Johnny Blaze |
Ludicolo #19
Last week we looked at the holo version, this week we are
looking at the non-holo Ludicolo with the Happy Dance
Poke-Power. Happy Dance allows you to heal off 1 damage from
all of your Pokemon before you attack. You can only use 1
Happy Dance per turn no matter how many Ludicolo you might
get out.
Ludicolo’s one and only attack, Water Punch, does an auto 40
for 3 colorless energies. The flip side is that for each W
energy attached for Water Punch you get to flip a coin and
for each heads, it does an extra 20 damage. Pretty nice
energy/damage ratio if you ask me. Plus there is not a limit
to how many W energies you can attach and get this added
attack bonus from.
Unlimited: 2/5 – If you like running 2 Stage 2’s Ludicolo
could be very entertaining in a BS Blastoise deck. Raindance
unlimited amount of energies to Ludicolo then flip away with
Water Punch.
Modified: 3/5 – With Blaze still being popular, Ludicolo is
very playable. However Zappy-ex is also uber-popular and
kicks the crap out of Ludicolo. But definitely run Crystal
Shard to get through Rayquaza’s Water resistance.
Limited: 3.5/5 – Low energy/damage ratio is a must for
Limited and Ludicolo is very splashable. Combined with his
Poke-Power Happy Dance and it makes Ludicolo a nice pick for