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Pokemon Card of the Day
Girafarig -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Girafarig (Dragons)
A decent pokemon, but he falls short to others.
Unlimited- Everyone uses pokemon with a maximum retreat of CC if
at all. His damage is pathetic, although with ERs, he can use
his synchronized search pretty easily, but thats what CPS is for
rating--- 1
Modified- He can prove useful as a late game pokemon; He can
finish off an ex that retreated to survive. Early in the start
of the game, he can fetch you a few cards and take a couple hits
before you send up a hitter or he dies.
rating--- 2.5
Draft- His search ability is amazing at fetching your
evolutions. I used him in a match where I ran a 3/3/2 Flygon
deck and ended up searching for a full line before he died. His
other attack isn't strong, but can prove useful as a bench
sniper for pokemon who retreated to prevent you from pulling a
rating--- 3.5
2 vs. 2- In 2 vs. 2, you can try using him with another
Synchronized attack pokemon. This allows you to have 2 targets
and a higher likelyhood that you can abuse the synchronized
attacks effects.
rating--- 3.25
Multiplayer- Almost as good as 2 vs. 2, although you have 2
seperate threats attacking you, but you can help search for your
ally if their deck needs support. I suggest Linoone over
Girafarig though =/.
rating--- 3 |
Thundachu |
Overview: First off for 1 colorless energy, this attack has a
semi-potential to be good. If you and the defending pokemon have
the same # of energy attached, Synchronized Search(love the
attack name ;/), you get to search your deck for any 1 card and
ad it to your hand. This could end up being good, but the odds
of you and yoru opponent having the same number of energy is
slim. Then for 1 psychic and 1 colorless, Breaking Impact lets
you choose 1 of your opponent's pokemon and do 10 damage for
each retreat cost(e.g, if the pokemon you chose has a retreat of
4, this attack does 40.). Weakness and resistance only are
included if you chose the defending pokemon and not one of your
opponent's benched. HP of 70 is wonderful for a basic pokemon.
Weakness of Psychic with Girafarig being a psychic pokemon
himself. Retreat of 1 is pretty nice to have.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: I suppose this is a pretty good card if you are up
against Golem, a PokemonEX, or Steelix/Snorlax, but I still
would'nt put to much trust in it. 2.5/5
Draft: The first attack is good draw power and the second could
come in handy as well. I suggest playing this in draft highly.
Also good with 70HP. 4.5/5 |
Hedge |
This card can be good if used well.
For instance, if you use this as your starting Pokemon, you
might want to let your opponent go first, so they attach an
energy to their active, then you can syncro search. Or it can be
used late game to pick off severely damaged benched Pokes. It
shouldn’t have weakness to psychic…. After all, Girafarig is
part normal. :/
Ahh well, onto the ratings.
Modified: 2.5/5 – Some
setup possibility =/ …..
Unlimited: 0/5 – My god
man, do tell, have you ever heard of Computer Search? And to
notice that it’s a big basic wannabe that can’t do much in this
format, why not just use an MPM2 (Movie Promo Mewtwo ~_^ )
Draft: 4/5 – Draw;
take it. Plus it’s a low nrg BBP **wannabe**.
Written By: ~Hedge
Written January 15th,
Bullados |
Strategy for Girafarig Dragons
70 HP on a Basic is good for these later sets. A litttle healing
here and there, and he can last a long time. The weakness is a
little trashy, Psychic being one of the most popular types in
Modified. No resistance. Retreat cost is payable, but why you
would want to use it, I do not know.
Attack #1: “Synchronized Search”
I’m still kicking myself for not putting this guy into my Sealed
deck just to use this attack. It’s an amazing Limited attack,
and decent in Constructed. First turn attacking all the way,
search for like a Copycat or Rare Candy or something that can
help you out next turn. Use this whenever you can when using
this card.
Attack #2: “Breaking Impact”
Meh, not all that great IMO. Yes, you do deal up do 50 damage
for only [PC], but you really can’t take advantage of that
because this guy is a one-and-done type of card when your
opponent has high retreats. It is useful against Gardy and Gardy
ex, dealing 40 and 60 damage to each when active, which is a
pretty good amount. There isn’t much that is weak to Psychic
that has a high retreat cost, making this attack relatively
You’ve got Comp Search, you’ve got BBPs. You don’t need this guy
for anything in this format outside of toilet paper and a
tissue. 1/5
Gains some value because of the lack of generalized searching,
but the attack is still subpar and he still is not as good as
Wynaut, Linoone, or Dunsparce for pure searching ability. He can
get you any card on your first turn, but you might not want to
count on getting that too often. 2.5/5
I’m still kicking myself for not putting him into my Sealed
deck, just for Synchro Search. Searching is so limited in
Limited that you need to take any that comes along. Don’t take
this guy over, say, a holo Salamance, but take him if there’s
nothing better that can’t help you either in the tourney or in
constructed later on. 3.5/5
~~Bull23924@aol.com |
Otaku |
(C) Synchronized Search
If Girafarig
and the Defending Pokémon have the same amount of Energy
attached to them, pick any 1 card from your deck and put it into
your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
(PC) Breaking Impact
Choose 1
of your opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does 10 damage for
each (C) Energy in that Pokémon’s Retreat Cost to that
Pokémon (after applying effects to the Retreat Cost to the
Retreat Cost). (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for
Benched Pokémon.)
