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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.8
Modified: 2.1
Limited: 2.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Thundachu |
Snow-Cloud Castform
Overview: Besides the HP of 70, really, I dont see anything
special about Snow-Cloud Castform. The Pokemon Power,
Tempremental Weather reminds me of the Unown's powers. It
lets you search your deck for any other Castform and switch
it with Snow-Cloud Castform. The drawback is all damage and
special conditions still go with the new one lol. The
attack, Holon Blizzard, for 1 water energy, does 20 damage,
and if it has any Holon energy attached to it, does 10 to
each of your opponent's bench. Weakness to Metal makes
Metagross, Starmie, Salamence, and tons of other cards from
Delta Species, a problem to look out for ;x. Retreat of 2
seems a little high to me.
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: I would prefer to use the Unowns for their power
rather then the Castforms. They tend to be better, and there
is more of a selection ;x. 2/5
Draft: If you have multiple Castforms in your deck, I
suppose it could come in handy to use the Tempremental
Weather attack could come in handy to switch between
attacks. And 70HP is pretty good for a basic. 3/5
Scyther 21 |
Snow-cloud Castform
70 HP
This is a decent amount of HP for a basic pokemon;
giving the player at least some turns to get the game
started when played on the first turn as active.
Tempermental Weather is an okay power. The ability to
search your deck for any other Castform card is nice.
This power is pretty much the same as Deoxy's. The only
difference is that Deoxys seems to be a bit more
playable. I truly do not see any great decks coming from
this card; however, some of the best decks are least
Holon Blizzard
This attack does 20 damage to your opponent for one
water energy, which is pretty nice in the early game. It
has a furthur effect that allows for you to deal 10
damage to each of your opponents benched pokemon while
it has a Holon energy attached to it. There are not that
many Holon energies around; and the ones that do exist
are either not very good or should not be wasted on this
card just for this simple effect.
A weakness to steel used to not be so bad. However, with
this new set of pokemon part steel this card does lose
some power; although I do not see any major steel decks
forming aside from Scizor ex and possibly Steelix ex.
None. Any resistance is better than none.
Retreat Cost
Two. With a average retreat cost you should only play
this card as an active staller unless you can use TW to
switch Castforms. Otherwise not that good.
Unlimited: 1.7 this card was not made for unlimited. Too
many decks would overrun it.
Modified: 2.5 its pretty good but I just don't see any
true game-winning decks built around it or its forms
Limited: 3.5 this card can be pretty useful in this
format. With 70 HP and a attack that can deal a solid 20
damage first turn this card can win you some matches.

~R Pac~
Today's card is Snowcloud Castform from Delta Species
Could there be a more applicable Poke for the season?
Its been snowing up here like crazy lately and its
awesome :)
As much as we like to sing "let it snow, let it snow,
let it snow" this song definitely isn't talking about
this little critter. I dislike the castforms, and this
one is no exception. Terrible stats. Have to use Holon
Energy to work well. Doesn't evolve. High retreat cost.
I'm trying to think of something good... umm... well,
he's pretty safe from energy removal with his attack
only costing one energy :-\. So, though his power is a
nice concept which we've seen before on other Pokes, it
still isn't go to be viable in the unlimited world.
Still, if you would like to experiment with him for fun,
I suggest running no-removal gym (dispite what I said
earlier) so that you can keep that Holon Energy on him
and, of course, run his family with him seeing as that
is what these guys are all about.
Unlimited Rating 1/5
~R Pac~

Kevin89 |
another castform, with another temperamental weather
this castform has an offensive attack, which is only
good on your second or third turn, and after that turns
you'll probably want a more damaging attack.
the weakness is really nice, and the hp too.
I still think it's pokepower is a great advantage, you
can search for the castform your opponent's pokemon is
weak to, or just search for the right attack. (rain
castform HL for example).
it's attack is ok here, but only useful in your first
turns, as 20 damage is simply not enough damage.
Ouch, it's weakness can't be any worse for this format,
metal pokemon are everywhere, which is the major
downfall of this card.
I like both the attack and power in draft, as well as
the hp and attack costs.