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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cyclone Energy
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.87
Modified: 3
Limited: 4.125
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Otaku |
you think this review is too long to read, skip straight to
the Ratings and Summary!
Cyclone Energy
EX Unseen Forces
Special Energy
Cyclone Energy provides (C) Energy. When you attach this
card from your hand to your Active Pokémon, switch 1 of the
Defending Pokémon with 1 of your opponent’s Benched
Pokémon. Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokémon to
As my classes
have started this week and Special Energy cards are often fairly
“simple” to review, I’ll forgo my normal formatting sections
here. Cyclone Energy provides one Colorless Energy.
This can only fulfill one Colorless Energy requirement, because
Colorless Energy is essentially an “absence” of Color [Type].
Of course, so far every Energy card ever made can meet at least
a single Colorless Energy requirement for legal attachment
targets. The other thing Cyclone Energy does is force
the opponent to “switch out” one of the Defending Pokémon if you
attach it to one of your Active Pokémon. Sadly, the card let’s
you only choose which of their Defending Pokémon are switched
out, while your opponent chooses which Benched Pokémon to bring
up. If you attach it to one of your Benched Pokémon, it will
get no effect. This is a mixed blessing: it means that you may
be wasting an Energy attachment (if the Active didn’t need it)
or wasting an effect (if something on the Bench really needs an
Energy attachment). As I said, this can be good though since it
gives you a way to use the Energy without having to use the
effect when it might benefit the opponent.
All in all,
this effect feels a hair sub-par: in typical 1-on-1 play, that
is where each player only has one Active Pokémon, it basically
acts like your opponent used Switch. It does have its
uses though. There are many effects that can reside on the
Defending Pokémon, as well as just random circumstances where it
doesn’t matter what card is made Active so long as you got the
former Defending Pokémon out of that slot. Examples would be a
Pokémon-ex being “blocked” by a Pokémon with Safeguard, which
ended up costing a friend of mine a match at Worlds, or
[temporarily] getting rid of an “only while Active”
Poké-Body/Power. Of course, Warp Point would work here
as well, unless the Defending Pokémon is Vileplume ex.
It can also be good when you just need a lot of cards to change
out the opponent’s Pokémon reliably. Feraligatr ex and
Spinning Tail Dark Tyranitar may benefit from a few
copies of this. Assuming any actual Darkness Energy
attached to Dark Tyranitar, just like Feraligatr ex’s
Tsunami, will rack up more damage on the Active… so the opponent
will focus on their slightly less damaged bench. This will
shake them up a bit, and while they rarely will send up what
they have powered up, do it right and you’ll score two KOs that
There is one
guilty pleasure from Cyclone Energy. Sometimes,
your opponent will be forced to choose something they don’t want
1.75/5-Well, it can break a Mean Look lock, and many,
many decks rely on a bench sitting Pokémon and its Pokémon
Power. It can also be used when Trainers are being denied.
It’s still something of a desperation measure though.
3/5-There are just enough things you’d benefit from benching to
make this quite useful in a few decks, and slightly useful in
3.75/5-Solid pick. This set has quite a few Colorless Energy
costs in attacks, and forcing the opponent to bench will often
force them to burn Energy needlessly, and sometimes bring up
something small you can OHKO for that last prize.
Maple |
So today we'll have Cyclone Energy for our review! It is
reprinted in our new set, Unseen Forces, and it was
first released in Skyridge.
(Ages ago) I've got a lot of them in the Japanese packs.
It comes like a basic energy, with no rarity. =\ Let's
read the spoiler:
Cyclone Energy UF(O)
Cyclone Energy provides [C] Energy. When you attach this
card from your hand to your Active Pokémon, switch 1 of
the Defending Pokémon with 1 of your opponent's Benched
Pokémon. Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokémon to
Well I put one in my Ludicargo, just in case. In some
situations it can be VERY useful - like in the turn, if
your opponent has Jirachi / Dunsparce active, and a
bench, you can attach Cyclone to your Dunny or something
else, and gust his/her bench out. It can be quite
annoying because he may need an energy to retreat, and
he can't use Dunsparce in that turn. Yes of course it's
silly but it's really the idea of this deck. Using this
way is silly, no one asks you to put this card in deck.
