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Pokemon Card of the Day
Muk EX -
Dragon EX
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Heidi Craig |
MukEx 2.5/5
The hit point on this Pokemon are a little low for it being an
EX along with weakness to Psychic. I realize it is only a stage
two but it can get knock out pretty fast by Wobbuffet and
Gardivoir. The Pokemon power is great and can cause problems for
decks that rely on Pokemon Powers and Pokemon Bodies to make
them work effectively.
Poison Breath for one energy 10 damage and poisoned is all right
but since it is an EX it should do double poison to really
inflict some damage on your opponent.
Slimy Water does 40 damage plus 10 for each retreat cost. Their
are a few problems with this attack. First, if their retreat is
low you do not inflict much damage. Second, if they play
trainers that lower retreat cost it weakens this attack. Over
all it is a decent attack but a little unreliable to how much
damage it will do.
Unlimited 1/5
There are simply better Pokemon to choose for this format.
Draft 2.5/5
In draft this would probably be an all right card. Since you are
dependent on retreat cost to boost your attack power and most
people play with basics, I might plan on around 50 damage. Muk
does do poison damage so it should be a nice complimenting basic
Pokemon and of course you would still have to get MukEx into
play. I would use EX Pokemon in this format with caution since
there are only 4 prizes. Depending on other cards I had, I may
not use this one. |
Muk wrecked a bunch of decks in
old formats. How's he doing here? Not so great. Problem? He's
gotta be active to work. Oops. His attack is decent at best.
Oops. He's ex pokemon, so 2 prizes for your opponent. Oops.
Muk does a great job shutting down decks. I've seen it combo'd
with Umbreon SS to totally wreck power-based decks. If you can
work the combo fast enough, decks like BAR, Blaze/Tales and
Gardevoir will have problems. BUT you still have to get ko's.
And muk isn't an AMAZING, OMG UR GONNA DIE F00!11!!!ONE!! type
pokemon. He's good.
Unlimited 1/5 If you play a muk, IF IF IF, why play ex? Why?
Play him and I'll resign. Then I'll steal your deck. Just for
Modified 3.8/5 Tons of potential if you can pull a solid deck
around him getting out fast....but if not....
Draft 3/5 You probably won't get 2, but he has a nice status
effect, shuts down powers (of which you'll see MAYBE 1-2 TOPS
all tournament ;x) and has a healthy 100 hp. All of which is
The bottom line: Go big/fast or go home. That's the deal with
Muk ex. |
Thundachu |
Muk EX
Overview: Brings back old memories of Fossil Muk. The PokePower,
Toxic Gas, lets you stop all pokePowers and PokeBodies except
Toxic Gas. Fossil Muk is better because it can be used on the
bench, while this one can only be used if Muk EX is your active
pokemon. Then for 1 grass energy, Poison Breath does 10 damage
and automatic poison. A nice attack to use to bring down the
defending pokemon while waiting for it to power up. Then for 2
grass and 1 colorless, Slimy Water does 40 damage plus 10 more
for each energy in the defending pokemon's retreat cost, e.g, if
the defending pokemon has 1 retreat it does 50. Because that
attack requires greatly on luck, it isn't that good. But odds
are you will get an average 50 or 60 damage. And if you're up
against Steelix Sandstorm or Mewtwo EX or Golem, this card does
GREAT. 70 or even 90 =o. Like Muk had in fossil, this one has a
weakness to Psychic. No resistance. And a stage 1 with retreat
of 2 is a tad high. I suggest using it with Balloon berry if
possible. And HP of 100 with a stage 1 is just pwnage.
Unlimited: Use the Fossil Muk. Even if it has lower HP, it is
still better. Better attack in general and you can use Toxic Gas
from bench. 2/5
Modified: Being able to stop Pokemon Powers and Bodies comes in
great handy even though it has to be active. And there are a lot
of high retreat 2 or 3, pokemon played in this format so you
could get a pretty good chunk of damage out of Slimy Water. 3/5
Draft: Being a stage 1 it is nice. The instant poison is pretty
nice, but Slimy Water is not too good here. 30 damage is nice,
and possible 40 but odds are in this format, you will only
draft/your opponent will only draft basic and stage 1s with a
retreat of maybe 2 at max. But what the heck, if you draft it I
suggest playing it. The ability to stop Powers and Bodies is
nice here and you might get lucky. 3.5/5
-Thundachu |
Ralphy |
Ahhh, good ol' Muk. You can
always count on a Muk to be a good solid card, at least for the
time period that it is released that is. Muk's don't always hold
up in the long run though...
