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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Sandstorm
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.83
Modified: 4.83
Limited: 4.66
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Ash |
Ah Dunsparce SS...it's Alex's (X-Act) picks because he
wanted to have some reviews of the cards who are going
to be out after HL-on.
OK you ask me what can I say about this card? I can just
tell you – NOTHING. See ya. XD Just joking. I am going
to write a 1000 page long article about this little
Dunny. In here I also wanna tell you a news.
I am going to quit Pokemon from September until next
Cities 'cause in this year I have like 13 subjects to
study. =.= I am not deciding whether I'll keep on
reviewing COTD or not.
Dunsparce SS – 50 HP – Colorless
[1] Strike and Run () Search your deck for up to 3 Basic
Pokemon and put them on your Bench. Shuffle your deck
afterward. You may switch Dunsparce with 1 of your
Benched Pokemon after completing this effect.
[1] Sudden Flash (10) Flip a coin. If heads, each
defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
Weakness: Fighting
Well I think Dunspace should get the 'common of the age'
title. It is the most awesome set up card ever. OK let
us think about how did we set up in the past. In base
set – we use computer to search stuffs, it's a bit slow.
In Neo we use Eeeeeek (Cleffa) to set up. Now we use
Dunsparce. Why it's SO awesome? As usual lemme do it in
the 'attack'
Strike and Run. One colorless energy to search for 3
Basic Pokemon from deck and switch it with Dunsparce.
How awesome can it be? You can have a full bench after
the end of turn 2 or maybe even turn 1. It maybe also
the reason of why guys love to put 4 Steven's Advice in
the deck. It can let us do many draws with Steve in the
early game. And after you have used Strike and Run, you
can also Swoop it away in the next turn and keep the
energy and set up. Or sometimes we will switch it with
Jirachi HL / DX to do more set ups...it's SO cool. Many
Pokemon can do similar attacks (Magikarp, Paras, Plusle).
A few group of players start using Plusle now because it
can do similar effects as Dunny and it also has good
attacks and 60 HP.
Sudden Flash – yeah I also love this attack! It can
stall for a while and you can get a set up in the first
few turns or make a come back...I once had 80 damages on
Rayquaza ex because my opponent got 4 heads of sudden
flash =\.
LOL I think I have explained quite well but I am not
good at explaining things and com'on I am just 14...;x
What is the biggest enemy of Dunsparce? In Japan (as
well as Hong
Kong) fewer and fewer people are using Dunsparce SS
because of Dunsparce (Eidolon Forest). You may not know
what does it do?
Dunsparce EF – 50 HP – Colorless
Basic Pokemon
Poke-Body: Snake Eyes
If Dunsparce is your Active Pokemon, your opponent's
Dunsparce can't attack.
[C] Under Draw: Draw 2 cards from the bottom of your
[C] Trip Turn: The Defending Pokemon is now Confused.
You may switch Dunsparce with 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: Fighting
RC: 1
Well it stops Dunsparce for 1 month – until HL on. In
France or Portugal they keep on using RS-on so they may
face this for a much longer period. ;) I believe no one
will use it for setting up after HL-on since Dunny VS
Dunny = death of both sides.
As we usually say fighting is also the biggest enemy of
Dunsparce too.
That's why we say 'Magma is better than Aqua'.
OK let's skip to the most interesting part. Last week a
Malay player asked me, 'what should we use to replace
Dunsparce after HL-on?' yeah that's a quite good
question. Maybe we should think about what did we use to
set up before SS was released? Cleffa. Yeah from this
card we should know what's the best way to set up –
build and stall. When we use Cleffa, we keep on eeeeking
to search the stuffs that we need and use baby power to
protect itself. Same here, we use sudden flash to stall
when we're setting up. Jirachi can be a good choice, but
it will be asleep after we use wishing star, which slows
down us from setting up – but it is survived, because of
Swoop! Teleporter. =)
'Why don't we use something like Paras, Plusle or even
Magikarp to set up?'
There's not the point. Dunsparce can search for 3
Pokemon and it can run away (switch). But not for those
3 Pokemons. And they can't stall, but Dunsparce can. But
IMO Lanette / Dual Ball can be used instead of Dunsparce.
As we've seen some of the speed decks (Dragtrode, etc.)
do not have Dunsparce because it slows down speed. Yeah
Dunsparce does.
As what my friend Vincent has said, 'Japanese win by
luck, Hong Kong people win by speed, western and
American win by getting a beautiful set up.' True.
Unlimited: 3/5 IMO in some situations Cleffa will be
much better than Dunsparce because of baby rule.
Modified: 5/5 it's one of the best set-up card.
Limited: 5/5 it is great for us to get a quick set up in
draft. =)
Overall: 4/5 yeah it is excellent...it's a big shame
that we'll lose it in HL-on. Even we have something to
use instead of Dunny I believe it may not be colorless.
Maybe we will use Cleffa UF, but it's a rare.
[Contact me! Any suggestions, or comments, or even
corrections, please contact me ash.van.je@gmail.com, AIM
AshVanJe, or MSN ash_cheng@hotmail.com Skype: ash_van_je]

TheMcster |
Dunsparce (sandstorm)
Well, in my opinion this card is great in unlimited. For
one energy (meaning it can take an energy removal fine)
it can paralyze AND get you 3 basics! Fantastic. Helps
you unlock a lot of your deck and get out needed
sneasels/rocket’s zapdos/chans etc ;)
Lol, see above. Only this helps even more as evolutions
are primarily run here. Got an opening hand of stage
1’s? Or even a stage 2 with rare candy? No problem.
Simply strike and run for the required basics and evolve
next turn. Sorted.
Ahhhh, how do I say the same again!? It gets out needed
basics to help you abuse weakness/resistances etc. Even
sudden flash can be useful to stall.
In the RARE occasion you might play 2 vs 2, don’t forget
that dunsparce is even BETTER! As sudden flash paralyzes
both defending pokemon. Wooo.
X-Act |
Dunsparce SS
This week, we’ll focus on cards that are going to be
rotated out once new Modified starts in September. And
here’s the ubiquitous Dunsparce from Sandstorm.
Dunsparce gets you three Basic Pokemon and optionally
switches for a Pokemon of your choice, all for a
colorless. In addition, it can act as a staller using
the paralysing second attack, for a colorless too. 50HP
isn’t good for a Basic that never evolves, but remember
that it can run away from danger after getting you the
three Pokemon you need. Its effect is so nice that 4
copies of this card are used in most Modified decks
(practically all non-T2 and non-Magma decks benefit from
its usage).
Unlimited: It’s not bad here too, especially if you want
to fill your bench quickly for Wigglytuff or Sneasel, or
to get three Slowpokes in your first turn and start
evolving them in the second. It’s actually pretty cool
in these situations, and I’d seriously consider it. The
only problem would be making room for it. 3.5/5
Modified: In decks where you play three evolution trees,
or even two, like most Modified decks do, it’s amazing.
You can’t really go wrong with Dunsparce. 4.5/5
Limited: It’s also great in Limited, especially if you
drafted lots of BBPs (Big Basic Pokemon). And that
little stalling attack never hurts the card too. 4/5