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Pokemon Card of the Day
Alakazam -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Overview: Ah, lets see if this Alakazam meets up with the base
set one. The Pokemon Power, Energy Jump allows you to move one
energy from one of your pokemon to another. Almost like Energy
Trans. *buzzer* Wrong. A few draw backs, first off, you are
limited to doing this once per turn with only 1 energy. So,
Energy Trans is actually better. And ofcourse, you can't use it
if Alakazam is affected by a special condition. Then for
colorless energy, Psychic does 30 damage automaticly plus 10
more for every energy attached to Alakazam. A few good things
here. First off, it isnt limited to the energy not used to pay
for the attack and it has no damage limit, so you can do as much
as you want. A very nice attack. 100HP is a nice addition to
this card, higher than the Base Set one. A retreat of 2 is ok
for this card, 1 less than the Base Set. And ofcourse, a
weakness to Psychic.
Unlimited: Play Base Set one. Lower HP, yes, but still better
IMO. 2.5/5
Modified: 3/5
Draft: Because of it being a stage 3, if you are able to draft
it and Abra/Kadabra, play it. Could do pretty well with high HP.
4/5 |
Bullados |
Alakazam (Skyridge)
100 HP is always nice, and you should always take advantage of
this. Psychic weakness is a BIG thing, with Gardy, Gardy ex, and
Mewtwo ex becoming increasingly popular and are also extremely
powerful. Find something that is psychic-resistant as a backup
if you can. Average retreat, but you might not want to pay this
all the time. Use Switch whenever possible.
PokePOWER: “Energy Jump”:
It’s Venusaur again, only not quite as powerful. I do agree that
the any energy part is very enticing, and does add a lot to the
potential of this card. However, the one big drawback from
Venusaur and Sceptile is the “one per turn” rule, which can
really slip things up for you. This isn’t something to build a
deck around, unless you are trying for different energy
combinations (Rainbow Burn decks) and need the kind of switching
that this card gives you.
Attack: “Psychic”:
Always a good attack, and this is no exception. It’s the exact
same attack as SS Espeon, but on a S2, which severely limits its
usage. Gardevoir counts all NRG on all actives as a S2. Gardy ex
counts all NRG in play as a S2. This is underpowered on a S2
considering all of the alternatives.
This is not this guy’s format. IMO, there isn’t really much
going here for him, considering the amount of ER and gusting
trainers out there. Do not use him here. 1.25/5
Better, but still not great. The POWER gives it some
playability, but it is not a big attacker, unlike his other
Psychic cousins from RS and SS. use them before using this guy.
He’s good, but not great. 2.5/5
Not bad. energy counts won’t be all there, but he is splashable
and maneuverable, and can pack a punch once he gets out. It
doesn’t hurt that he has an uncommon and common pre-evos. Use
him if you can get him. 3.5/5
~~Bull23924@aol.com |
TrAk |
>From one Alakazam to
another....it's SKYRIDGE time...x.x
Skyridge Alakazam is a nice supporting pokemon, and is
definitely playable. The main reason for that is the pokemon
power. Shifting energy around is always nice. Granted, you need
multiples in play to really make a difference, but once you get
3 out, the fun can begin.
The real problem with this card used to be that you couldn't
find many BBPs to drop energy on, so you'd have to use Stage 1's
with it, which made it too slow and have too many draw lines.
That all changed with RS. EX pokemon give this card a nice
advantage. On any given turn, you can drop a Sneasel EX or
Mewtwo EX, attach energy, transfer 2 energies to it and start
mizing. The only REAL problem is getting up multiple copies.
The attack is nice for a late game cleaner or supporting pokemon.
Espeon's old attack was great, and it's still good here.
This deck's main strength is it's ability to abuse weaknesses.
You can use many different BBPs, like Electabuzz ex, Scyther ex,
Sneasel ex, Mewtwo ex, Magmar ex, Hitmonchan ex and Lapras ex
(in many combinations) to exploit weaknesses. Know your opponent
runs Sceptile? Say hey to Magmar ex. Ampharos ex is his game?
Hitmonchan ex it is. In my deck, I use Sneasel, Magmar and
Electabuzz, with 2 solid starters in Magmar and Buzz and a great
cleaner in Sneasel.
This deck abuses Rainbow Energy and all energies like that.
Having 3 Rainbow Energy out means you can transfer and use any
of your pokemon's attacks. Totally viable.
In draft, where you'll probably run multiple energy types, he
can help you out a LOT by switching energies to meet attack
requirements. A solid pick, if you can pull a decent line.
Unlimited: Bah. He deserves it 1/5
Modified: Solid card 3.9/5
Draft: Transfer energies around? GOOD. Stage 2? Bad 3/5
The bottom line: Playable, possibly a force in modified. His
ability to TeCH for many different decks is the key to his
success. |
Otaku |
2 (Evolves from Kadabra)
Energy Jump
Once during
your turn (before your attack), you may move an Energy
card from 1 of your Pokémon. This power can’t be used if
Alakazam is affected by a Special Condition.
(CCC) Psychic [30+]
attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy
card attached to the Defending Pokémon.
1 (Evolves from Abra)
(C) Nightmare [10]
The Defending
Pokémon is now Asleep.
(PCC) Mind Shock [40]
apply Weakness and Resistance.
