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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dark Slowking
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 2.5
Limited: 2
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Thundachu |
Dark Slowking
Overview: This scan was a pain in the neck to find. Pokemon
Power, Cunning, allows you to look at the top card of your
opponents deckand then shuffle it, once per turn. This can
come greatly useful if you find out your opponent has an ex
pokemon on the way such as Blaziken, or Gardevoir, etc. Then
the attack, Litter does 20 damage. but lets you discard upto
2 Pokemon Tools/Rocket Secret Machines from your hand, in
order to do 30 more damage for each one you discarded. This
attack I think is pretty good, considering you can do upto
80 damage, for just 1 colorless and 1 psychic energy.
Retreat cost of 1 is reasonable for having 80HP(also nice),
and a weakness to Grass as well can be a problem depending
on who you are facing.
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: Would get eaten by the pokemon-ex, but the power,
and upto 80 for 2 energy IMO, is worth atleast giving it a
chance. 3/5
Draft: IMO, it is pretty nice card here, and if I drafted
it, I would play it. Reason being, the pokemon power,
Cunning, if played correctly, can ruin your opponent from
getting the useful cards he/she drafted into play, giving
you the game.
ZachEX |
Name: Dark Slowking
Set: Team Rocket Returns
Number: 9/109
Combos: Umm. I could see it in a Primetool deck with FRLG
Primape and tools. Also a couple Rocket's Meowth
Unlimited: 1/5
Don't use it. End of story.
Draft: 1/5
Kind of a waste here if you ask me. 6 packs isn't a great
chance of getting rocket's secret machines or poketools.
Litter won't help a ton either.
Modified: 3/5
A little better here with the choice of making all tool deck
with Primape and Rocket's Meowth.

Meganium45 |
OK, fall off your
chairs...NOW...I am back with a review.
Dark Slowking....my certainly does not match the force of
the OLD Neo Genesis Slowikng, but it it worth playing????
Dark and Psychic Type....OK, it will take out Dark Gengar...but
anything else???
Weak to Grass, not psychic...hmmm this could be interesting.
Yeah, Garde, and other decks that are now rogues....
Let's look at the power....you can look at the top card of
your opponent's deck, and then choose whether or not to
shuffle...would have been great in the days of oracle...and
if the new Magcargo (check the translations) comes
out...could be useful again....at this point cute but not
game breaking...but it could be before its time.
The attack, does have some potential, if you can dump the
right cards. Double Rainbow energy can even work here, but
with all the rock/amphy decks around, only use them if you
are planning to be able to recover from the energy loss.
The ability to do 80 on turn 2 could be quite attractive,
and hard for any deck to deal with.
Overall, I think this is a card that could be toyed with
when the Deoxys set comes out, but will end up just behind
Dark Hypno, Garde, and others as a power psychic hitter.
Modified - much better choices here - 2.0/5
Limited - I would take it, as the Slowpokes are an easy
pull....and the attack is low energy enough to work, and
messing with your opponent's next card could be devastating.
Unlimited....um, no. 1/5

