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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 3
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Kevin89 |
well, the only good thing about him is that you can use
his power once during your turn, which gets you up to 6
this seems kind of unnecessary with all the draw cards
it's hp is a bit low and it has a terrible weakness. I
wouldn't use it.
This is very hard, I think it's poke-power is extremely
useful here, but battle frontier stops it, and it's not
a great attacker either.
This card is good, but we already got a useful stage 1
in this format which I think, is better.
Magcargo doesn't get shut down by battle frontier and
it's first attack is useful in some situations.
but Porygon2 is definitely a good card.
no battle frontier here, thus making this card
it's a stage 1, it needs colorless energy, and has a
power which lets you draw cards, and it also is
colorless type (there are pretty much colorless-weak
pokemon in Delta Species) wow...just wow

~R Pac~
...Deck the halls with boughs of holly...
Today's card is Porygon 2 from Delta Species
Ah yes, my old friend of Porygon 2. I've always had a
thing for this Poke. He always seems to have something
really cool with him, like his power or attack, but
still falls just short of playable. And this one is no
exception :-\. Don't get me wrong, his power rocks the
hizouse. Think about the potential. Playing a turn 2
killer like raindance or Vile EX: use all your trainers
and Pokes to get everything set up, then use his power
to get a new hand. Wow. Talk about speed. He's even
colorless which makes him more splashable. Problem, is
that he's an evolution with a really crummy basic. So,
he rocks, its just the process of getting him that
doesn't work very well. Tyrogue bait. His low HP and
retreat cost will also be a problem if you are able to
get him out. I could see him work when someone already
has control of the game, but like always, just doesn't
see to make the cut of playable. Sorry Porygon 2...
maybe someday they'll make a good one of you. However...
...Tis the season to be jolly...
Unlimited Rating 2/5
~R Pac~