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Pokemon Card of the Day
Alakazam -
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Hedge |
Alakazam (Expedition)
I really like this card. This
card is in my favorite deck along with the Skyridge version,
the legendary dogs, and sudowoodo. And it works; really
well. The ability to use your opponent’s attacks is very
nice, especially when they have better ones than you do ~_^.
Syncroblast also works very nice
with boost and bounce because it says “energy cards.”
I also like that this soooo
overlooked card can bust a garde ex in one blow with a
psychic and a boost. Rainbow is also a must with ‘Kazam, and
I like to use him with a good backup, namely Wobbuffet. On
my card crown I even have a large holo representation of
this card ^_^ .
Modified: 4/5 – TONS
of potential. Garde really should fear this card.
Unlimited: 1/5 – Yah
right. And it’s raining Pikachus.
Ever heard of Ditto?
2 on 2: 4/5 – Umm,
Mutant: 4/5 – I
dunno, Wobbuffet to Grumpig to Kazam? #_#
Draft: 3/5 –
Better draft every nrg lol.
Written by:
Written January 7th,
Otaku |
Stage 2 (Evolves from Kadabra)
Once during
your turn, instead of Alakazam’s normal attack, you may choose 1
of your opponent’s Pokémon’s attack. Alakazam copies that
attack including its Energy costs and anything else required in
order to use that attack, such as
discarding Energy cards. (No matter what type that Pokémon is,
Alakazam’s type is still Psychic.)
This power can’t be used if Alakazam is affected by a Special
(PCC) Syncroblast [80]
Alakazam and the Defending Pokémon don’t have the same
number of Energy cards attached to them, this attack’s base
damage is 20 instead of 80.
Well, we have another Alakazam. The good news is that you can
mix and match it with the other versions, but the bad news is
that it fights for space against those versions. It’s a Stage
2, which means that it’s harder to get into play than a Basic or
Stage 1, and as such had better have some serious power to it to
offset that disadvantage. It evolves from Kadabra, which in
turn evolves from Abra. In Unlimited, I recommend the Team
Rocket version, as it has the more or less standard Abra stats
(40 HP, Psychic Weakness, no Resistance, and a retreat of C),
but has Vanish, a most useful attack that a simple Recall or
Memory Berry will let you use to rob your opponent of a Prize
(that move shuffles Abra back into the deck). For Modified, I
recommend the Skyridge Abra, as it has a Poke-Body that gives it
a free retreat so long as there is a Psychic Energy attached to
it. As for Kadabras, it really depends on your strategy. If
you aren’t planning on recalling attacks in some manner, use
just one or two actual Kadabra with Rare Candies. I’d go with
the Skyridge as they can actually hit for decent damage and
ignore Weakness/Resistance. For Modified, I would still go with
that Kadabra and Rare Candies-some say to use the Expedition
version since it can nab Energy from the discard, but I don’t
find it worth it (and yeah, I’ve run this before in Neon
This is a
Psychic Pokémon, which is not really that great for Unlimited (a
lot of Resistance, not much Weakness), but useful for Modified
(where there is little Resistance and much Weakness). It has
100 HP, which was a record at the time it’s release, and still
is the tops for an Alakazam. In general, 100 HP is pretty
good-you can usually take two solid blows even without any
healing. It has a Psychic Weakness, which really hurts-what few
Psychic Pokémon you encounter will be able to hit you hard in
Unlimited, and makes this an easy target for Wobbuffets and
Gardevoir on Modified. There is no Resistance, which annoys me,
but we’ll just move on. It has a retreat of CC, which is
feasible. It’s enough you won’t be able to retreat without a
though but low enough you won’t have to build your deck around
benching it.
Psymimic is fantastic. Almost every deck you face will give you
access to cheap set-up attacks and big finisher attacks.
Rainbow Energy can provide what you need to use most attacks,
especially since the newer cards have moved towards more
colorless/mostly colorless attack costs. If you encounter
something with a big or specialized attack,
don’t worry-Syncroblast has your back. Most such attacks
cost 3-4 Energy, making them easy to “synchronize’ with. With
boost energy, it’s even more effective (DCE for Unlimited).
Best of all, such big attacks may be “synched” once or twice
before they can use said big attack. These two attacks
compliment each other very well. As for its actual cost, it
seems fair-you pay for 35 damage, and do a minimum of 20, and a
max of 80. You’ll probably get 80 probably one in 1
times, so you’ll average about 40.
