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Pokemon Card of the Day
Minun & Plusle -
Dragon EX
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Heidi Craig |
Modified 2.5/5
These Pokemon have decent hit
points and interesting attacks that can be useful at certain
times of the game. I see these cards as situational but in
the right moment could put that needed damage on a Pokemon
for the Knock Out. They can hit the bench which can be
Cheer on does some healing but
probably not enough to really impact the game.
Special Circuit/Extra Circuit
most decks use Pokemon with Poke-Power or Poke-Body's and EX
Pokemon so either of these attacks will be able to be used
in most games. They could be effective under the right
situation. With the low hit points I would use this card
with caution so it doesn't become an easy prize for your
opponent. They could be a decent back up to the main hitter
for some quick damage.
Unlimited 1/5
I wouldn't use these cards there
are much better choices.
Draft 2/5
They are weak in this format.
Some people manage to get EX Pokemon but not that many so
you could plan on doing 20 damage most of the time.
Poke-Powers or Body are usually not as common in the draft
format since they are usually on the higher stage Pokemon or
a couple of strong basics.
Thundachu |
Oooh Combo COTD. Neato kewl XP.
Minum Overview: Looks kinda like Pichu IMO =p. The PokeBody,
Chain Of Events, lets you whenever your OTHER active pokemon
attacks, you can use Cheer On. Can be usefull if you are playing
with more than 1 active pokemon, but most people don't. A few
drawbacks as well. You can only use it if Minun is one of your
active pokemon. You can also only use it once per turn even if
you have more than 1 Minun. Then for 1 colorless energy, Cheer
On lets you remove 1 damage counter from each of your pokemon,
including Minun. Very nice effect to have. The other attack for
1 Lightning Energy and 1 colorless energy, Special Circuit
allows you to choose 1 of your opponent's pokemon and do 20
damage to it. But a bonus comes with it: if the pokemon you
chose has a Pokemon Power or PokeBody, the damage is doubled to
40 instead. You can apply weakness and resistance for only if
you chose an active pokemon, not benched. 50HP for a basic
pokemon is pretty nice and being a Lightning pokemon, it has a
weakness to Fighting. A nice advantage though, also having a
resistance to Metal, which means Scizor AQ won't be as much of a
problem as normal. Retreat of 1 is ok for a 50HP basic.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: If you are playing with 2 active pokemon, this card
does indeed come in handy. Removal of 1 damage counter from all
your pokemon for having your other active attack. Minty Fresh
indeed. And with a lot of people playing Scizor AQ in Modified,
this card comes in handy. 3/5
Draft: 2.5/5
Plusle Overview: Ok, only 1 change in this one from Minun, and
that is the second attack. Extra Circuit does the same thing
only different text and you could get these 2 cards mixed up if
you dont read it correctly. While Minun's Special Circuit does
20 and 40 if the chosen pokemon has PokeBody/Power, Extra
Circuit does 20 and 40 if the chosen pokemon is a Pokemon-EX.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: With all the EX being played in Modified, this has to
get a better grade then Minun. Espeacilly with MewtwoEX,
AerodactylEX, etc etc. And GardevoirEX. b00m. 3.5/5
Draft: Ex are played a lot in Draft from what I can see. When I
played in the Sandstorm Pre-Release I went up against a lot of
WailordEX and AerodactylEX. If you draft it, I suggest playing
it just in case. If nothing else, you have Cheer On for removal
of damage XD. 4/5 |
pERfeCt0nE |
Who doesn't love these little guys?
Unlimited- They can't be too effective here. I woud suggest NG
Pichu over Minun and removals for Pokemon ex.
rating--- 1.5
Modified- I've thought about them a whole lot. If only they had
more HP they could be amazing. Low pressure system can help a
bit with that, but other than that, they are basically just
slightly riskier versions of electabuzz, but can prove to be
faster. Not only could they swarm very easily, but they almost
always can pull off the 40 damage attack against any deck. It
may seem wasteful to lose a prize over them, but with killing
off benched support pokemon, they can be amazing. In two turns
Minun can take out a benched wobbuffet and may take the beating
from whoever is attacking him if he uses Buffer pieces and LPS.
