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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sharpedo EX
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2.85
Limited: 2.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Sharpedo EX
Overview: Lets see what we got. For 2 colorless energy, Drag
Off does 20 damage to the defending Pokemon, OR you can
switch the defending with a benched, and do damage to the
new defending Pokemon. Can be very useful, I suppose, but
the drawback is your opponent decides the benched pokemon.
Then for 2 darkness and 1 colorless, Darkness Blast does 60
damage solid, but if you discard a darkness energy, it will
do 80, plus being able to discard any energy from the
defending Pokemon. Very good for getting rid of
darkness/metal/scrambles, however not really worth it unless
going up against something with resistance, or high HP,
because with the 2 darkness attached, it will do 100 as it
is. Weakness to Grass isnt very good, but resistance to
psychic gives it the edge over Gardevoir (assuming anyone
plays that anymore -_-). 100HP is a little low IMO for an
ex, but free retreat makes up for it. Pretty good card.
Unlimited: Would take to long to get powered up with the
darkness energy. And 1 energy discarded wont do much in
Unlimited either. 2/5
Modified: With scramble it could get powered up pretty fast,
and nice damage done as well with Darkness Blast as well.
Low HP could make it a predetor though, and being an ex,
your opponent would get 2 prizes. 3.5/5
Draft: Being ex and evolution, may hard to get it played,
and unless you can get scramble, it wouldnt be very helpful,
since there are no darkness energy in the set. If you can,
Id play it. High damage potential. 3.5/5

Johnny Blaze |
Sharpedo-ex: Pure Darkness type with weakness to Grass and
Resistance to Psychic with a free retreat cost. Sharpedo has
for its 1st attack for 2C :Drag-Off which can switch one of
the defending Pokemon with a benched Pokemon and do 20
damage to it. If you have 2 Darkness energy attached to
Sharpedo-ex then Drag-Off can essentially do 40 damage.
You basically want to use Sharpedo-ex for its pwnge attack
of Darkness Blast for 2 Dark and 1 C Darkness Blast is doing
60 (80 if there are 2 Darks attached) then you have the
choice to discard a Dark energy off of Sharpedo-ex to do an
extra 20 damage and to discard an energy off of the
Defending Pokemon. So all in all it can dish out a solid 100
Unlimited: 2/5 – Too energy intensive here. You might want
to combo with Slowking – Mind Games to combat Energy
Removals or use No Removal Gym. Nice free retreat and can
damage the benched babies for ohko are positives for
Sharpedo-ex in this format.
Modified: 2/5 – Risky here with various Grass decks running
about to combat the Sand Damage T-Tar. Use the Ruby+Sapphire
Carvahna if you plan on using Sharpedo-ex.
Limited: 1/5 – Unfortunately you will be using it for its
1st attack only since Darkness energies are non-existant in
Deoxys draft.
]-[0t (V)uSt|d |
Hey guys, this is my
first review here, hope you all like it... or not.
Sharpedo EX: This card is pretty cool, and it's a decent
card if used right.
Unlimited: 2
I don't see this card doing much at all in unlimited
Modified: 3
The card is ok here, and works in drag/trode replacing
sneasle. Dishes out a mean amount of damage too.
Constructed/Draft: 0
Ummm... can you say no dark energy in this set?