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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Fire Red/Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.1
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Otaku |
If you find the review is too long, skip straight to the
Ratings and Summary!
Name :
Set :
EX Fire
Red/Leaf Green (most recent)
Card# :
91/112 (most recent)
Rarity :
Type :
Pokémon Tool
Effect Text:
Attach EXP.ALL to 1 of your Pokémon (excluding
Pokémon-ex and Pokémon that has an owner in its name) that
doesn’t already have a Pokémon Tool attached to it. If that
Pokémon is Knocked Out, discard this card.
During your opponent’s turn, if 1 of your Active Pokémon is
Knocked Out by your opponent’s attack, you may take 1 basic
Energy card attached to that Knocked Out Pokémon and attach
it to the Pokémon with EXP.ALL attached to it. If you do,
discard EXP.ALL
EXP.ALL is a Pokémon Tool. This Trainer sub-type used to
be more cut-throat than even Supporters, but that’s no longer
the case. The good news is that we don’t have as many “broken”
Pokémon Tools as we used to. The bad news is that’s rumored to
change with the next set or two and also that we have far too
many seemingly underpowered ones in their stead. Anyway, with
the current English card pool, the main competition EXP.ALL
faces for deck space are Strength Charm and Crystal
Shard, and they tend to be short term drops and no something
you lay down and “forget about”, so it’s not impossible for a
deck to use another Pokémon Tool even if it is using those two
already… well, assuming said deck has room for another card at
This is basically a conditional extra Energy attachment: if a
Pokémon is Knocked Out and had at least one Basic Energy
attached, then you can move it to the Pokémon that EXP.ALL
is attached to (then discard EXP.ALL). Pokémon attack
costs have recently been “stream lined”, at least in my
evaluation. Attack costs now are either less costly or its just
one big attack that needs three or more Energy and usually there
is a smaller attack for just one or two Energy. As such, this
seems rather fair: the commonly used Special Energy cards can’t
be transferred, but the now equally or more prolific Basic
Energy cards can be. Just remember that it won’t work with
Pokémon-ex or Pokémon with owners in their name.
The actual ability of EXP.ALL was horrid when it first
was released in the days of the Neo sets. Back then, aside from
the Pokémon Tool competition I already mentioned, many, many
decks used mostly Special Energy cards, or needed so much Energy
that the single one gained usually wouldn’t make enough of a
most decks today also use a heavy amount of Special Energy
cards, instead of clashing with EXP.ALL, they enhance
it. Double Rainbow Energy, Scramble Energy, and
Boost Energy all mean that single Energy can be the
difference between being fully powered and just shy of shrugging
off the loss. Double Rainbow Energy and Scramble
Energy are especially significant. Many Pokémon now are
good to go with just three Energy… so one Energy claimed from a
fallen comrade and a Double Rainbow Energy played from
hand means you’re all set. Scramble Energy is less
reliable (you can lose a Pokémon and still be ahead) but does
combo wonderfully. Let Dunsparce be Knocked out: its
Basic Energy that fueled Strike and Run can go to whatever
non-Pokémon ex attacker then drop a Scramble Energy and
now you’ve got the majority of attack costs in the game covered
(so few need five or more Energy).
You can
even get around the “no Pokémon-ex” requirement. Just attach
EXP.ALL to a lower level, and hold off Evolving into the
Pokémon-ex form until it’s done its thing. Considering
Pokémon-ex tend to get devolved a bit more (due to their higher
HP scores) and/or are more likely to suffer if they enter play
too soon (Pokémon Reversaled up prematurely, hurt by
Desert Ruins, etc.), its more practical than you’d think.
On and
off Hidden Legends Lanturn has seen play because it
basically is a Stage 1 with a built in EXP.ALL, but only
for itself. Granted, EXP.ALL won’t let you exploit
Lighting Weakness, but having a Trainer that can be run single
slotted over a Stage 1 that requires at least two cards to use
sounds like a nice alternative.
Oh, and
remember that the Pokémon must be Knocked Out by an opponent’s
attack, and on the opponent’s turn. This can be tricky, since
you can’t combine it with things like Deoxys Weezing and
Special Conditions can get around it.
1/5-Just stinky here. We have better Pokémon Tools and almost
nothing uses Basic Energy, at least to the point where this has
a chance of going off consistently.
3.5/5-It’s not for every deck, but there are a lot that could
make good use of it, even if they run Pokémon-ex: in addition to
just using it before Evolving into the Pokémon ex, good “old”
ZapDOS decks and their variants might like it because they
can just use it on a different Pokémon and let Legendary Ascent
move it to Zapdos ex.