Your opponent chooses the Benched Pokemon to switch!
It's really not good because if you want to gust
something to kill, he will just let a Pokemon with high
HP (or useless Pokemon) for you to attack. Or even if
you want to kick his Active Pokemon which is ready to
attack away, he will just pump a Pidgeot / free-retreat
cost Pokemon out. Shiftry DX has VERY similar use, as
well as Warp Point. I'd prefer Warp Point in this
Combos: ah...colorless decks...? :P
Unlimited: 2.5/5 not really good here. Your opponent
pump a Cleffa out, if you wanna KO it you need to flip
for baby rules, and next turn he will retreat the
overprotected Cleffa away and make a come back.
Modified: 3/5 not bad through here. It's really not bad.
But in another way you may help your opponent because he
may want to retreat that Pokemon for ages but not enough
Limited: 3.5/5 it works fine here...but com'on there's
also Warp Point in this set. I'd say a special energy in
draft can be quite useful, no matter it's useful or
useless or what. Providing an energy cost is already
enough. Cyclone, Cleffa, eeeeek!!
Overall: 3/5 I'd say that Warp Energy is much more
useful here!

TheMcster |
Well, I’m back from
worlds! Had an awesome time! Won 4 games and lost 4
games…. So-so lol ;)
I actually think this energy isn’t bad here. Can be a
good tech card. Helps bring out a possible slowking and
even get out of a murkrow lock. Nice considering you get
a half-gust effect from an energy instead of a trainer.
Only real drawback is its your energy attachment for
your turn. Energy removal wont affect you as you will of
already got the desired effect from it. In my current
unlimited deck I am running 4 of these annoying babies!
Not as useful here. People will play warp point more
here I expect. The limitation of having to attach it to
your active makes it less useful in modified. Will see
some limited play I expect, but cannot see any real
combos etc for it off the top of my head. You could max
out on disruption and run a deck with 4 cyclone/4 warp
point/4 pow/4 reversal!
Useful here! Usually any special energy you get is
useful here. Can be used effectively to push away their
main hitter and even bring up a low hp basic for a
X-Act |
Cyclone Energy
Cyclone Energy also gets reprinted in EX Unseen Forces.
A very good Energy card it is, too.
It provides just one Colorless Energy. When you attach
it to your Active Pokemon, your opponent must switch his
or her Defending Pokemon with one of his or her Benched
Pokemon. This is a very cool effect to have in all
formats. There are many viable Pokemon having
Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies that work only when they are
on the active spot. Usually, playing something like Warp
Point stops this Poke-Power and Poke-Body, but this
won’t work with one particular card: Vileplume ex. But
Cyclone Energy is not a Trainer card, so you can still
force the opponent to switch his or her Vileplume ex
when using it, and that makes it very usable.
Unlimited: If your area is infested with Vileplume ex,
play a few copies of this card, then you can play all
your Trainers that may have accumulated in your hand.
Also, it helps against a Murkrow that has locked your
Active Pokemon. Very good indeed. 4/5
Modified (HL-on): I see this Energy card being used also
in Modified. Against Medicham ex and Feraligatr ex, it
gives you at least one turn in which all your Powers are
switched on, which might just give you a comeback
(although Warp Point has that effect too). Vileplume ex,
of course, is also a card that can be played in
Modified, so again, if your metagame has a few Vileplume
ex’s, consider playing Cyclone Energy. However,
Vileplume ex is not as prevalent here as it is in
Unlimited, so you might prefer Warp Point here (which,
by the way, has also been reprinted in Unseen Forces).
Limited: I’d take it. It provides an Energy and has no
restrictions to its usage, and you never know when its
effect would be beneficial. Only Warp Point and Cyclone
Energy force your opponent to switch in this set, but
remember that you need to attach it to your Active
Pokemon in order for its effect to work. Forcing your
opponent to switch in Limited is a very good effect.