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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Thundachu |
Overview: I had to ask 3 people to find out who Hariyama
evolves from ;\. I like the Pokemon Power, Reverse Aura. As
long as you have more prizes then your opponent, damage done
by Hariyama is increased by 20, and damaged recieved to,
decreased by 20. Can come quite in handy depending on the
situation. The first attack it has, Slap Push, does 30.
Can't really comment on the energy cost for it, because the
resource Im using, doesnt have it listed (thanks
pokemon-tcg.com ;/). Second attack, Brick Smash, does 50
damage for 1 colorless, and 2 fire. What's good about that
attack, is that it isnt affected by resistance, powers,
bodies, or any other effects. Whats bad is, weakness doesnt
count either ;x. Hariyama's weakness is Psychic, which
shouldn't be a real problem. I dont see many psychic decks
these days. No resistance, and retreat of 1 is not very bad
Unlimited: Really, I dont see any reason to play it here.
Nothing really special. 2/5
Modified: same as Unlimited. Pretty average, and the second
attack's energy cost is a little high IMO. 2/5
Draft: Id play Makuhita from DS because it is a nice opener
in Draft, but the only reason Id play this is nice damage
not affected by resistance, and the Pokemon Power comes in
handy. 3.5/5

~R Pac~
Today's card is Hariyama from Delta Species
Rocking around the Christmas tree...
Speaking of rocks, we've get a Stage one evolution rock
Poke in here now. 80 HP is alright. His power is kinda
like the attacks on the shining Pokes where you need to
be losing or it really stinks, just not a drawback like
them. So, he's better when you're behind. 50 for a
double colorless energy is pretty good and 70 for two
fightning and a colorless is decent. The power basically
gives you a 40 point advantage (minus 20 on their
attacks, and plus 20 on yours) which is really nice.
Still, the evolution factor hurts this guy bunches.
Quick basics will tear him apart. And the part time
power isn't a positive. Good decks in unlimited are good
because they don't rely on chance. This guy just isn't
reliable enough to work out well. And fightning Pokes
are just about dead in Unlimited world. Overall, he
could rock around some people's Christmas tree, but not
going to change the environment much - if any.
Dont forget the reason for the season: "She will bear a
son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save
his people from their sins." Matt. 1:21
Unlimited Rating 2/5
~R Pac~

Kevin89 |
it's an ok card, but there are way better cards in this
I really like his poke-body, but 50 damage isn't enough
it has a type advantage here, being fighting is good
versus a lot of things now.
but it doesn't make much of an impact here, as 50 (or 70
when behind in prizes) still isn't good enough with all
the big-hitters in this format.
rather stick with his ex-counterpart.
I think this card really shines here, there are almost
no psychic pokemon in this set, and it's second attack
damages even through metal energy.
also, when you're behind on prizes, this card does 70
damage for 3 energy, or 50 for only 2 energy, and your
opponent has to do more than 20 damage to even hurt your
hariyama. this card can turn the game around for you.