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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Holon Energy GL

Delta Species


Date Reviewed: 12.06.05

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: -
Limited: -

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

R Pac~
Today's card is Holon Energy GL from Delta Species

First off, Im excited because I just got a Christmas tree yesterday for my apartment :). I'm totally in the Holiday spirit. I encourage everyone to read Matthew 1:18-25 where it talks about Jesus's birth, even if Christmas is probably not the day He was born, its still awesome to read through that again.

On to the card. So once again we get to review a new energy :). However, this one is pretty pathetic. First, it's for Pokes with grass or lightning energy attached to them. That would be fine, except it can't be attached to a Poke EX which means Vile EX can't use it (which, if it could, this card would be pretty broken seeing as special conditions are basically Vile's weakness because it stops his power). So, with Vile EX out of the picture, who do we have left? Syther, perhaps a version of Zapdos or a Jumpluff line someone is experimenting with, and thats about it. Overall, not going to effect anything. If you want to get arid of a special condition, retreat the Syther (its free to anyway). What's 10 less damage for a Suicune EX? One energy - and since Suicune EX is normally comboed with Blastoise, that one energy really isn't going to effect much. The effects of this energy are just better seen on trainers. I could see it as a prevention to paralysis for grass Pokes... but still, not worth the one card slot :-\.

Something else I should point out is the wording on this card. It says "If the Pokémon that Holon Energy GL is attached to also has a basic [L] Energy card attached to it...." From the way it sounds there, it appears that the Poke has to have a grass energy AND a lightning energy to get the second effect. That's just flat out terrible. Is there an viable unlimited Poke that can have both grass energy and lightning energy attached to it without getting easily knocked out? Didn't think so (and if you answered Ho-oh, please seriously reconsider your knowledge of the game).

Unlimited Rating 1/5

~R Pac~

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