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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.15
Modified: 4.5
Limited: 4.2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Thundachu |
Tyranitar Delta
Overview: Tyranitar Delta is good all around IMO. It's
Power, Crush Draw lets you reveal the top card of your deck,
and if it is a basic energy card, you can attach it to one
of your Pokemon. This comes in great use for a quick power
up of not only Tyranitar, but your bench as well, and
doesn't count towards your 1 energy per turn. I suggest
combining it with Magcargo with Smooth Over so you will be
able to know it is an energy. Tyranitar's attack, Delta
Crush, does 50 damage, plus an additional 20 if you discard
an energy attached to Tyranitar; for 1 colorless, 1 fire,
and 1 metal. Weakness is Grass, but for a 120HP stage 2,
retreat of 2 is fairly low, which is nice.
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: Teamed up with Macargo from Deoxys, it could fair
pretty well here. And adding Holon Research Tower, you wont
even need the metal energy to use the attack. 5/5
Draft: If you can manage to get the first 2 stages and this,
I highly suggest playing it. Espeacilly with Holon Research
Tower, it will work out extremley well I think. 4.5/5

~R Pac~
Today's card is Tyranitar from Delta Species
I must admit, I am a Tyranitar fan. His cards always
make me want to play him, but that crummy Larvitar ends
the chances of it working out. This one isn't one of the
better ones though. His power is okay... allows you to
break the one energy per turn rule, but its no raindance
or howl or anything. And what's up with that attack? A
fire, a colorless, and a metal (remember - its a special
energy card) to do only 50 damamge? And then you can
discard one of those (hopefully not the metal) to boost
it to only 70. That's ridiculous. Syther can do 60 turn
two with only a grass and a double colorless - and he's
a basic! Which, by the way, would knock out Tyranitar in
one hit because of his weakness (yeah, that would sting
a bit). Don't get me wrong, I like T-tar, I really do.
But this card is flat out worthless in unlimited
matches. Yes, he can use Holon Energy, but that's not
going to save him in this format. Playing him is like
sending Frosty to a tanning salon, except not as messy.
On an unrelated note, if this gets posted when it should
- its my first day of winter break :). Man I'm going to
be really excited when this gets posted!
Unlimited Rating 1/5
~R Pac~

Kevin89 |
Tyranitar [delta species]
yay, finally a decent card to review.
it's vulnerable to ER and scyther easily KO's it.
still, it's a decent card but it just doesn't fit here;
being a stage
2 really slows your deck.
using Recycle energy to discard is a funny idea though.
I really like this card, and it goes extremely well with
magcargo DX, magcargo can search for an energy card and
put it on top of your deck, ttar fetches it and then
attaches it to any of your pokemon.
Grass still doesn't see much play, so that's a big
advantage here.
Battle frontier stops the poke-power, but with magcargo
and counter stadia you should overcome it.
Ttar ex really fits in the magcargo/ttar [delta] deck,
but unfortunatly, ttar ex has 2 weakness, with one of
them being fighting.
it's a risky deck and you could run into the wrong deck
anytime, but it sure is fun to play and it could be very
powerful when it sets up.
Ttar [delta] is a decent attacker itself too, 50 damage
+ 20 more if you discard an energy.
It benefits from metal energy, and holon energy FF can
remove it's weakness if necessary.
overall it's a good card, and goes well with a lot of
things, it also is a great attacker and has nice stats.
The poke-power is very useful, but I doubt that you'll
have a good ttar line + metal energy. If so, go for it,
it's power is a very good thing about this card. energy
acceleration is very rare and useful in Limited.
the attack is very nice, but it requires a metal energy
and that's a problem, but 50 or 70 a turn is
game-winning, also, 120 hp should keep him alive.
weakness to grass seems no problem at all.