Since it’s mostly colorless, you can easily splash another
color with Alakazam if you want.
If you are running another Alakazam, this can be good offensive
TecH. To realize its full potential means building the deck
around it though. Most such decks will add another line to
compliment Alakazam-something Fighting or Dark for type
matching, for example. One bizarre deck uses this with “Strange
Tentacles” Tentacruel to make it so your opponent will almost
always have the same energy count as you. Also note that it
counts Energy cards-this means that a Boost is
still just one Energy. I would
probably team it up with-you guessed it-Sandstorm Xatu for mega
healing. In Neon I ran it with Neo Revelation Aerodactyl so I
could use LC Alakazam’s attacks-can’t do that in Eon, but you
can use Memory Berry to give some nice, solid damage. Since it
can copy cheap attacks, it can abuse Pokémon Nurse fairly
3/5-I think it would be good in a
“damage-swap” deck. Given how most strong Pokémon in Unlimited
have inexpensive attacks to copy. Base Set Alakazam will give
it great longevity, and since you got Psychic any way, you might
as well toss in Slowking (like people normally worry about
powering it).
3.5/5-There are a lot of great
Psychic Pokémon in this format, but this could surprise us by
matching them-after all, anything they can do, this can do.
4/5-Most people favor “splashable” Pokémon, so take advantage of
it. Run a smorgasbord of energy, and with a little luck, you
can match almost anything they draft. People tend to draft
Energy hogs here since with time they can be powered up to blitz
through an opponent for the win. You should be able to synch up
while they power up and obliterate them.
4/5-So many choices to mimic or synch!
Sorry this was
-Otaku (nintendotaku@hotmail.com)
perfect0ne |
Alakazam (expedition)
Heres a ditto wannabe... too bad he's OHKO'ed by wobbs.
Unlimited- He could possibly copy wigglytuff and if they both
have one energy-clefable. Other than that, sneasel kills him.
rating--- 2
Modified- Flygon comes to mind. But that would be far too slow.
A few possibilities could be electabuzz (energy draw), lady
outing, multi energy, double-rainbow energy. Wait- what was that
last one!? What did I just say? Yes- a spoiler! Double rainbow
provides 2 energy of any types as long as the pokemon is a
NON-ex Evolution pokemon, and it does 10 damage less. It has
downfalls, but amazing with Alakazam. Using Brineys and fossils
to stall can be good. He has potential and is a non ex that can
steal their attacks, but i just dont see him killing Gard, which
seems to be the Default deck in modified for most players.
rating--- 3.375
Draft- Are you really gonna draft expedition still? Oh well, he
stinks anyway. You have no energy search and its own attack is
too situational for draft. Hes a 100 HP punching bag.
rating--- 1.5
2 vs. 2- Hot! He can copy either players active pokemon! More
options, more possibilities, and you get more targets with your
new attacks!
rating--- 4.125
Multiplayer- Just like 2 vs 2, hes great!
rating--- 4.125 |
TrAk |
Hi. I'm back. I was gone. I'm not
There are 3 types of cards, really. There are those that are
playable in tournaments. Those resemble Feraligatr, Scizor,
Magcargo etc. There are those that are TOTALLY useless. They
tend to look like Gambler. Then, there are the 'tweeners.
They're fun to play, and CAN work well, but you won't win many
tournaments with them. Alakazam is one of those cards.
The power is a nice touch. Use Rainbow Energy to be able to use
your opponent's attacks and use his own attack when you can do
80 damage. It's pretty solid, but against any self-respecting
deck you'll find that you won't be able to pull it off well, let
alone repeatedly.
A fun combo with this is Tentacruel, who's power lets you take a
energy from your opponent's graveyard and attach it to one of
their pokemon. Use the power to get the proper amount of energy
in the discard and you're set.
Now, why WON'T this work? For starters, they have to actually
have energy in the discard, and decks like Gardevoir and
Blaziken like to recycle their energy out of there. Also, most
great attacks have requirements which must have decks tailored
to them. Look at Ninetails/Blaziken....if you use the attack
with Alakazam, you'd either do 30 or discard WAY too much
It shines in draft, where it's power and a multitude of energy
can really let it do well. Stage 2 though...doesn't shine all
that bright.
Unlimited: Useless 1/5
Modified: Playable, but not great...2.3/5
Draft: Put it in any tri-color deck and you should be able to
abuse it's power, but then again, it IS a stage 2....2.5/5
The bottom line: a nice card, and fun to play, but you won't win
tournaments with it. |
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