Neo Genesis
(CC) Agility [10]
Flip a
coin. If heads, during your opponent’s next turn, prevent all
effects of attacks, including damage, done to Girafarig.
(PP) Psybeam [20]
Flip a
coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.
Neo Destiny
(CC) Tail Bite [10+]
Flip a
coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage;
if tails, this attack does 10 damage.
(PP) Psychic [10]
damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to
the Defending Pokémon.
(P) Energy patch
Take a basic
Energy card attached to 1 of your Pokémon and attach it to
another of your Pokémon.
(PC) Syncroblast [40]
Girafarig and the Defending Pokémon don’t have the same
number of Energy cards attached to them, this attack’s base
damage is 10 instead of 40.
Okay, we have the fourth Girafarig made. Will that be a good
thing or a bad thing? Previous Girafarig aren’t really used, so
overall, I’d say it was a good choice. It’s Psychic, which
kinda hurts since if you are going to run a Psychic Basic,
Mewtwo ex immediately springs to mind for both Unlimited, and
Modified. Speaking of Basic, there is no “pre-Evo” for it, so
this is just a plain Basic. It has the “magic number” for a
basics HP, 70. This makes it hard to OHKO: few attacks do a
straight 70 damage. They may do it with flips or discards, but
that makes them harder to use. This is also 10 higher than the
other versions. It is weak to Psychic, which hurts it. Note
that the original wasn’t-pity it lost that. No Resistance is
the worst Resistance, but none of the others have it either.
Retreat is one-this is pretty easy to pay as it won’t set you
back much. All other versions have this retreat as well.
Here’s where this card distinguishes itself somewhat. First
attack has an interesting twist-previous cards have had
“Synchronization” effects that involve the energy counts, but
all the ones I can recall used it to alter damage done. This
one uses it to take what might be a “broken” effect for a basic
Pokémon-a “free” computer search for an attack requiring a
single Colorless Energy-and make it juuuuuuuuuust right. See,
at this level, you are almost certain to get it off once unless
Girafarig doesn’t show up early game. If you don’t, then either
your opponent has no energy or is building on the bench, and
thus unable to hit you (at least in Modified). However, in
Unlimited, we have Eeeeeeek, which is just better overall since
it’s got a Baby attached to it. =P Breaking Impact might be nice
for Modified: most Pokémon have a retreat cost, allowing you to
smack the bench inexpensively. Again though, we have better
options in Unlimited. For Modified though, only other choice is
Sandstorm Electabuzz, who hits for a guaranteed 40 but needs (LCC)
to do it, and only ahs 60 HP to boot. As for the other
Girafarig, simply put, they never really did enough. Even when
they had a decent attack, it seemed over-priced.
Anything that increases the Retreat Cost… problem being, the way
most cards are worded, I don’t know how many things do and how
many just make you pay more to retreat. =/ Possible Candidates
would be Dark Muk, Broken Ground Gym, and Rocket’s Training Gym
in Unlimited, plus maybe Aquapolis Ariados in Modified.
Remember though, I cannot confirm those: sometimes cards get
re-worded oddly and it isn’t caught-just as how Balloon Berry
had to be errata’d so it matched the Japanese version, but the
difference was “obscure”.
1.75/5-Again, it does stuff, but other cards can do what it does
3.25/5-I think this card could be a very solid opener… or it
could just be a flop. Retreat costs on a lot of Pokémon aren’t
that bad anymore, and usually high retreats go with high HP
3.75/5-Nice. Search is great here, as are its offensive
capabilities (pecking off the benched injured Pokémon). On its
own, it’s not so great, but if you drafted anything else that
was good, this can get it.
3.5/5-Easier to synch up with two choices.
3.35/5-Ditto, but you might get hit twice too. |
AuSeNsTrAk |
Girafarig: So close, yet so far.
This card has only one real use: draft. In unlimited, there are
better, less situational searchers and more important cards for
your deck than this.
In modified, it COULD be useable, but only either a) if your
opponent goes first AND attaches to his active, or b) if you go
first, attach, pass and hope your opponent affords you the free
comp search =\
In draft, where search is GREAT, this is a SOLID card. It works
especially well in decks with Stage 2s, allowing you to find the
entire evo line. 70 hp is nice to start with, and the search
attack is totally splashable. Don't bother with it's second
attack...more often than not, it's doing 10-20 damage x.x
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 1.5/5
Draft 4.5/5
The bottom line: Draft it. That's pretty much all it's good for. |
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