Unlimited- Hmm? Don't play it, that is if you want to contend.
Ex Pokes just do not belong here, defiantly Ex Pokes that are
evos. Here's an idea, why not just play Fossil Muk, and you get
to use that nice little Grimer too. 1.5/5 here.
Modified- Muk Ex is Fossil Muk, but beefed up, and given the Ex
status to keep things from getting out of hand, keep things
under control. Rightfully so, or is it? I guess this card is
good, but not really enough to justify two prize KO's,
especially with Mewtwo Ex and the likes running around. I like
auto poison though, and the second attack is really creative. It
could do some serious damage in Modified too, what with all the
huge, big retreaters running around town. Ignoring powers
however is very powerful, just as long as you don't need any
powers yourself. 3.25/5, just watch who you playing.
Limited- 100 HP, special conditon, power all good. But the Ex
rule gives up half your prizes and Muk isn't all that fast. He
takes a good amount of colored energy too. 2.75/5 here. |
Bullados |
Strategy for Muk ex
100HP is a little lackluster for an ex-type, given that he’s a
2-prize Pokemon. I’d run several healing cards including Moomoo
and Briney, just for this guy. Psychic weakness is definately
not the thing to have here. He will get absolutely destroyed by
Gardy, Gex, Espy, and even Alakazam. Just avoid Psychics to the
death. A retreat of 2 is good for this guy, given that he
usually gets a 3, but you should still use a Switch to get him
out of the frying pan.
Grimer is in Fossil, Rocket, Aquapolis, and Dragons, of which
only the Aqua and Dragons ones are legal for Modified. In
Unlimited, I would use the Rocket one, mostly because the
attacks are the best out of them all. For Modified, use the
Dragons one because of the definite attacks, but I wouldn’t
attack with Grimer here.
PokeBODY: “Toxic Gas”
A toned down version of the original version, now requiring that
Muk be active in order to shut down Powers. Also, it does not
shut down the regular Pokemon Powers, just PokePOWERs and
PokeBODYs, weakening it a ton in Unlimited. This is not, and I
repeat, NOT the mean use of this guy.
Attack #1: “Poison Breath”
10 damage and auto-poison for one energy is pretty decent for a
support attack. Don’t use this if you can use Slimy Water, but
it’s good for the first turn or against something that was
Attack #2: “Slimy Water”
This is a relatively unused game mechanic that I think has only
been used in one Pokemon before Muk ex. Personally, I like this
thing, even though the damage potential is relatively low, He
can OHKO a Gex due to weakness. It’s a pretty decent attack, but
IMO, not really worth the ex-type.
he’s not as good as his Fossil cousin, and there are too many
free retreaters for his attack to be effective. He could be good
as a casual play deck, but I wouldn’t use him here. 1.25/5
I like him here. He can beat, in the right deck, one of the T1
decks (Gardy) and challange the other (Blaze). Also, he
completely shuts down most decks one defense against ex-types,
Wobbuffet. He’s good, but not great. 3.875/5
Awesome. he will win you games, most likely all the games he’s
in. 100HP, poison, and a big attack all lead to a big advantage
in a format where big hitters are rare. Also, there are very few
Psychics in Dragons. Add this all together, and you have a
powerful Pokemon. 4.5/5
Also, just as a side note, this is some of the koolest art I’ve
seen in the longest time.
~~Bull23924@aol.com |
Otaku |
Muk ex
Dragon (96/97)
1(Evolves from Grimer)
Toxic Gas
As long as Muk ex is your Active Pokémon, ignore all Poké-Powers
and Poké-Bodies other than Toxic Gas.
(G) Poison Breath [10]
Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.
(GGC) Slimy Water [40+]
Does 40
damage plus 10 more damage for each (C) Energy in the
Defending Pokémon’s Retreat Cost (after applying effects to
the Retreat Cost).
Aquapolis (h17/h32, 23/150)
1 (evolves from Grimer)
As long as there is a (G) Energy attached to Muk,
you must pay an additional (CC) to retreat it.
(CC) Burning Sludge [10]
Flip a
number of coins equal to the amount of (G) Energy attached
to Muk. If any of them are heads, the Defending Pokémon is
now Poisoned and Burned.