4/5-Most Trainers are extra useful here, and an extra Energy
attachment rivals even the use of draw and search cards. With
it, you can likely avoid missing a beat between your attackers
going down… a feat an opponent lacking EXP.ALL would be
hard pressed to match.
is a nice little trick for Modified (and Limited) decks that run
at least 8 Basic Energy cards (give or take) and don’t rely on
Basic Pokémon-ex or Pokémon with owner’s in their names, at
least as the bulk of their forces. Just remember those
restrictions and the rest (the Knock Out must have been dealt to
one of your Pokémon by an opponent’s Pokémon’s attack).

TheMcster |
Hi everyone, this is
my first COTD! I hope you enjoy it and find it a good
read! J
Exp all, a card that helped me win the UK
nationals this year… hmmmmm ;)
Why play a card to keep a basic energy in
play when energy removal is everywhere?! Also, plenty of
special energy used here (and exp all doesn’t absorb
This is, in my opinion a very under used
card. If you have built a deck carefully, this tool can
help you maintain a steady flow of decent quality
attacks. For example, try playing it on a voltorb with 1
energy. Then, once activated you have 2 energy on it at
the start of your turn. Evolve to dark, EX(!) or even
hidden legends electrode and blow it up for a free prize
(at the sacrifice of your own). How about playing them
in order to keep energy in play for you to use the
legendary bird ex’s poke-power on? I have even seen this
used in a gorbyss deck to keep a lot of psychic energy
in play. Heck, play it with lanturn and combined with
its poke-power you can power it up in one turn! It is
kind of like having an extra energy attachment that
turn, and that is ALWAYS good.
A trainer! Use it! Due to KO’s tending to
happen fast, this means EXP.ALL will activate fast,
allowing you to fight back quicker, easier and harder!
Prime |
EX: Fire Red / Leaf Green - #91/112
everyone is having a good day.
Today’s card
that we will be reviewing is EXP. ALL.
It’s a
Pokemon Tool, and its effect is that it allows you
to move a basic energy from your active pokemon onto
the pokemon with EXP. ALL attached to it, if that
active pokemon is knocked out by an opponent’s
attack. I feel this is an awesome card. Not every
deck can use Poke-Powers to lay extra energy or move
energy around. So for those decks that can’t do
that, EXP. ALL allows them to conserve the energy
they do get onto the field. Because it’s a tool, you
can attach it at anytime and forget about it. This
Pokemon Tool cannot be attached to Pokemon-ex or
Pokemon with a trainer in their name, but I feel
there are many pokemon that fit those requirements
that can take effect of this card.
1/5 – I don’t really see this being that useful. If
your opponent wants to really get rid of your
energy, they can just use cards like Energy Removal.
Energy Removal and such cards like it do not
activate EXP. ALL, so EXP. ALL is pretty much
3/5 – I think it can work well with many decks,
especially T2.
Limited: 4/5
– Although this isn’t game breaking here, this does
help a lot more in this format as your not always
able to get out the basic energy you need in play.
So saving that energy could really help.
I hope
everyone has a good day and a pleasant tomorrow.
I’m out.
Jermy101 |
This card is pretty good, I don't know why more people
don't use it. It's like Lanturn's Energy Grounding
Poke-Power. This card can take the place of an energy in
your deck. But now that I think of it, maybe that's why
people don't use it. Since it takes the place of an
energy, you're giving yourself less of a chance of even
drawing into an energy during the game. But it's quite
good how with EXP. ALL you can save a turn of
Unlimited - No way. I'd rather use this spot for my 3rd
SER. 1/5
Modified - Some decks may be able to use this, but the
only one I can think of is Dark Slowking. You can toss
it for more damage, or attach it to a benched Dark
Slowking in case your active one dies and you need
another energy right away in order to attack with the
Benched one. 3/5
Limited - It's really good here. Since your deck will
have a ton of energy anyway, you'll save yourself a turn
of attachment and be a turn ahead of the game. 4/5
Pidgeot5 |
I have always thought EXP.ALL to be an interesting card,
useful in the right deck as it allows for an extra
attachment from an energy that’s going in the discard
anyway. Perhaps in modified it is slightly underused and
probably gets most of its usage by it being thrown at
your opponent in Dark Slowking or Primeape. If you use
it, generally it’s a situational card, it’s either
helpful or it’s not.
Unlimited: In unlimited this card is a novelty at best.
