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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
Hariyama-ex – A very interesting Pokemon-ex that doesn’t see
a lot of play. Its Commanding Aura body prevents your
opponent from playing any Stadium cards as long as Hariyama-ex
is active. So take that Desert Ruins!
It’s 1st attack, Knock Off is doing a solid 40 damage for 2
and it also discards a random card from your opponents hand.
Its 2nd attack Pivot Throw does a whopping 80 damage for 3
energy but during your opponents next turn, any damage done
to Hariyama-ex by attacks is increased by 10. Talk about
giving your opponent a Strength Charm or Plus Power to play
why don’t ya. With Psychic weakness, the Safeguard Wobbuffet
can ohko Hariyama-ex in one turn after a Pivot Throw.
Unlimited: 2.5/5 – I’m scoring it in the average range here
as its attack damage to energy ratio reminds me awfully like
BS Hitmonchan. Unfortunately Hariyama-ex will net your
opponent 2 prizes when ko’d but always remember that
Scoop-Up is legal in this format and can be used on Pokemon-ex.
Modified – 3/5: For those pesky Fighting resistance Pokemon
like Rayquaza, Salamence, and Dark Dragonite, all of which
are weak to colorless types, just toss in a Crystal Shard or
2 and use Pivot Throw which will do a whopping 160 damage.
With 2 decent attacks and Poke-Body, it’s a wonder that
Hariyama-ex doesn’t see more play.
Limited: 4/5 – With a decent Makuhita to use and Hariyama’s
attack damage this is a solid pick in draft.
Jaeger |
Today's Card of the Day is Hariyama EX from Deoxys
There are several things I really like about this card,
first its only a stage 1 which means it's pretty easy to
bring out and you can bring it out quickly. Second it hits
for a decent amount of damage for reasonable cheap amounts
of energy, so with a good opening hand you could be hitting
for 40 damange turn 2 and 80 turn 3. It's power can also
come in handy if you can get it out quickly enough your
opponent can't play there Desert Ruins or any other Stadiums
that speed up their deck or slow down yours.
Now that I've stated some of the good things about this card
let me say some of the downsides. First its an EX which
means when your opponent knocks it out they get two prizes
and 110 hit points is a little low for an EX even though its
only a stage 1.
Summary: I could see this card do really well in some sorta
of speed beatdown designed to get it out quickly, and with
its low energy requirements it would'nt take long to power
it up but the problem is I don't think it would be fast
enough to compeat with some of the fast decks out there
right now like Dark Dragonite or other decks based on speed.
The bottomline in my opinion is its a good card with decent
attacks for cheap amount of energy but in the current format
it lacks the support and speed to be a really good deck but
I do think it has potential
Unlimited 3/5
Modified: 3.8/5
Draft: 4.5/5