Dragon (57/97)
(C) Pound [10]
(G) Poison Spurt
Discard a
(G) Energy card attached to Grimer. The Defending Pokémon
is now Poisoned.
Aquapolis (79/147)
(C) Poison Sludge
Flip a
coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned.
Only one Muk ex is a Pokémon ex and a Stage 1.
This means it needs to be quite good as it takes the effort of a
Stage 1 to play and gives your opponent a “double payout”. This
means it had better be great. Also, while it is the only “Muk
ex”, it shares it’s basic, and thus deck space, with Muk, so I
tossed in the Aquapolis version since they are both Modified
legal (and this won’t see play in Unlimited). Speaking of
Grimer, I would use the Aquapolis version, just because it makes
the card friendlier for multi-color decks and the other Modified
legal one is bad. For Unlimited, if its
active, you are in trouble, so go with Fossil there-it’s a
better defender. Anyway, how are the rest of the stats? HP is
a measly 100, making this roughly act like two 50 HP basics.
Yuck. Now, it only has one Weakness, Psychic, but at least the
main thing it needs to fear, (Gardevoir ex), it can hit really
hard: 120 damage with its second attack. Still, it’s a major
hurdle for the deck-Weakness Guard might be a good idea, so that
you might be able to hit them more than once. Moving on
we come to no Resistance-given that they gave it such low HP,
they could have tossed one in. Finally, we have a retreat of
two, which is neither a real advantage nor disadvantage. You
can pay this if needed without a whole lot of hassle, but you’ll
probably want to avoid it if possible.
We’ll, we have an updated Toxic Gas (same name as the original
Fossil Muk’s Pokémon Power). This
version has two major differences: it’s been re-worded, so it
only affects Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies, and only works when
Muk ex is active. This has some mixed blessings. In Unlimited,
you tend to see more Pokémon Powers than either of the new kind,
making it less useful in that sense… then again, since it’s a
big more controllable, you could combo it with things. The
combo part is also true of Modified, though I don’t encourage it
too much-basically, only real useful for things that have “only
when active” clauses (since in normal one-on-one Modified,
they’d never have their stuff shut off) or for things that you
would only need early one, when you probably won’t have Muk ex
ready. So is it worthless? No. While just a touch weaker than
I’d have liked, Toxic Gas does hinder most decks. I don’t think
I’ve seen one competitive deck that lacks a Poké-Power/Poké-Body
completely, and many strong ones rely heavily on them (Gardevoir,
Blaziken). So Toxic Gas is pretty good. Next, we have Poison
Breath. I like it-a nice, cheap warm-up attack, with a slight
price break-(G) normally would only pay for 10 with Poison on a
flip. Next we have a treat of a second attack (somewhat rare on
a Pokémon with a Poké-Power/Poké-Body). Slimy Water is great,
and you always get the minimum of what you paid for (40). All
in all, not bad, even when you consider this is a Stage 1
Pokémon ex. It’s the Attributes that are the problem.
In Unlimited, to make your opponent laugh. ;) In Modified, it
works well as a speed deck on its own, thanks to Roselia, who
can usually power up at least 2 of them before it faints. You
could pair it up with the e-card Legendary Birds/Dogs, as this
would shut off their negative Poké-Bodies. In 2-on-2, you might
consider normal Muk, since its not so
happy Poké-Body would also be off, but its not too important.
If find that a “Turbo” Muk deck works best;
it ate my SS Steelix/Xatu deck. @_@
1.25/5-There might be some Rogue use for it… but I don’t know
3.5/5-I think it needs just one more thing for it to have a good
I ran one briefly, and it did pretty good, I just had trouble
getting energy in hand for Roselia.
3.5/5-A lot of obscure Poké-Bodies and Poké-Powers become good
here, and this shuts them down. A lot of larger, let used
Pokémon also get used here. Finally, Poison is nasty in this
format. The only thing really holding Muk ex back is its poor
Attributes and being a Pokémon ex-that’s half your prizes if it
gets KOed.
3.75/5-Like Modified, but this opens up some combo
possibilities. Nothing really stands out here, but, like
Aquapolis Muk, they are there.
3.75/5-Same as 2-on-2.
Don’t let
my lack of much talk fool you-this is a great card. I have seen
it slaughter some of the best decks in the game, and may have
missed whatever wonder card would have guaranteed it the speed I
know it can have.
-Otaku (nintendotaku@hotmail.com)
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