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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dual Ball
EX Magma vs Aqua
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.125
Modified: 2.85
Limited: 3.625
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Jermy101 |
Dual Ball
On average you will get 1 basic from your deck with this
card. With that said the only deck this belongs in is Zapdos
ex. Otherwise Lanette's Net Search is better in all decks.
Dual Ball belongs in Zapdos ex because since the whole deck
is lightning, you would only be able to get 1 basic with
Lanette anyway, so might as well use Dual Ball. Know what I
mean? After this is rotated out, the best replacement I can
think of is Master Ball.
Unlimited - No way. There are a lot better things to search
for basics in this format, like Computer Search, Pokemon Fan
Club, etc. 1/5
Modified - I can't think of any deck to use this in besides
Zapdos ex. I'd use Lanette's Net Search in all others. 3
basics > 1 basic, right? I guess that gives it an average
rating. 3/5
Limited - Take it!! You need all the search you can get in
this format!! Search for basics yes!! 5/5

TheMcster |
It simply is not worth it. There is such
a huge library of cards to choose from in unlimited that
it kind of makes dual ball worthless. There are many
cards in unlimited that get you basics guaranteed, and I
can’t think of many situations in unlimited where you
would really care about the basic going into your hand
as opposed to on your bench (and then there are LOADS of
better choices).
Not bad here, in the right deck. The
right deck mainly being zap-turn-dos really. The
advantages dual ball has mainly in this environment is
that it is a NON supporter. It is a flippy card (and I
don’t like flippy cards). However, you get TWO flips
meaning your chance of complete failure is only 25%. Get
at least one heads, and you get a precious zapdos into
your hand in order to use legendary ascent. In my
opinion not great, but not terrible either. Hey, when I
played zap-turn-dos I used it ;)
Hey, not bad here.
Firstly, it is a trainer and that is always good.
Secondly it is kind of like the opposite benefit to
wallys training we discussed previously. If you have a
certain stage 1 evolution in your hand then (cross your
fingers) flip 2 coins, get 1 heads and hey presto! You
have the matching evolution ready to start hitting your
opponent hard
Scyther 21 |
Dual Ball
Dual Ball is a trainer that vairous archtypes choose
over other 'Basic Searching' options. Some decks such as
Dragtrode play Dual Ball because its fast unlike
Dunsparce. And in decks like Dragtrode speed is
everything because without it you have to play at the
same rate as the opponent which will give you at best a
mediocore deck. Dual also is not a supporter allowing
for the draw supporters to help search basics if Dual
Ball gets two tails. Another good thing is that Dual
Ball can search for any basic including stars, exs, and
those with an owners name. Unfortunately, after Worlds
this card will not be playable (I don't believe there
was a re-made Dual Ball). So, what will take the place
of Dual Ball and Dunsparce, probably that Jirachi
everyone plays. Personally I played Plusle. Yes, thats
right past tense. I found a better substitute for this
spot at the EX Unseen Forces prerelease, CLEFFA!!!!!
Thats right Cleffa is back. However, there are two
diffrences between this Cleffa and the broken neo
version. The first is a small difference which is after
you shuffle your hand into your deck you only draw 6
cards instead of 7 (not that big). The second difference
is this Cleffa does not have the protection of the baby
rule. There goes the 50% chance of your opponent missing
making Cleffa an easy target. Until Worlds is over there
will be Dual Ball players sucking the marrow out of this
Unlimited 1.5 there are too many cards to play instead
of this
Modified 3.5 for those decks that rely on speed this is
your card
Limited 3.7 this rating is higher because you want to
get what you need
Also, from here on out I will be leaving my e-mail
address at the bottom of the reports. This will allow
for me to hear from you, the readers and players about
the game. Inform on rules or mistakes I made. And even
just for talking about the game.
Scyther 21 out
X-Act |
Dual Ball
Today we look at Dual Ball, a card that will also cease
to exist (at least temporarily) once HL-on starts in two
weeks’ time.
Dual Ball is a non-supporter Trainer Card that lets you
flip 2 coins, and for each heads, you get a Basic
Pokemon from your deck into your hand. Note that this
doesn’t have the restriction of ex cards, so you can get
a Basic ex Pokemon if you want. This is very useful in
Zapdos ex decks, which cannot use Dunsparce, for two
reasons. Firstly, it needs Elekid/Voltorb/Electrike in
the first turn so that you have two energies in play at
the end of your first turn, and secondly, Dunsparce
benches the Pokemon it gets, so you wouldn’t get to use
Zapdos ex’s Legendary Ascent Poke-Power. Once this card
rotates out of Modified, Turn 2 Zappy decks will lose a
lot of consistency, and will probably die out, or maybe
be replaced by a version focusing more on Manectric/Electrode
(using Celios or PETMs), but that’s an entirely
different deck. Master Ball and Poke-Ball, the only
available replacements to Dual Ball, are simply not as
Unlimited: In Unlimited it’s kinda bogus. There are many
many other better alternatives here that are better than
Dual Ball. Consider Pokemon Trader for example, or
simply Computer Search. 1/5
Modified: As I said in the introduction, it’s quite
useful in Zapdos decks, but useless in every other
Modified deck. So I can’t really give it too high of a
rating. 2/5
Limited: It’s not bad here, of course, but you’d do
better if you drafted Team Magma/Aqua Ball instead. If
you didn’t, then Dual Ball is an okay alternative. 3.5/5