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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.1
Modified: 1.4
Limited: 3.4
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Otaku |
this review is too long? Skip straight to the scores and
EX Delta Species
1 (Evolves from Ponyta)
(R) Super Singe
Defending Pokémon is now Burned.
(RC) Stomp [30+]
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 10
more damage.
EX Delta Species
Rapidash is a Stage 1 Pokémon. Since it requires more
effort to get into play than a Basic, it should naturally be
more powerful than a Basic. Likewise, since it is easier to get
into play than a Stage 2, it shouldn’t as powerful as a Stage
2. It should be just a bit more powerful than some other Stage
2 Pokémon as it is the final Stage of its Evolutionary line.
is a Fire type, which is pretty solid: Resistance to Fire
Pokémon first hit back in EX Dragons, but since it only seems to
appear on “Dragon” Pokémon (a subtype that is part of the
Colorless category in the TCG), it’s still pretty rare. In
fact, of the 11 I can find, all Salamence (or its
previous Stages), and three are no longer even Modified legal.
70 HP
is pretty low: bare minimum if the Pokémon can Evolve into a
Stage 2… so it’s sub par for Rapidash. It also makes the
Water Weakness a little worse: Water normally needs extra Energy
to hit harder, but this means said excess isn’t needed. No
Resistance means that anything that hits for 70 scores a OHKO.
At least the bottom stats are rounded out with a nice free
retreat. This is as good as it gets.
This card just has two attacks. Super Singe looks overpriced to
me. Burn is to Poison as Sleep is to Paralysis: it needs to be
automatically inflicted for the same cost that the other is a
flip, otherwise its lame since there’s a chance it will have no
effect (though Burn won’t cure itself, making it less
pathetic). So even if this was a Basic, (R) for auto Burn just
seems weak. For a Stage 1, it’s definitely a rip-off.
is a little better. You get at least five more points of damage
than you pay for, and have a flip to get another 10 points of
damage of top of that. So you pay for 25 points of damage (or
20 with a flip for another 10) and get 30 with a chance at 40.
That’s like a “free” Colorless requirement being met. This is
Together, they have no real synergy, but at least they don’t
clash: you can Burn them when you can’t afford to Stomp.
Uses and
Nothing, really. It’s too weak to carry a deck, and it doesn’t
seem like a greaty addition to most decks, even if they need a
Fire line. After all, we have Smooth Over Magcargo for
1/5-I can think of no use for it that something else can’t do
1.5/5-If you somehow have a deck that needs a Fire Stage 1 line
with a free retreat cost, you got it. As you can see by the
score, I find that highly unlikely.
3/5-A nice, solid line. It won’t win you any games on its own,
but it can hold its own unless your opponent got something
really good. Here’s where low attack costs and a free retreat
pay off.
Sadly, they couldn’t bring themselves to add anything
particularly worth while to the card. It is a shame, but at
least it has nice art and is solid for Limited.
X-Act |
Rapidash Delta
Rapidash from EX Delta Species is a pretty mediocre
card. at least for now.
Its first attack, for a fire, burns the opponent, and
the second one, for a fire and a colorless, does 30 or
40 depending on the coin. It has just 70HP, which is a
bit low for a Stage 1 card, but this is compensated a
bit by the free retreat cost. All in all, quite
However, in the future, a Stadium card should be issued
that should help Rapidash a bit. It makes burn damage 40
damage instead of 20, and the burn isn't removed by
evolution. Even in the presence of such a gym, however,
Rapidash may not do much, since the opponent may well
change the gym, or search for it by playing something
like Scott. So, in the future, it will change from a
mediocre card to a slightly below average card. Nothing
to brag about, really.
Unlimited: There's no reason why you should play
Rapidash in Unlimited at all. The only reason a person
would play this is the hedonistic pleasure you'd receive
when seeing your Rapidash being shoved 160+ damage down
its throat by an unsuspecting Suicune ex. 1/5
Modified: Same thing here, actually. Even if your
opponent doesn't play any Water Pokemon, Rapidash would
find it difficult to take a prize card for you. An
evolution card that does a maximum of 40 damage never
won any games in Modified. 1/5
Draft: In Draft it's actually okay. Two cheap attacks,
free retreat, and a sure status inflicting attack makes
Rapidash a good draft. Be aware of its rather low HP,
however. 3.5/5
1234 |
Rapidash’s first attack is an auto-burn for one energy,
which is always a good thing; Just keep in mind, though
what are the chances that you’re actually going to use
“Super Singe”? It’s a one-energy attack and usually,
people don’t get evolved Pokémon out by turn one, so
this is not very practical. So on turn two, for one
energy, you could be doing an attack that does an
average of 10 damage between turns. There are at least
24 evolutions out there that can do auto burn/poison for
one energy (and some, like Nidoqueen [RG], can double
poison). If that’s what you’re looking for, there are
better cards than Rapidash.
The second attack does an average of 35 damage per turn
for two energy (1R). Perhaps if, you could do 30 damage
to a benched for two energy, that would work; or perhaps
it caused a special condition in addition to 30 damage.
But no, this attack only lets you do 10 additional
damage when you flip heads.
Rapidash’s HP of 70 is slightly compensated for with a
zero retreat cost, however, it’s HP just isn’t high
enough, IMO. It has bad attacks, low HP, and no Poké-Power/Body.
Unlimited: There aren’t any real playable Rapidash in
this format there except maybe Rapidash [RG] (but even
then, I’ve never seen anyone play it in any format).
Rapidash [DS], with its low HP, could be easily OHKOed.
Modified: Harder to OHKO it here, but still, none of the
Rapidash here are very playable. But, if you insist, use
the one from RG. 1.1/5
Limited: Don’t draft it. It’s not worthless, but it’s
pretty close. The only thing this Pokémon has going for
it is its zero retreat cost. 1.5/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Kevin89 |
With alot of water here this card sucks completely =)
there is nothing special about this card...
probably meant as a back-up attacker, but it doesn't
have anything special in this format too, 30/40 damage
is way too few and it just isn't worth the space in your
Actually awesome here as it has no retreat costs, has
low attack costs, and does a pretty nice amount of
damage for only 2 energy here, and it's hp is good for a
stage 1.
it's an uncommon which makes it more likely to get a 2-2
line of Rapidash.
it can inflict burn too, but that is just a little extra
and I guess you'll rarely use it.
Dallas Dalton |
Rapidash- The new delta rapidash brings back feint
memories of blain's rapidash. The difference, Blaine's
Rapidash was good, this one is bad.
there's not much to say really, a medicore card at it's
very best. Stomp is pretty cheap to use but it won't get
you too much.
Unlimited- 1
Modified 1.5
Limited- 3.0- In limited, 2 energy to possibly do 40 and
then another attack for burn is pretty good for a stage
one, just the problem is that it's got a lower than
desired HP.
Till next time,
Dallas Dalton