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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Wally's Training
EX Emerald
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.4
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 4.85
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
- Our final COTD for this week is another
Trainer card that can be found in Turn 2 decks.
Wally's is just so good when combo'd with
Jirachi from Deoxys and Swoop Teleporter. You
can have your 2nd Turn evo with no
But Wally isn't only
for Turn 2 decks. Wally is one of those
interesting cards that allow a player to break
normal evolution rules. You can evolve then
Wally for the next evolution but you cant Wally
then evolve.
2/5 - It's a good way to get around Vile-ex in
this format but against other decks your normal
trainer engine of Oak, CPU Search, and Breeder
or Rare Candy will work fine.
3.5/5 - A must in all Turn 2 decks and is also a
decent overall card to search out your
evolutions. Ex or normal alike. That's what
makes this card golden is that in a time where a
lot of Trainer cards are against finding ex's,
Wally can search for ex evolution cards.
5/5 - There aren't many cards that can earn a
perfect score in any format. But Wally's is one
of them in Limited. Anytime you can search your
deck for that 1 evolution card that you drafted
most likely will win you games. The faster
evolution will usually win. Plus it lets you
search your deck which is golden so that you can
surmise what is left in your prizes.

Otaku |
is too long? Skip straight to the Ratings and Summary!
Name :
Wally’s Training
Set :
EX Emerald (most recent)
Card# :
85/106 (most recent)
Rarity :
Type :
You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When you
play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When
your turn ends, discard this card.
your deck for a card that evolves from your Active Pokémon
(choose 1 if there are 2) and put it on your Active
Pokémon. (This counts as evolving that Pokémon.) Shuffle
your deck afterward.
Wally’s Training is a Supporter, as such, it face’s steep
competition. Commonly used Supporters are Celio’s Network,
Steven’s Advice, and TV Reporter. Most of those
are also run at least in three’s for most decks. You generally
want to have at most 16 Supporters, though most decks can handle
at least 12. Still, you’ll notice that leaves at most three
slots for a minimalist Supporter allotment, an although it may
seem like plenty of slots for a heavy Supporter, those decks
usually make use of a less general Supporters, like Mr.
Briney’s Compassion. In other words, it’d better be good.
Oh, and a
quick note for the curious: every one of these Supporters
reflect a character that shows up in the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Pokémon GBA games.
Wally’s Training is a search card, plus a “rule bender”.
The bad news: all its goodness can only target one of your
Active Pokémon. What do I mean by target? Well, if you haven’t
read the card or a text spoiler yet, look up and do it now.
Done? Good; then now you know that the search affect is
restricted to something that directly Evolves from the
selected Active. In other words, if you have a Basic, you
can grab a Stage 1. If you have a Stage 1, you can grab a Stage
2. If you have a Basic Pokémon who can’t Evolve, you can’t use
Wally’s Training on it. If you have a Basic Pokémon that
can Evolve through the Baby Power… too bad. The Pokémon’s
(being grabbed) “Evolves from” text has to reference the Pokémon
you used Wally’s Training on. That means you can’t go
from Basic to Stage 2.
Now for some
more rulings: Using Wally’s Training will not trigger any
coming into play Poké-Powers I am aware of because such
Poké-Powers only trigger from hand, and Wally’s Training
grabs the Pokémon from the deck. The most important thing is
that it can be used to Evolve a Pokémon first turn of the game
(note that some Team Compendium rulings say otherwise because
they contain older parenthetical clauses that probably need to
be edited out, but the actual ruling on the subject says it
can. As stated, it used to be ruled the opposite way, and they
repeated it in many subsequent rulings as a reminder before it
was over-turned. You may both Rare Candy a freshly
played Basic into its Stage 1 form and then Wally it into
the Stage 2 form or normally Evolve a Basic that has been in
play a turn then Wally it into the Stage 2 form.
Uses and
Wally’s Training tends to be most useful to Stage 1 based
decks that will want to Evolve an active quickly. Recently,
Turn 2 decks that can use this have cropped up and proven
strong. I speak of both Turn 2 Beatdown (in this case in the
form of Voodoo decks) and Turn 2 Control. Turn 2 Control finds
it especially sweet: one of their “would be” drawbacks is a slow
start by going second. With this, they can still Swoop!
