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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Hidden Legends
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Bullados |
Feebas HL
Attributes: Horrible, in a word. Worst HP in the game,
terrible weakness, bad retreat. Nothing else to be said
Attack #1: [C] Tackle
Terrible, [C] for 10, backup ONLY.
Attack #2: [W] Ascension
Used to be good, now is horrible. Anything flippy is
just trash.
Unlimited: Terrible, and Milotic is no better.
Modified: No better, but Milotic is worth something
Limited: Actually, not too bad, if you manage to draft a
Milotic or 2. Otherwise, complete trash.
X-Act |
Now we come to Feebas from HL, of which jermy only
played 1 of.
And for good reason. You don’t want to start with a lone
Feebas. The word ‘Feebas’ comes from the word ‘feeble’,
meaning ‘weak’, and that’s exactly what Feebas is. 30HP
is the lowest that any Pokemon has had, and it doesn’t
even have free retreat to back it up. Tackle does 10 for
a colorless, but Ascension is what might save the card.
For a Water Energy, if you flip heads, you search for a
card that evolves from Feebas (Milotic or Milotic ex)
and evolve Feebas with it. Now this might seem cool, and
it might be if you play anything other than Milotic HL.
But if you play Milotic HL, it’s a wrong move to try to
use Ascension, unless Feebas is going to die next turn
and you have no other Pokemon in play. Milotic’s power
works when it is put into play from your hand, not from
your deck, so the successful use of Ascension won’t
trigger Milotic’s power.
All of this was irrelevant in jermy’s case, as his
strategy was to drop Feebas in the midgame, play Rare
Candy immediately, and evolve into Milotic that same
turn, thus healing everyone. So he could have used any
Feebas he liked, even one with 10HP and no attacks, if
such a card existed.
Unlimited: Assuming you’re playing some form of Milotic
with it… stop there, that’s already a bad idea in
Unlimited. 1/5
Modified: Assuming you’re playing some form of Milotic
with it, if you use Milotic ex (but it’s not that good),
then this Feebas might be the best one. If you use the
HL Milotic, personally I prefer the Submerge Feebas… at
least it is relatively safe on your bench (actually it
isn’t, since Rock-Lock still owns it). But whatever. 2/5
Limited: Now this is interesting. I wouldn’t personally
draft it, since, even if you have Milotic, it’s still a
50/50 chance of evolving immediately, and that 30HP
doesn’t give you a chance to survive for long, even in
Limited. I think it’s risky to go for Feebas/Milotic
here. 1.5/5
As an aside, later on today, I’m kissing my Summer
holidays goodbye, since tomorrow I restart work. That is
very… umm… never mind.
Pidgeot5 |
Feebas HL
The Magikarp like fish that makes people shout out
“where the heck is that Feebas” or words to that effect.
It’s supposedly hardy and can live anywhere but it also
dimwitted and easy to catch. While it’s easy enough to
catch, as most players of the ruby/sapphire series would
know finding it is an absolute pain. Enough about the
fish let’s move onto the card version.
Prior to the errata it was alright because at least it
didn’t sit at 30HP for long, but now there is a flip to
complicate matters. Personally I like the emerald one
with submerge because if forced into the worst position
at least I can block damage to it if it’s on the bench
but attacks like feint attack still get through so maybe
its worth nothing and the ideal situation would be to
candy it immediately to avoid this problem altogether.
Unlimited: No way, it’s like putting up a sign that
reads I like to lose.
Milotic ex would be a dangerous card at best to play in
this environment.
Modified: I don’t like using 30HP basics much. Milotic
and Milotic ex can be well worth your efforts, but be
aware that a bad start with a 30HP basic is more likely
to be game ending then anything else.
Limited: Not too bad, if you get Milotic this could be
actually good because it has a chance of finding it,
which is awesome. If you fail though you’re handing your
opponent a prize on a platter.