As long as
there is a (P) Energy card attached to Abra, its Retreat Cost is
(CC) Headbutt [20]
Another Alakazam enters the fray. Does it support, replace, or
fall short of older Alakazam? I think it supports them, for the
most part, but read on and make your own decision. As a Psychic
Pokémon, it enters a crowded field for Modified and it as a
severe disadvantage in Unlimited, where Resistance and high
attack/low Energy basics are common. At least it can put the
hurt on Gardevoir/ex. A Stage 2 Pokémon is naturally at a
disadvantage, as it is harder to run than Stage 1s or Basics
would be. As such, this card had better be have some good
abilities, since, as stated, stats are somewhat set by the
Pokémon’s identity. While on the topic of being a Stage 2, let
me address its lower Stages: Kadabra and Alakazam. For Modified
play, the two Skyridge versions listed above are probably best.
Kadabra can’t quite hold its own, but it can soften up Resistant
competition (or stall if need be). Abra can give a decent shot,
and sadly, is still a member of the 40HP club (no normal Abra
has more than that). Its Poké-Power gives it something precious
for Modified-if you have a (P) Energy
on it, it retreats for free! For Unlimited, I’d go with
Rocket’s since I love “Recalling” Vanish to rob an opponent of a
Prize-Vanish would shuffle Alakazam back into the deck and
discard all other cards-better than losing a prize. For both
Unlimited and Modified, run Rare Candies as well, but still
include 1 or 2 Kadabra. In Unlimited, this gets around things
like Chaos Gym, and in Modified, its easier to find a Stage 1,
then a Stage 2, then a Rare Candy and Stage 2 at the same time
(due to the prevalence of “cycling” cards over “draw” cards).
Alakazam has
100 HP-good for a Stage 2 Pokémon (I find 90 to be the “minimum”
workable number for Stage 2 Pokémon). At this level, it should
be able to take a hit or two before falling. It has the dread
Psychic Weakness, which means other Psychic Pokémon will
probably mince it. Still, most other Psychic Pokémon
are weak right back, so it tends to
even out. Resistance, sadly, is lacking. -_- Retreat is only
2. This is getting more common on Stage 2 Pokémon, and is not
especially hard or easy to deal with. You can retreat without
planning 5 turns ahead, but it will set you back 2 turns.
Here’s where this card stands out. It’s Poké-Power is pretty
nice imo. Yes, it’s only once a
turn, but it stacks. So with 2 of these bad boys, that’s 3
Energy a turn. I’ll explain why that matters in
Uses/Combinations. Psychic is a great attack in Modified, since
most Pokémon need a serious amount of Energy to do any serious
damage. If you hit a fully powered Gardevoir ex, you’d nearly
OHKO it! Trust me, it matters… That also lets it effectively
“ignore real Metal Energy”. Why? Each one attached drops the
damage received but also boosts damage taken.
Okay, first, it makes great offensive “TecH” for most other
Alakazam (not “named” versions, but good for the others). It
gives you a big hitter with decent HP. In Unlimited, it’s hard
to say whether you would want to run this over Expedition
Alakazam for offensive in a Damage Swap deck. Remember, such a
deck already needs 2-3 Base Set Alakazam,
so I wouldn’t recommend running both e-card versions. This one
has a more reliable attack, except against Resistance. The
other one is usually not as bothered by Resistance since such
Pokémon usually have good attacks (Wiggly, Sneasel). In
Modified, I’d consider giving this a look. It can do the old
Nurse/Boost trick, and thanks to its Poké-Power, it can recover
from Nurses faster. It can also help manage Energy in
multi-color decks, and get around certain Energy attachment
restrictions (like on the e-card Legendary Birds and Dogs).
That last one though gets shown up by Energy Trans Sceptile. >_<
3/5-Again, offensive TecH for Damage Swap, which I personally
have seen reviving (Base Alakazam, Neo Genesis Slowking, and
Mewtwo Ex are actually quite good together).
3.5/5-With a Strength Charm, it can OHKO some of the best
offensive Pokémon (Gardevoir ex, Sandstorm Wobbuffet) when they
are fully powered, and really hurt most others (Typhlosion,
Exeggutor). Now, there are more decks than those two, but they
are what I see a lot of that work most of the time. On its own,
with some TecH a la Sceptile, or with Sandstorm Xatu (maybe) for
healing, it could be a contender. Definitely toss one or two in
with Expedition Alakazam- this helps nuke Metal Pokémon or those
with bizarre Energy requirements easier.
3.75/5-Psychic will be able to KO most things, and its Poké-Power
should make Energy management a breeze for the oft multi-color
decks of this format.
3.35/5-It’s possible that your opponent can slow you down by
having two lower Energy Pokémon up and power up whatever one you
aren’t whacking.
4/5-Why so high? This can be a good partner deck for other
decks that require a lot of Energy Manipulation. I believe
that, since this retargets each turn, you can use it (once) on
your turn for either you or you teammate (but not both). What
does that mean? Think of all the decks that have “restricted’
extra Energy attachments? Yeah. Now factor in those that use
Special Energies. Yup. Now tack on
those that just have high discards and/or bizarre Energy
combinations. Yeppers.
Finally, this means that each deck can still easily run its own
supporting line, like Sandstorm Xatu. =D
All in all,
this is a solid card in need of a good home, and a something
that can be a great partner deck.
-Otaku (nintendotaku@hotmail.com)
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