It may have been okay if Gust of wind didn’t exist as if
the EXP. ALL pokémon is a potential threat they just
gust and remove it as they can’t attach Focus Band at
the same time. Maybe in Ampharos ex to get it running
faster should a sudden knock out occur but seriously
there are better tools you would attach and I wouldn’t
touch it with a 10 foot Sudowoodo here.
Modified: Aside from throwing it at your opponent’s
pokémon with Primeape or Dark Slowking it could be
useful if actually attached. Like in Hariyama ex, if
something gets ko’ed and you have a Makuhita with EXP.
ALL attached you get your Hariyama going one turn
faster, whether it originally had 1 energy or none. Not
bad in decks that revolve around cards that need 3
energy without any energy boosting bonuses, but not a
must have.
Limited: It’s a trainer card, almost always you will
want to use one if you have it. This one is no
exception; extra energy attachment in draft can be
potentially game winning. Knock outs are usually more
common here and this allows you to spring back into
action very quickly indeed.

Johnny Blaze |
? Another nifty tool that is seeing
re-emergence in play especially Turn 2
decks. As a matter of fact all of the
trainer cards that we are reviewing this
week are beneficial to Turn 2 decks. EXP.
All like other Tools can only be attached to
a Pokemon that doesn?t already have a tool
attached to it. When your active Pokemon is
knocked out by an opponent?s attack you can
take a basic energy card attached to your
active Pokemon that was knocked out and then
attach it to the Pokemon with EXP. All, then
discard EXP. All.
So what is so good about this card? Well 1st
it acts like a mini-energy grounding from HL
Lanturn saving your basic energy and
attaching it to a benched Pokemon that will
be attacking next turn and letting you
attach an energy from your hand to another
Poke. Also if you started with specific
tech basic energy and need to save that for
later in the game then EXP. All will help
you save that energy.
2/5 ? In some low energy intensive decks
maybe useful. But really there are many
other ways to get energies back in this
3/5 ? Can really be used in all decks but in
the right deck this is a gem. Fits really
good with Dark Slowking and PrimeTool decks.
2.5/5 ? I wouldn?t put too many if you draft
them. But EXP. All can help out in a pinch
when all you are drawing are Pokes and need
that energy that was going to be discarded
just attach that energy to a Poke on your
bench that has EXP All.
X-Act |
EXP.ALL is an interesting Pokemon Tool that seems to be
in the ‘good, but not good enough’ category. Whenever
your Active Pokemon is Knocked Out, you get to select
one of its attached Basic Energy cards and attach it to
the Pokemon that has this tool attached to it, and
EXP.ALL is discarded. This gives you an extra energy
attachment to your reserve Pokemon, which could be
decisive, especially in decks where it is crucial that
Energy cards are not discarded for the deck to continue
to run smoothly even after a Knockout (like
Zap-turn-dos). Indeed, some Zap-turn-dos players insert
a few copies of this card in their decks, and I daresay
Medicham ex would also benefit from the use of this
card… if you manage to find space for it, that is.
Unlimited: Here, EXP.ALL is not too useful. Few decks
play with enough Basic Energy anyway, and those that do
usually have a mechanism of attaching multiple energy
quickly (Blastoise). Also, this format contains Energy
Removal, which limits the successful use of this Pokemon
Tool even further. Not to mention that a Pokemon having
EXP.ALL attached cannot have Focus Band attached, so it
becomes a huge Gust bait for the opponent. 1/5
Modified: As I said before, in Modified it has its uses,
but most of the time it is still overlooked, and other,
more powerful, cards, are played instead. It helps that
this format barely plays Pokemon Tools (although this
will probably change with the release of Unseen Forces),
but basically, EXP.ALL is not good enough in most decks,
especially those that don’t contain enough Basic Energy
in the first place. 2/5
Limited: It’s a great card in Limited. Basic Energy is
played in abundance in Limited, of course, and saving
one for one of your Benched Pokemon never hurts, and
could actually prove decisive. 4.5/5
Travis |
Background: EXP. ALL is one of those cards that’s
useful, yet hard to fit in a deck due to there being
other more useful trainers. EXP. ALL allows you to
essentially get a free energy attachment if your active
Pokemon is KO’ed. And since more decks these days run
lower counts of energy (15 is common), it can save you
if you are in an energy draught or running low.
Unlimited: 1/5: Not worth it. There are better Poke
Tools and trainers to use.
Modified: 3.5/5: EXP.ALL is useful, just hard to fit in.
It’s surprising more decks don’t use this useful card.
Limited: 4/5: As usual, use any trainers you can get.
This trainer is somewhat limited by the fact that most
limited decks are energy-heavy, but EXP.ALL is still