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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Rainbow Energy
Ruby Sapphire
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
Rainbow Energy
Such a good card in many decks. It's going to be rotated out
of Modified come September 1st, but there are rumors going
around that it'll be rereleased in October in EX: Delta
Species. My favourite deck to use Rainbow Energy in is
DragTrode. Rainbow Energy can be moved around by Dark
Dragonites power, so you can move a Rainbow and 4 Darks to
Dark Electrode, do 70 damage, then move them back to the
bench incase your Electrode is in danger of a KO. 70 damage
with no loss of energy is VERY GOOD! Now if Rainbow Energy
really is rotated out permanently, DragTrode is dead,
because all 3 of its substitutions have drawbacks.
1. Multi Energy - You can't do more than 30 damage with
electrode with this Energy on, since if you transed a dark
to it the multi would turn colorless.
2. Lightning Energy - You can do up to 70 damage, but
lightning is unmovable, and putting a lightning on electrode
dooms it to never use darkness navigation again, unless you
retreat and discard it, since you can't have an energy on it
to use darkness navigation.
3. Double Rainbow Energy - Not bad since it only reduces 10
damage from what Dark Electrode normally does, and you can
trans it around. BUT it can't be attached to Rocket's
Sneasel ex! Bad!
Therefore I think DragTrode is dead come September 1st.
Unlimited - Offhand I can't think of any decks that can use
this. Maybe Sneasel/Slowking? An energy that acts as all
types is always good to have. 3/5
Modified - Very good in a lot of decks, especially DragTrode!
Limited - Quite good since often in this format you will
draw the wrong type of energy. Take it! 5/5

TheMcster |
Rainbow energy, what a great card. For the small price
of placing one damage counter on the pokemon it is
attached to, you get an energy that provides any type.
This is very useful in unlimited if you are using a
variety of pokemon. Having energy in your deck that can
provide multiple types gives you a lot of versatility
and options. This, for example could be used to power a
sneasel (dark) or a scyther for swords dance (grass) or
how about a fighting so hitmonchan can jab? You get the
idea, very versatile card. Only reason it gets 4/5 is
because it is a special energy, meaning once energy
removed (which it probably will be) it is very hard to
get it back.
See above, lol. Provides just as much versatility if not
more. In the current game, many pokemon only need one of
a particular coloured energy for their attacks (with the
rest of the cost being colourless). This helps rainbow
energy out even more as it can be used often and quite
easily to pay for that particular coloured energy cost.
Rainbow energy helps to enable the player to play a
variety of types in their deck allowing the ability to
take advantage of weakness’ etc. Also, a great benefit
is that rainbow can be attached to a basic, and the
number of evolved only energy cards is slowly
increasing. I wonder if we will get this card back in
modified? Or we will have to use multi from Sep 1st
onwards? Dark draggy players will be sad to lose
rainbow. I won’t mind seeing it go. I think multi energy
is good enough
Very useful to draft a special energy in limited. Gives
you more choices and makes attacking with any pokemon
you have in play easier. Just be careful when you attach
the rainbow as it does place a damage counter on your
pokemon. So plan ahead to make sure that will be ok!
X-Act |
Rainbow Energy
Here’s another card that will soon disappear from
Modified play, at least temporarily. This will greatly
affect Dragtrode decks, since Dark Electrode cannot
attack without having a Lightning Energy attached to it,
and Multi Energy isn’t good enough of a replacement.
Maybe the new Dragtrode decks will use real Lightning
Energy, but it can’t be moved around using Dark
Dragonite’s power. Because of this (and other reasons),
I think Dragtrode will go down the drain as soon as new
Modified starts (not that it’s a top deck right now
Unlimited: It’s starting not to be very much played in
Unlimited, too. Before, it was used as 4 extra Energies
for dark and metal decks like Sneasel and Scizor. Now
that Dark Metal Energy exists and provides Darkness and
Metal without the one damage counter placement, Rainbow
Energy lost considerable vogue. 1.5/5
Modified: It’s very cool in Dragtrode decks and maybe
also Metagross HL decks (not that they’re played much),
but most of the time it’s not much played either. Seems
like we’re not going to miss it much after all. 2/5
Limited: In Limited it’s actually not bad. With the
majority (if not all) of decks in Limited playing two or
more types of Pokemon, Rainbow Energy finds itself
pretty useful. 4.5/5
Scyther 21 |
Rainbow Energy
This energy is becoming more popular as the sets pass,
mostly because it porvides anytime of energy needed.
Most decks have around one or two main types but many
run a third type as tech (such as Ludicargo playing
Rhydon or Lanturn). The rainbow no matter when drawn is
anything at anytime. This beats Multi Energy because it
puts a damage counter on the pokemon instead of becoming
colorless when another special energy is on the same
pokemon, and nearly all decks play special energy.
Unlimited 2.0
Modified 3.8
Draft 4.0
Scyther 21 out