They can work well with Omastar too. If you let them weaken a
pokemon, like blaziken for example, with one Minun attack,
Omastars Pull Down can kill it while its benched. They arent
good to use straight up- but think about them!
rating--- 3.5
Draft- Afraid of that benched dragon powering up? Use a Minun!
Afraid of a pokemon ex? Plusle's got it!
rating--- 3.5
2 vs. 2- Well here, they can use their power! Not only would
they shut down Aggron ex completely, but they will provide you
with free healing until your opponent calls the attack to him.
They can be a good distraction or early killer. They can also be
a late game killer if they had to retreat to survive!
rating--- 3.75
Multiplayer- Same |
Ralphy |
Oh wow, two cards in one day.
Not since Ness reviewed cards way back when has this occured.
But the two cards are exactly the same, just with Minun and
Plusle switched in the text, and name of course. So I will
call these cards Minulse for the purpose of this review.
Kids, don't try this at home...
Unlimited- Oh wow a 50 HP,
fighting weak Pokemon is just what I always wanted in
Unlimited. And two of them, oh happy, happy day... Are you
kidding? 1/5 here.
Modified- Hmmm, fighting
weakness isn't a problem really, and resistance to metal
can't hurt, it can only help. Metal still has some power
left yet. And the one retreat isn't too bad. Now that the
bottom stats are out of the way... Minulse's power can be
useful. If you have an energy of any sort on Minulse, when
it is attacked, you can take a damage counter off of every
Pokemon in play. It can be nice early game when you are
trying to build, but other than that not really useful.
Minulse must be active to use the attack, and middle to late
game, all your opponents Pokes should be dealing 50 at
least. The second attack could be used to clean up late
game, but again, this guy won't be around late game. 2.25/5
Limited- Everything I mentioned
above that way bad, is now good. Except for the 50 HP, that
is still not good, and never will be good. Except in a 50 HP
tournament, but it is only good by default becasue 50 HP is
the max amount of HP in a 50 HP tourny. Anyway, healing
yourself and bench damaging attacks are superb in this
format. Minulse is everything one could for in a draft Poke,
well maybe with 20 more HP. 3.75/5 here.
Bullados |
Plusle and Minun
decent HP, but it should have more because it doesn’t evolve.
Fighting weakness isn’t a problem, most Fighting types would KO
these guys without the help of the weakness. Metal resistance is
good, any resistance is good. Retreat of one is decent, but you
shouldn’t pay it because of the cost of the attacks.
Meh, good only i n 2v2, and possibly Team, depending on how they
rule on it. This will be discussed more in his attack section.
Attack #1: “Cheer On”
Ok, decent, but really only useful in Team or 2v2, with the
Body. 1 damage counter, even off of 6 Pokemon, is still only one
damage counter, and it won’t help out very much, IMO.
Attack #2a: “Special Circuit”
Meh, not really worth it for a holo. 20 damage to anything for
[LC], though it is on par with Ebuzz, isn’t really worth it. The
40 damage, however, is pretty good, so use it for that reason.
Attack #2b: “Extra Circuit”
Very similar to Extra Circuit, just targets something a little
less common. Again, use it if you think it will help you, but
usually it won’t.
Ebuzz is a better lightning Pokemon. Murkrow is a better hunter.
These guys won’t be used much. 1.125/5
Not much better. Ebuzz is still better, now both as a hunter and
as a lightning Pokemon. Use him before using one of these. 1.5/5
Not bad. Don’t take either over, say, an ex type or a TV Rep,
but he’s pretty decent as a small hunter and staller. 2.5/5
Same as Draft, only a little harder to get. You should use him
if you do get him, but try and use something else first. 2.5/5
Meh, I don’t really like it, even if you get the 2nd attack. It
doesn’t have much HP, so it would be killed rather quickly. IMO,
not worth it. 2.125/5
~~Bull23924@aol.com |
Otaku |
a two-in-one review.
