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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- EX Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.15
Modified: 3.9
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
jay2007 |
Today's Card of the Day is Crobat EX 96/107. Personally, I
think they did a really good job on the artwork on this
Type: There are a few Pokemon that are resistant to grass;
Dark Dragonite for example. There are also some Pokemon that
are weak; Nidoqueen and Dark Tyranitar are a couple of the
more common ones.
Retreat Cost: What's there to say? It's free.
Weakness: Electric Pokemon seem to becoming more common;
Dark Ampharos, Dark Electrode, and Zapdos EX are some of the
more common ones.
Resistance: A resistance to fighting is always nice to see
since there are good fighting decks in this format.
Poke Power: 10 extra damage may not seem like alot but it
adds up pretty quickly. It's like your getting a free
Strength Charm or Pluspower with each of your attacks and it
does not even have to be on their active Pokemon; the only
complaint I can find with this power Is Crobat EX has to be
active to use it.
Hit Points: 130 Hit Points seems to be a little low for a
stage 2 Pokemon EX; I usually like to see 150HP for a stage
2 EX, but it's not too bad.
Attack 1(Cross Attack): Two energy is pretty cheap for a
decent attack, but I don't like attacks that rely on
flipping coins to do their damage. But if you flip 4 coins,
the odds are that 2 of them would be heads which would be
enough to confuse them.
Attack 2(Pester): Three energy(GGC) for 60, possibly 100, is
pretty cheap; the only downside with this attack is most
special conditions either go away at the end of the turn or
your opponent will retreat out of them.
Summary: Crobat EX has good attack for a reasonable to cheap
amount of energy, so you don't have to spend a lot of time
powering up. Its hit points is a little lower than I like to
see in a stage 2 EX, but what it lack in hit points it more
than makes up for in
every other aspect. I don't believe that this card will have
a drastic affect on the
Modified format, but I do believe you will see them around
and that it will be something to watch out for.
Unlimited: 2.5/5
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Jermy101 |
Crobat ex is good and combos with a few cards. First the
poke-power Distortion. Putting 10 damage on your opponent
each turn is very good, and if you have 2 Crobat ex in play
you can keep retreating once a turn to do 2 of his powers
for 20 total damage to the oppponent. Cross attack is above
average usually doing 40 damage plus confusion for only CC.
The Pester attack combos with Dark Crobat. Poison with Dark
Crobat's power, retreat, then do Crobat ex's power, then
pester for 100 to do 120 total damage that turn. It is weak
to Lightning so watch out for Zapdos. The free retreat is
great for switching between Crobat ex's.
Unlimited - Stage 2s with heavy energy costs just don't work
in this format. 1/5
Modified - This is where it's good, using the combos from
above. 4/5
Limited - If you get at least 1 Zubat and 1 Golbat throw
this in. It works and is decent. 3/5

Johnny Blaze |
Crobat-ex – We finish of
this week with the Bat that has been hotly anticipated to
make a return in this format. Yes we do have Crobat from
Hidden Legends but Crobat-ex brings back memories and
attacks from Gatr days. You see when Riptide Feraligatr was
popular back in the days a card named Crobat came on the
scene and with Feraligatr’s weakness to Grass, Crobat’s
Cross Attack was able to OHKO in one hit if all heads were
rolled. If 2 heads were rolled it was still dishing out 80
damage with the addition of Confusion.
Now that we are done reminiscing, lets talk about Crobat-ex.
Cr-ex also has the same Cross Attack and now adds on with
its Poke-Power Distortion and its 2nd attack Pester.
Distortion lets you place 1 damage counter on any of your
opponent’s Pokemon while Cr-ex is active before you attack.
Pester for 1G + 2C can dish out a total of 100 damage if the
opponents active Pokemon is effected by a Special Condition
and 60 if they are not effected.
Unlimited: 2.5/5 – Average in this format. With Distortion
and some Plus Powers you can be dealing an extra 50 damage
for that attack. Of course Cr-ex will be susceptible to
Energy Removal and Lightning types.
Modifed: 4/5 – I anticipate that Cr-ex will be very popular
in the months to come thus spurning the ever annoying Dark
Ampharos decks to remain in play. In addition to Crobat-ex,
this whole new set wipes out any chance of Team Magma
retaining its title in the upcoming year.
Limited: 3/5 – If you can manage to pull off the entire
evolution lines then play it. It can be splashed with multi-
colors and can just wreck havoc on your opponent