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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Jaeger |
Today's Card of the Day is Gardevoir from RS. It had a
decent showing at Worlds last year and with Medicham EX and
Muk EX being all the rage I think it will see play this year
as well. Now lets get on to the card.
Gardevoir 100 HP
Stage 2 (evolves from Kirlia)
Psy Shadow: Once during your turn (before you attack) you
may search you deck for a Psychic energy card and attach it
to 1 of your Pokemon. Put 2 damage counters on that Pokemon.
Shuffle your deck afterward. This power can't be used if
Gardevoir is affected by a Special Condition.
(P) Energy Burst 10x
Does 10 damage times the total amount of Energy attached to
Gardevoir and the Defending Pokemon.
Weakness Resistance Retreat Cost
(Psychic) (None) (CC)
Hit Points(100): A non-Ex stage 2 you'd expect to see about
100-120 so 100 is about right.
Weakness(Psychic): Not the best weakness to have right now
with Medicham Ex and Muk Ex really popular, I've seen people
teching in psychic lines in there deck just to deal with
them but alot of people just go with Desert Ruins(HL) so I
wouldn't worry to much since most Psychic Pokemon are weak
to Psychic with a few exceptions like Dark Slowking but if
your really worried you could always tech in an Anchient
Retreat Cost(CC): Now 2 may not seem like much but the
problem I've found with Gardevoir decks is if your not
careful you will run out of energy so retreating can be very
costly I've found a Switch or a Warp Point(AM) are important
to run with Gardevoir I also like Heal Energy(DX) since it
will get you out of Special Conditions and also takes off
some of the Psyshadow damage and sometimes that does make
difference and since Gardevoir only needs one psychic energy
and after that it can be anything if you don't have a
psychic energy in your hand just Psyshadow one out.
Resistance(None): Not really a huge surprise here.
Poke-Power(Psy Shadow): Grab a Psychic energy from the deck
then you put 2 damage counters on the pokemon. 2 damage
counters really add up expecially if you do it more then
once on the same pokemon but it works great with the
Gardevoir from Emerald which will let you Heal 2 damage
counters so your pretty much getting a free energy
attachment each turn.
Attack 1(Energy Burst): It only takes one psychic energy to
attack so if your opponent has something with alot of energy
on it you could be hitting for 40-50+ with just one energy
but the opposite is also ture if your opponent has something
with nothing on it you might only be hitting for like 10 or
20 a turn so either it might take you several turns to knock
out something small or you'll have to waste a Boost Energy
to get rid of it.
All in all a good card I expect it to see play, I definitely
think there will be several of these in the Ginder and in
Worlds depending on how popular Medicham Ex and Muk Ex are
and how they do in the Grinders.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3/5
X-Act |
Gardevoir EX Ruby & Sapphire
Gardevoir is one of those cards that was extremely popular
when EX Ruby and Sapphire and EX Sandstorm were released,
and featured in last year's Worlds. It faded out afterwards,
especially when Boost Energy was rotated out of the format,
and anti-psychic cards from Hidden Legends (like Metagross
and Gorebyss) were released. When Boost Energy was reprinted
in EX Deoxys, Gardevoir got a new lease of life, and the
latest Gardevoir from EX Emerald added to the combo of
Gardevoir from RS and Gardevoir ex perfectly (although it
must be said that bringing out 3 stage 2, all evolving from
Ralts, is a bit too much to ask for).
Anyway, on to the card. Gardevoir has a Poke-Power that lets
you search for a Psychic Energy card and attach it to any
Pokemon you have in play, at the cost of putting two damage
counters on that Pokemon. Then its attack, for a Psychic,
does 10 damage times the total amount of Energy attached to
Gardevoir and the Defending Pokemon, which allows for a
quite cheap attack that can easily do 40 for one energy. It
is usually comboed with Gardevoir ex, although others combo
it with Gorebyss and Exeggutor.
Unlimited: It's actually okay in Unlimited. Even though it's
a Stage 2, it allows you to attach 2 Energy cards per turn
with its power, which can't be bad, and its attack is quite
cheap. Being Psychic-type isn't much of an advantage, since
only Muk (of the often-played cards, that is) has got that
weakness, and many cards are resistant (Wigglytuff, Sneasel,
etc.) Don't underestimate it here, however. 2.5/5
Modified: It's still a force to be reckoned with in
Modified, as I already said. It's probably not a Tier 1
deck, but it's certainly Tier 2, if not higher than that.
Limited: I'd draft it. The set has got two Ralts and two
Kirlia, which are pretty solid in their own right, so
drafting them shouldn't be that hard. And of course, its
Poke-Power would be game-winning in Limited. 4/5