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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3
Modified: 3.8
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Johnny Blaze |
Metagross – Yet another
Metagross to add to the arsenal. This Metagross is purely
Psychic, however it can benefit the other 2 Metagross out
there with its Poke-Power Super Connectivity. You see once
during your turn you may take a Psychic or Metal energy from
your discard pile and attach it to your active Pokemon. That
Pokemon then takes 1 damage.
I see this Metagross as purely tech in most instances since
it has one and only one attack, Link Blast. Link Blast is
dependent on the amount of energies on the defending Pokemon.
Most good players will play around Link Blast to make its
attack base stay at a measly 40.
Unlimited: 2/5 – Its Poke-Power is decent as it can counter
act the heavy removal environment of Unlimited. With
removals of your own it is a lot easier to manipulate Link
Blast to your advantage. Watch out for the Psychic
resistance though.
Modified: 3/5 – It can do a surprise 140 to any Psychic weak
Pokemon and with boost Energy back in rotation I can expect
to see Gardy/Gardy-ex decks come back in play. But as I
stated before this Metagross works a lot better as a backup
to Metagross-ex and HL Metagross.
Limited: 4/5 – Get this at the pre-release my friend was
able to draft a 3-2-2 line it was ridiculous I saw him open
the boosters myself. He got a regular holo and reverse holo
Metagross in the same pack. But with all the Deoxys that
were played it killed Metagross weakness. I think he went
3-2. Either way if you can draft it, Metagross is actually
decent to play in sealed.
Jaeger |
Todays Card of the day is Metagross.
Weakness: Not alot to say here; most Psychic Pokemon are
weak to Psychic, but if you balance your weakness, you
should be fine.
Retreat Cost: Two is about what you expect to pay for a
stage 2, it's high enough that you don't want to pay it, but
low enough that you can afford to pay it.
Hit Points: Once again a 100HP is about what you would
expect for a stage two non-EX.
Attack 1(Link Blast): The attack is kind of weak for a stage
2, but you could use the Poke-Power and get the same amount
of energy on it as the defending Pokemon. But the main thing
this attack has is low energy requirements; for just 2
energy you hit for at least 40, so you could send it up
completely unpowered and get the energy needed to attack on
it in the same turn(attach energy from hand then use the
power to grab one from the discard).
Poke Power: This is a great power mostly for the reason it
so versatile since the energy does not have to go on a
psychic or Metal pokemon. It also has so many uses beyond
just powering up for an attack; for example, instead of
wasting a turn to power up and retreat, you can instead use
the power. Yes, it takes ten, but you didn't waste your
energy for the turn, and of course, if you have more than
one in play, you can use the power more than once, so you
can quickly power up huge attackers. There are only two real
downsides to this power I can see; one is that you have to
attach the energy to the active Pokemon, and the second is
that you have to put one damage counter on the Pokemon, but
most of time this is a small price to pay especially if its
Metal energy, since it reduces the damage done to you by ten
anyway or if you combo it with Bellosom it becomes almost
free. But both of these downsides are minor.
Summary: Metagross is far more a bench warmer than a
attacker. It's probably not going to be 1 hit KOing
anything, but it is not terrible if you actually need to
attack with it. But mainly it gave certain decks the speed
to power up quickly, like Metagross for one, but there are
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 3.8/4
Limited: 3.5/5