Teleporter into the needed Basic and then Wally’s
Training to get the needed Pokémon-ex. That’s right: this
can search for and then Evolve into a Pokémon ex. As for decks
in general, it can be a good investment if you really need to
focus on a Pokémon-ex and are willing to run a few more copies
of the Stage 1 (so that you can either Candy to it or
Evolve to it normally so you can then Wally into the
final Stage). This also means the HP drop will be less steep if
you get hit with Ancient Technical Machine [Rock].
2/5-I give it this score because there are actually some Stage 1
Pokémon you’d want to play in this format that aren’t bench
sitters, and this is very, very sweet with this. Unfortunately,
they are also very, very rogue and such a small percentage of
decks that even if they were the top deck, I couldn’t justify a
higher score.
3.5/5-If only this could hit more than the Active. I had hoped
that the reprinting of this would be enough to alleviate the
perception that Modified “needed” Rare Candy to keep up
the speed, since simply put, Rare Candy speeds up a lot
of decks too much. “Let you kill my Dunsparce,
promote new active Basic gotten with ‘Sparce, Candy
into Stage 2 and drop Scramble!” is far too common. I
also detest Celio’s Network since I just feel that card
doesn’t do enough. Oh, it is very useful, but all it is a
Pokéball that exchanges the flip for restricted targets and
the status as a Supporter. Bah.
3.75/5-What? I am scoring something for the almost non-existent
2-on-2 and the Team Multiplayer Format? Yes, it is true. This
card becomes significantly better since you have to have an
extra Active that you have something you want to search for.
Assuming it can target a partner’s Active for TMP, also gives it
a good boost.
4.5/5-Okay, search for Limited=good. Search for Limited that
can also bypass normal Evolution rules and can target those
slippery Pokémon-ex= fantastic! After all, you don’t normally
get bench sitters in this format, so only targeting the Active
means little, and since you probably will be lucky to have
another Supporter in your deck, let alone in your hand, that
part doesn’t matter much either.
is a good card that is just not quite good enough to make it in
today’s environment, mainly due to the dependence on
bench-sitters and the fact that Rare Candy means most
players run one or none of their Stage 1 (of 2) for the “TecH”
lines, and often no more than two of their Stage 1 for their
main Stage 2 line. It’s a must in certain decks though.
Jermy101 |
Wally's Training
Wally's Training is another card used in the Turn 2 decks,
to help guarantee a turn 2 Medicham ex, Hariyama ex, or Muk
ex. It's also used in other decks to try to speed up your
evolution. It breaks normal rules, since you can evolve a
basic to a stage 1, then wally it into a stage 2 the very
same turn.
Unlimited - I don't think it'd be good here, there a lot
better searching cards. 1/5
Modified - Necessary in T2 decks, it's also used in inferior
versions of DragTrode (Swoop! Teleporter, Dunsparce, Wally's
Training etc. to try to get a turn 2 Dragonite out with 3
energy attacking the opponent.)
Limited - Take it! You need to be able to evolve ASAP! 5/5

TheMcster |
Wallys training
Has a basic use. However, I would use one
of the many, many, many other search cards available in
unlimited such as cpu search, oak, elm or an old
favourite of mine – fast ball. Main advantage it has is
that it can be played on player 2’s first turn meaning a
first turn evolution.
This is where the card shines. A very
useful card for getting out evolutions FAST. Also being
used an awful lot lately in all these turn 2 decks. I
classic use is the Jirachi/swoop!wally combo. The player
starts with Jirachi (DX) and uses his power. Next turn
he swoops for an evolvable basic and then uses wally to
get out a stage 1 pokemon with 2 energy already
attatched! Irritatingly good combo there! I would have
ranked it higher (seeing how it auto evolves and can let
you get EX cards) but I think I will use professor elms
training method soon as it is due to be re-released very
soon (which lets you get ANY evolution into your hand).
WOW. What a
great card here. Evolutions
hp + stronger attacks = prizes. A great card to search
out for those single evolutions that you will have
likely pulled in limited packs!
Prime |
Wally’s Training – EX: Emerald – 85/106
Hey everyone. Hope everyone is having a good day.
The card we are reviewing today is Wally’s Training.
It’s a supporter that allows the player to go get an
evolution of their active Pokemon and evolve their
active Pokemon. It’s a pretty useful card but has really
been in the shadows since FRLG came around because
people started using Celio’s Network. Just recently, T2
was found to be able to use Wally’s Training really
well. I still feel Celio and the upcoming Professor
Elm’s Training Method are more useful than Wally’s
Training. You can only evolve your active with Wally,
which is definitely a downside to Wally’s Training. One
perk is that you can play this on your first turn (not
the first turn of the game though) and bend the rules to
allow you to evolve the first turn your active is out.
