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Pokemon Card of the Day
TV Reporter -
Dragon EX
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Heidi Craig |
TV Reporter
Modified 3.5/5
This is a good search engine especially in decks that use Oracle
and/or Pokemon that retrieve energy from the discard pile. In
some decks this card would be a good choice and others you may
prefer Bill's Maintenance. It depends on how you design your
deck would you rather shuffle or discard. Sometimes a good
mixture of both is good in decks.
Unlimited 1/5
There are much better search engines in this format to choose
from, I probably wouldn't use this card.
Draft 5/5
Any search in this format is a good thing, I would definitely
use this card. |
TV Reporter. Like Bill. Only
better. But worse. But better.
With Dragons came a bunch some new draw cards and a bunch of
cards that affect the "deck scene". However, none will see more
play than TV reporter.
Many people saw this and said, "Gee, it's Bill's Maintenance but
DISCARDING." Well, yeah, but that's a good thing. WHAT? During
matches, you're going to find there are cards you don't need. If
you TeCH Crystal Shard for Rayquaza ex decks, and find out your
opponent runs Gardevoir, do you really want to Copycat and draw
both of them? NO. There will be times where you'll have to
discard things you'd prefer to keep, but more often than not
you'll notice that the Discard didn't really hurt you. TV lets
you get rid of the card you don't need. This works really well
in Blaziken decks, where you can discard fire energies and then
just put them back onto Blaziken/Ninetales/Whatever.
The other major difference is that you discard AFTER you draw.
If you topdeck this, you get a choice of 2/3 cards. That means
you end up gaining an extra card in hand (-1 TV, -1 discard, +3
draw), which is good, but you get a choice on what to have.
In unlimited, don't bother. Bill isn't really that useable there
and this is an upgrade on him which isn't much more useable
here. Save your supporter per turn for Fan Club, Copycat or
something more worth it.
Unlimited: Better Draw Options 1.5/5
Modified: GREAT card 4/5
Draft: Draw = God 5/5
The Bottom Line: This card will see play in New Modified. It's
just that darn good. |
pERfeCt0nE |
TV Reporter
Bill's Maitenance has a cousin! But which is better?
Unlimited- There is enough draw power. Professor Oak, Elm, Bill,
Erika, and tons of other draw cards available. TV reporter
doesnt help here.
rating--- 1.5
Modified- Most decks that overuse a certain card in order to
draw it early in the game can abuse this card by using this to
discard it so it isn't totally useless. You can also discard
omanyte and kabutos and have Underground Lake allow you to play
it as a basic pokemon on the first turn! Most decks use this as
part of their draw engine anyway. I've used this with Roselia in
order to discard mystery plate delta when it was too late to use
it. It doesn't break it or anything, but its more useful when
you have bait for it.
rating--- 3.875
Draft- I never got one! Mr. Brineys Compassion and this card
were the only automatic choices here. If you get it- use it!!!
Free cards in Draft!? Get your evolutions faster and win!
rating--- 4.25
2 vs. 2- Nothing special. Same as in Modified.
rating--- 3.875
Multiplayer- You can use this on your ally to help them discard
whatever they need to get rid of as well as draw for them. It
can help them alot if they use blaziken, which is incredibly
rating--- 4 |
Ralphy |
If it looks like, smells like,
and oh yes, tastes like Bill's Maintenance, it probably is,
right? Wrong. At first glance, this card looks like Bill's
Maintenance but with a gender change, but the key difference
is the discard. Actually, it's the only difference. It can
be worse, but in the right deck, it is so much better. Maybe
even better than my right hand man, good ol' reliable
Unlimited- I am a Fireman, not
like the FDNY, I just love to play fire. And fire loves
discard. TV Reporter delivers just that. Every fire deck
ever made loves this card. But, if you are not mesmerized by
fire, I suggest using Bill's Maintence instead. Wait, what
am I saying? This is Unlimited, just use straight Bill.
Don't let my flame grilled mind fool you, Supporters and
Unlimted don't mix, not even with fire decks. Okay, maybe a
little with fire decks. 2/5 here.
