to use Eeeeek against their basic or
whatever. Chances are that they will have only 1 baby if they
have any. I like using this when my opponent is powering up like
a cargo and all they have is an active baby. There are many
specific examples.
Unlimited- Remember all of those decks where you used all
colorless energy? Here's another- AND its a great one! Cleffas
are usually the only baby here and no one likes to have more than
one in play at a time anyway!!! This will toss aside the baby to
let your Sneasel beat up theirs!!! Cyclone energy can win the
game and act as a GoW in certain situations- it really is very
rating--- 4.25
Modified- It can be quite interesting here! Now mirage stadium
is here and those Entei/Cargo decks usually start off with a
Cleffa and a benched Slugma, am I right? This forces it in and
saves you a Double Gust!!! Any card that usually combines
multiple effects are great cards- this gives you an energy and
forces a switch! its better than a basic energy and a switch
separated!!! I recommend trying your own combos with this too.
Try it out with mirage stadium, status effects, Eeeeeking, and
certain poke-powers*hint hint*.
rating--- 4.5
Draft- I don't think its sooooo great here since you usually cant
play it very strategically, but it can force in a little weakling
to force them to retreat next turn- it has its uses but shouldn't
be a first pick- or second.
rating--- 3.75 |
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