Unlimited: 0/5 – Eh, I think there are much better cards
in Unlimited to go get evolutions.
Modified: 3/5 – Most decks can find more use in Celio’s
Network, but T2 really works well with Wally’s Training.
Limited: 5/5 – This is such a good card in Limited. Most
of the time you have little to no way to search your
deck for that 1 evolution you need. Wally helps a ton.
Have a wonderful day everyone and a pleasant tomorrow.
Prime out.
X-Act |
Wally’s Training
Wally’s Training is a Supporter that was basically a
staple in the days when EX Sandstorm was released. At
that time, you could play Supporters also in your first
turn, and this made Wally’s Training broken in most
decks. Then, as you know, Supporters were banned in your
first turn (but not for the opponent’s first turn), and
Wally’s usage became more limited, but still, Wally
remained a good card. Nowadays, with Celio’s Network
competing directly with Wally, Wally’s Training is only
superior in decks that feature evolved ex’s, especially
Stage 1 ex’s. Yes, you guessed right… T2L decks. You
might have noticed that all three of this week’s
reviewed cards can feature easily in a T2L deck.
Unlimited: It’s not a bad card in Unlimited, but other
cards that search for Pokemon are better, since they’re
not Supporters. Consider Computer Search and even
Pokemon Trader. And other Supporters that are barely
played in Unlimited are also better than Wally, like
Professor Elm’s Training Method. 1.5/5
Modified: As I said in the introduction, Wally is useful
in decks containing evolved ex’s, especially Stage 1
ones, since Celio doesn’t allow you to get ex’s, and
Wally does. So if your deck contains evolved ex’s, by no
means play Wally. If not, play Celio. 3/5
Limited: Of course, it’s broken in Limited. Searching
for an evolution card for your Active Pokemon for free
(besides the Supporter restriction) is simply too good
to pass up here. 5/5
Pidgeot5 |
Wally’s training
Wally’s training is definitely a decent card however
with Celio’s Network being used over it to find those
non ex’s and the soon to be reprinted Professor Elm’s
training method will help search for the evolved ex’s
that Celio can’t get, Wally will become one of those
cards that is alright but there are better options. The
one thing Wally can do that its rivals Celio and PETM
cannot do is evolve immediately no matter what so I
don’t think its play will disappear entirely.
Unlimited: Well, I don’t think the card is totally
worthless here but again suffers from the ‘there are
better options’ disease except much more magnified.
There’s only one deck I can think of where it can be
used remotely successfully and that’s Wigglytuff ex. If
you play second and have a boost, fill your bench, add
pluspowers and whatever else, you may find yourself
doing 90 or so damage. If it’s a baby go for a double
colourless instead and try for the early KO. Of course
the flaw in this plan is if you get lass/eeeked turn 1
it ends right there. If you pull it off the early
Wigglytuff ex will be of use to you, and in middle late
game if you just benched a Jiggly you can do the same
thing again. While it’s not a card that Wiggly ex must
play, don’t underestimate its value in the deck either.
Modified: I don’t see Wally too often now days, mainly
because most things run off Celio’s Network. The major
thing that holds this card back is that it can be only
used to evolve the active pokémon. Certain cards however
do gain a lot out of turn 1 or instant evolution. Raichu
Fire red/Leaf green is a good example, if you are
fortunate enough to draw Wally, Pikachu and an energy in
the same opening hand going second you are likely to get
a decent start from that with your Raichu ready to do as
you please turn 2. Other then that it would be mainly a
way of searching for ex’s that are out of Celio’s reach,
however this use for the card will soon be overshadowed
by Professor Elm’s training method, so stick to using it
for instant stage 1 evolutions.
Limited: This card is decent here, it searches for
evolutions. Any form of searching and drawing are
awesome in this format. Finding evolutions is usually
absolutely critical and if your opponent has no answers
to your big and mighty pokémon it is game winning. Even
if what you want is in the prizes and it does happen at
least Wally let’s you know it is in the prizes and gives
you time for a rethink. The only fault it has is again,
the pokemon must be active to do the search. However
this is not often a big deal as it usually is, it is not
like you are flooded with decent supporter cards to play
from your hand, just play it when you see fit.