Johnny Blaze |
Dark Slowking - We want some form of Mind Games back not
Mankey’s Peek.
Dark Slowking’s Power Cunning is exactly a peek. Once during
turn, before you attack, look at the top card of your
opponents deck and then you may shuffle your opponent’s
deck. With the prevalence in Pidgeot seen in many decks now
adays Cunning gets overshadowed by Quick Search.
Dark Slowking’s only attack Litter is simply not worth it
until they reprint cards like Traveling Salesman or cards
that allow you to recurse Pokemon Tools and Secret Machines
from your discard pile to your hand.
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 1/5
Jaeger |
Todays Card of the Day is Dark Slowking from the Team Rocket
Returns Set.
Type Dark/Psychic, Psychic Pokemon are usually weak to
psychic and some fighting and grass pokemon to but it also
seems like psychic is the most common resistance.
Retreat Cost: Not much to say here one is pretty cheap and
usually easy to pay.
Weakness: There are not a ton of grass decks going around
but you will still see some but just make sure to balance
your weakness and you will be fine.
Hit Points: 80HP is not terrible for a stage 1 but you could
always combo it with Rocket Hideout so then it would have
Poke Power: This power is really not good but its not bad
either you can at least have some control over what your
opponent is drawing but most of the time they will just
quick search or Celio's Network, etc. for what they want
Attack: THis attack could hit for up to 80 but most of time
your going to want to keep you pokemon tools and Ricket
Secert Machines or you will play them as soon as you get
Summary: Dark Slowking falls short of being a good card or a
threat so I would just leave him in your fun decks or in a
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 1.5/5
Drift None |
I always miss mondays for some reason. I blame Halo 2, and
the fact that my PS2 is working again so I have like....christmas
games still unplayed, always a joy. Review time, Onward with
TRR! This to me has been a very intresting and fun set, card
wise and because James has always been funny and intresting.
Dark Slowking
Stage 1
80 HP
Type: Psy/Dark
Weakness: Grass
Retreat. 1 colorless
Slowking seems intresting at first glance, maybe due to the
duel Psy/Dark and the weakness to grass? That puzzles me,
and theres not alot of grass play so maybe the appel lies
there. The 80 HP is not somethign to get worked up over
though, lets see if the attacks Dark Slowking has make this
thing worthy of a deck.
Poke Power: Cunning
Once during your turn(before you attack), You may look at
the top card of your opponet's deck. Then you may shuffle
his or her deck. The power can't be used if Dakr Slowking is
affected by a special condition.
This would prove useful if your opponet used some power or
trainer/supporter to try getting a quick lead on you,
disruption is always annoying and fun( pending whos on what
side). Also Dark Slowking won't need to be your active
Pokemon allowing you to use the power without putting
slowking in harms way. Your Opponet well either start
playing certain trainers smart, or not playing them all
untill they rid the field of Dark Slowking.
Litter: 20+
Cost: 1 psychic, 1 colorless
You nay discard a combination of up to 2 Pokemon Tool cards
and Rocket's Secrect Machine cards from your hand. If you
do, this attack does 20 plus 30 more damage for each card
you discard.
Well, I didnt check the ruleing on this attack. You know
some players well argue you on the word " And" Trying to
discard up to 4 cards. In either case your not going to be
able to fill your hand fast enough to do decent damage on
anouther pokemon.
Unlimted: Gust of wind well be the Grim Reaper, even putting
Neo Slowking would not be enough, too many spaces are gone
and easy prizes for your opponet.
Rank: 1/5
Mod: No I say, you have more useful slots in your deck. More
power, more speed, more ability, You can find something
else, You could surprise some people definitly but how long
could it keep up?
Rank: 1/5
Draft: TRR has enough intresting draft cards for anyone, if
this came by me...I would likely take it. Stage 1, decent
Hp, 20 damage does a good amount in draft and if you do pick
it up just take all those trainer/supporter cards no one
else would want.

yume usagi |
Dark Slowking
Dark Slowking is silly. This little purple pokemon with his
umbrella/clown/Elizabethan collar on… but whatever happened
to slobro?
I really adore this card, although I don’t think that in and
of itself, it is a game winner, but he sure can be a great
supporting card to a deck.
Hit Points: 80
Better than the average stage 1 pokemon, if only by just a
little bit.
Cunning: Poke-Power
This is one of the better poke-powers out there, it makes me
think of poker games with card counting and poker faces. I’m
sure that some of you may want to leave this open for debate
so let me explain first.
First, is the power itself, allowing you to once a turn,
look at the top card of your opponents deck and you may then
choose to shuffle their deck.
You can see everything that your opponent has in play, in
their discard, all of it. You can take a look at that, take
a look at what their next draw is and, if its something they
need you can greatly reduce the chances of them getting that
card. Or if its something they don’t need, you can just
leave it there.
The second reason that I like this poke-power gets a little
esoteric, but just think about it. You can put your grubby
little hands all over your opponents deck once a turn. I
don’t mean this as an opportunity to cheat/stack the
deck/ruin their cards because that’s just scummy, but many
people are rather protective of their tourney decks, and
just the physical act of picking up the deck and messing
with it can be extremely distracting.
Litter: CP 20+
This attack is neat. Itty-bitty cost for a possible 80
damage, YAY!! There is quit a bit of draw power running
around out there, so loading up your hand with the
Poke-Tools and Rocket’s Machines shouldn’t be very
I do think that this attack is better suited for Unlimited
myself due to the larger number of tools and machines
available as well as more options to get them back into your
hand and deck.
Retreat: 1
Not bad, not bad.
Unlimited: 4.5
Modified: 4
Limited: 4
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