Modified- As you may have
already guessed, if you do not play big fire in Modified,
use Bill's Maintence. It's just about the same thing as
Reporter, but you don't lose a card. You don't want to be
discarding cards unless you benefit from the discard, or the
card is really good, like Oak. 3/5
Limited- Card drawing is good,
no great. Who cares is you have to discard? Who cares is
it's a Supporter? 4.75/5 here/
Bullados |
TV Reporter
Stgraight draw. This is always an advantage in a format where
there is precious little draw support. You also get to discard
any card from your hand, which can be both an advantage and a
disadvantage depending on how you use it.
lack of flexibility. There really isn’t anything that you can do
about this, just bear with it. Also, the discard is always a
problem unless you are running something specifically designed
to bring back what you are using. The supporter rule is also
terrible for this particular card. This is the type of card that
is ment to be strung together with others of its kind.
You have so much else at your disposal, why would you use this?
Oak, Juggler, Bill, and Misty’s Wrath. Use those over this
thing. 1.125/5
Juggler is still better than this thing. I also think that
Bill’s Maintenance is better, because of the lack of a discard.
It’s decent, but there’s much more that’s better. 3.0/5
I’ve decided to seperate Draft and Sealed because there are
different strategies for each. TV Rep is amazing here, a first
pick always, any card drawing is a first pick. 4.75/5
Use it if you can get it. It’s good, extremely good, and will
help you win a good number of games just by itself. 4.75/5
~~Bull23924@aol.com |

Patriarch |
Well, I'm back reviewing. Band,
GTA: Vice City, Eternal Darkness, and my City Championship
preparations have kept me away, but I'm back! Oooh, and I return
on a good note: we get to review TV Reporter, a Supporter from
the most recent set, EX Dragon.
Basically, you draw 3, discard 1...simple, huh? A quick Delcatty
without all the fuss? That's the jist of things.
Unlimited (2/5): Not necessarily a bad card...it's just that you
have more options. What's better at cycling through a 47-card
deck: a Professor Oak, or this?
Modified (4/5): Unlike Unlimited, Modified has a lack of pure
draw, save Professor Birch. Now we have this! Although a simple
concept, it does what powerhouses Research, Copycat, and Shaman
cannot: actually fish stuff out of the deck, as opposed to
putting it back in. Although it particularly likes Blaziken
variants, TV Reporter fits in just about any deck, and I mean
ANY! 'Though certainly not the staple of E-on, it will be seen
at a CC near you, fo sho!
Limited (4.5/5): Basically, with 40-card decks, you're fishing
out 4 1/2 cards, due to new odds. ALL draw is important to have
in Limited, guys, so use it!!! |
Otaku |
If you
can’t tell, I am trying to match up my review styles for
Pokémon, Trainer, and Energy cards.
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon.
When your
turn ends, discard this card. Draw 3 cards. Then discard
any 1 card from your hand.
First I’ll state the obvious-this is a Trainer card. What does
that mean? Under normal circumstances, you can play as many
Trainers per turn as you want. What else? You have to worry
about Chaos Gym, Dark Vileplume, and Neo Genesis Slowking
blocking it. Most Trainers are one-shot deals, as this one is
no exception. It is a Supporter, so it is a touch harder to
play and makes other Supporters harder to play. This sounds
bad, but wait until the next section before judging it: simply
put, just as a Stage 1 or 2 Pokémon needs to be better than a
Basic to justify the trouble of playing it, so too does a
So, what does TV Reporter do? Get mistaken for Graceful
Charity. ;) That’s a Yu-Gi-Oh card for those that aren’t
familiar with that game. Seriously though, TV Reporter is one
of the few sources of non-shuffling draw power. The only other
non-shuffling draw power I can recall is Juggler (there are a
few cards that might be counted, but they are borderline
draw/searchers) for Modified. Some decks need that. Most decks
can also stand the discard cost-I used this Saturday in a small
tournament and only once did I not have something that was more
or less painless to discard, like an extra energy or Dunsparce.