Chain of Events
As long as
Minun is your Active Pokémon,
whenever your other Active Pokémon, if any, attacks, you may use
Cheer On after the first attack (you still need the necessary
Energy to use Cheer On). You can’t use Cheer on more than once
in this way even if your other Active Pokémon has the Chain of
Events Poké-Body.
Cheer On
Remove 1
damage counter from each of your Pokémon (including
(LC) Special Circuit
Choose 1
of your opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does
20 damage to that Pokémon. If
you choose Pokémon that has a Poké-Power
or Poké-Body, this attack does
40 damage instead. Don’t
apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
Chain of Events
As long as
Plusle is your Active Pokémon,
whenever your other Active Pokémon, if any, attacks, you may use
Cheer On after the first attack (you still need the necessary
Energy to use Cheer On). You can’t use Cheer on more than once
in this way even if your other Active Pokémon has the Chain of
Events Poké-Body.
Cheer On
Remove 1
damage counter from each of your Pokémon (including
(LC) Extra Circuit
Choose 1
of your opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does
20 damage to that Pokémon. If
you choose Pokémon ex, this attack does
40 damage instead. Don’t apply Weakness and
Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)
are the only Pokémon with their name, so they don’t
have to compete with themselves. Being basics, it is
doubtful they would have been “TecHed”
into a deck in place of one of an older copy anyway. Being
a Basic is nice, as that means they are easy to get into
play and you can run the amount you wish without having to
sacrifice a lot of deck space. Being an Electric Pokémon
isn’t too bad-there is a strong need
for some more good ones in all formats, and Resistance to it
isn’t seen much. The bad now starts showing up-50 HP is
okay… if the Pokémon is going to evolve. For a Pokémon that
doesn’t (at least currently) have an evolution to it, this
is pretty bad-it won’t last long active. It has the normal
dreaded Fighting weakness: yeah, few Fighting decks are
played, but it’s pretty common to add one in for Pokémon
like Minun and
Plusle. The Metal Resistance is
nice-Metal decks are on the rise again. Finally, we have a
fairly nice retreat of one. Not something that can be
ignored. But it won’t require a lot of planning to retreat.
First we’ll look at the attacks. Cheer on would be great…
if this were a Chansey or some
other big, beefy basic we could send up to heal the other
Pokémon. As is, you are probably giving a prize to heal
what you got. Special/Extra Circuit are also nice
attacks-you can probably get some quick bench damage early
in the game, as its rare to not see a Pokémon without a
Poké-Power/Body (or Pokémon-ex
for Plusle) in most decks, So
you’ll often be getting a good deal with the Circuits.
Finally, the Poké-Body.
Chain of Events would be great if a)it
worked from the bench or b)was on a bigger Pokémon. Having
these little ones active is a recipe for a loss.
Of course,
Low Pressure System will tack on a much needed +10 HP, but
its still not enough to give
these Pokémon a lot of longevity. Still, they might be
decent TecH to snipe certain
benched Pokémon early in the game.
1.25/5-We have Murkrow for
hitting the bench, and
Elekid/Electabuzz for Electric
2/5-Okay, now they might see some play-there is only one
other Electric Pokémon that is also a bench
hitter, and it’s a bit slow to
power up (SS Electabuzz).
not just run SS Xatu-sure they
take more work to heal, but they place a damage counter on
all opposing Pokémon with Psyimpact
and their Healing Winds Pokémon Power, which stacks, heals
10 from both Active Pokémon!
only if they can trigger from your partner’s Pokémon.
If they can’t, then its 1.5/5, as they
will almost certainly be KOed by
your opponent when left as actives
3/5-Sniping the bench and healing can actually work on such
a low HP Pokémon in this format.
attacks, bad stats. If we slapped this, even on a sub-par
Chansey, they’d be a lot better.
-Otaku (nintendotaku@hotmail.com)
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