Town Volunteers or certain Pokémon Powers remedy that nicely.
If it weren’t for that and the state of the current Modified
draw pool, this card wouldn’t be so great-it’s two cards for
three, plus your Supporter for the turn.
For decks that
don’t want to shuffle, this is extra nice. Juggler has more
options, but this is easier to pay. It can be a slight
alternative to Juggler in decks that need to discard Energy-it
won’t let Mewtwo ex Energy Absorption to full power, but will
still help it be ready to go turn two. It does open up an
interesting possibility for Omanyte and Kabuto: combined with
Underground Lake, you can get them into play first turn.
1.95/5-I think a few decks might run one or two as extra draw
power, but the downsides make Bill probably a better choice.
3.65/5-I find it to be a solid draw card from experience. Not
too fast, but not too slow. More reliable than Copycat or
Professor Birch, less costly (or easier to pay as stated above)
than Juggler, and thins the deck better than Bill’s Maintenance,
Professor Oak’s Research or Desert Shaman. Now, all those cards
excel in certain decks, and this will probably be no different.
This opens up some new deck possibilities too.
4.5/5-Unless you draft with Base Set, this will probably be some
of the best draw power you can get. Discarding a useless card
is usually easier in this format as well.
Like most
recent cards, it won’t really affect Unlimited, though it will
have an impact (positive, I think) on Modified. I found them to
be quite useful in my SS Steelix/Xatu deck, and that has two
important Stage 1 lines, eight non-basic Energy cards, and no
real “extra” Trainers.
-Otaku (nintendotaku@hotmail.com)
Meganium45 |
Allright, a trainer worth talking
about! Bill is back, but better!
This little gem lets you draw
three (3) cards, then discard any card (including possibly
one you just drew) from you hand as a cost!!!
This is great for most any deck
looking for a little extra draw. Yes, it is a supporter,
and has to compete with Oak's Research, Copycat, and others,
but it combos perfectly with ORACLE!!
You oracle the previous turn,
putting 2 on the top, then TV reporter the next turn, making
sure you get the cards you need, both from your initial
draw, and then the reporter. It also has been likened to a
Delcatty, without the Pokemon. Personally, I still like the
holo R/S delcatty for draw support, but if you can't spare
the deck space, then hey, use the reporter.
This card is also extremely
effective for heavy evolution decks that do NOT want to
shuffle their hands back in, but need more cards. TV
reporter allows you to keep you hand size, while simply
adding to it.
This is good in most instances.
Bad if Gardevoir EX is staring across the table at you!!!
In my mind, this is a bill, but
improved upon, and is great for any deck, *cough BLAZIKEN
cough* which relies on pulling energy out of the discard
pile. A veritable mini-juggler, and a juggler that does not
require you to have the energy in your hand to use it. This
will see more and more play with lower energy Blaziken
Man, you would think a trainer
would have a simple review, but that got pretty in depth.
Ratings -
Unlimited - still creamed by the
big trainers of Computer Search, Oak, and Copycat. Not a
bad fifth or sixth choice. Noone runs energy draw type
power in unlimited, the format is simply too fast. If you
have extra trainer space, this may not be bad when debating
between it and bill, unless you max on copycats as your
supporter of choice. 2.9/5
Modified - In Blaziken Decks
this gets a 5/5, if you don't run it, you may be labeled,
for other decks, this is still a nice trainer, especially
with the diversity and tech cards we all play, you should
always have something you can discard 4/5
Limited - A great trainer in an
area where trainers are few and far between. I would
usually pick this as a first pick, because you will always
have something to discard in draft. If there was a RAQ EX,
or some other have-to-have in the pack I may be torn, but if
it was passed to me I would laugh all the way to my deck.
OK, more to come later...Come
see me on my City Championship World Tour next month -
I will be at Dok's event in
Chicago on 2/14, I will be running Colinsville, IL on 2/21.
I will be running St. Louis at the Gathering Ground on 2/28
and then we will start the prereleases!
Hope to see you at one of the
upcoming Championships.
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